Gardening Supplies

What is “Fantasy Self” Clutter (& how to let it go!)

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Video about Decluttering Your Fantasy Self by Nena Lavonne:


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Decluttering by Faith Devotional:


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This takes place in a private Facebook group. Here’s what you can expect:
– 5-10 minute videos each weekday with guided decluttering tasks
– monthly themes, weekly challenges
– 1 hour live guided decluttering sessions twice a month for accountability
– encouragement & support from other members
– cost is $11/month

This is ideal if you’re looking for more motivation & accountability.

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This workbook is designed to walk you through decluttering each area of your home in 15 minute lessons.

– 168 full color pages
– easy to follow lessons designed for limited time & energy
– our key concepts (like inventory, the silent to-do list, the endowment effect & more) are spread throughout the book, too

Ideal for those looking for a self-paced guidebook to declutter their home quickly & efficiently.

The workbooks are $20 (digital or spiral bound)
Shipping: $4 flat rate domestic US

Find more details here:


Declutter Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day course:

In the Declutter Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day course we go through the workbook, breaking down specific areas of your home in detail to be able to declutter faster and with more confidence. If you want to know specifics (like how many of each thing to keep) this course is for you.


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“Get Your Life Back” by John Eldredge:

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:: M O S T P O P U L A R O N O U R B L O G R I G H T N O W ::

Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake:

Teacher Gift Ideas:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars:

Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake:

Minimalist Meal Planning System:

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:: M O S T P O P U L A R V I D E O S R I G H T N O W ::

57 Things We No Longer Buy:

Organized Minimalist HOUSE TOUR:

Cook MORE, Clean LESS:

How to Declutter WITHOUT Making a Mess:

The Silent To-Do List:


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🖤 Tripod:

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  1. Go to to get up to $200 off your mattress, plus two free pillows! We can't say enough good things about our mattress! And I hope this helps declutter Fantasy Self items…this will bring SO much freedom to your home and life!!! All my best, Dawn

  2. Oh gosh, my wife so needs to watch this but I know if I show her it I’m just going to get shouted at “you’re just trying to make me get rid of stuff again”. She’s had the cut out pieces of a sewing pattern in a bag under the bed for about 7 years now, I’m not allowed to get rid of it and it’s my fault it’s still there and never gets made because I never take the time to teach her how to sew apparently. A therapist once told her she needed to work on something she’s passionate about so she bought a pattern and the fabric but forgot to mention to the therapist that she doesn’t even know how to thread the machine but now it’s all my fault because I won’t “help” (read teach her from scratch). This is just one of her many fantasy self projects that never get past the starting blocks so I may just bite the bullet and show her the video, nothing to loose I guess because the sewing project will remain under the bed until I die regardless 🙈

  3. …. I find myself thinking "Dawn gave me permission to throw this out" …. thank you.

  4. I heard of this concept of our fantasy selves a couple of years ago and it really resonated. My fantasy self loves to bake and make bread, and loves to have people over to entertain, all while looking gorgeous in perfectly done hair and makeup, and still finds the time to run and spin on the daily. In truth, I used to run years ago, and spin once or twice a week and never bake and do not enjoy entertaining ! So…. I’ll be cleaning out a lot of my bakeware and workout clothing! Great presentation in this video!

  5. I really like the white writing overlay on your blank wall. Clever and looks cool. Well done lady. Also intro was super cute. 🙂

  6. They say that if you have a lot of books that your kids will be smarter and I think it is helpful for parents to have books. It was helpful for my parents to have books that I could read. I love to go into my grandma's house and she had books and I could read
    When I read something, it might be beneficial to have them for my children. (Like you share with us) your cookbooks your daughter might be like, but who knows if you have a place for her books

  7. This was funny bc when the video began, you were perfectly describing me! I always make cookies bc well, it's fun to me and I love to eat cookies. Knitting dish scrubbies and a hat currently too. I am two minutes in and wondering if you'll talk about retrieving the daily load of laundry to hang dry and begin to clean something which I love LOL On the flip side, the house has needed to be painted for several years!! We moved in 2016 and the builder's grade flat paint is looking badly. But my husband & I are NOT good with projects bc he HATES them and I procrastinate on them bc I am waiting on him to help me and so I just keep on happily knitting, baking, cleaning, and cross stitching, etc….oh yeah!! And READING or retrieving books from the library. I hope that you are still reading Dawn bc my fantasy self wants to paint-paint-paint and do home projects but they never get done. I watch your vids and think, how does she have the motivation to um…paint?! hahaha Another fantasy of mine is to have not quit piano lessons as a child so that I could play beautiful hymns instead of um..nothing. (We do not even own a piano )

  8. In university I bought so much felt for crafting with and also for going into child care…and the amount of craft stuff just grew and grew…how often did I or do I craft now? Hardly! Mainly because of how overwhelming it is! Hahaa definitely could do with going through my stuff and slim it down so when I do craft I'm less overwhelmed by what I have 👍🏻

  9. Instead of books I watch tons of stuff like documentaries on YouTube and TV 👍🏻 so I don't have any books yelling at me to read them or making me feel bad🤣

  10. After watching your videos on this topic before, I let go of an entire huge container that I could barely carry myself, filled with all the happy planners and stickers and scrapbooking supplies. My fantasy self puts together beautiful memory keeping books and planners for my family and decorates her paper calendars with all the fun stickers that are so inspiring! Turns out, my real self with two little kids now can only handle the calendar in my phone that I actually have with me everywhere I go 😂 I also let go of 80 sessions of pre-purchased personal training sessions at a gym that I have been holding on to for the last 8 years, convinced that I will of course go back to working out with a trainer and be fit and toned once again…well the gym membership has been “frozen” for the last 3 years and it was finally time to just cut the cord and move on so I can stop hating myself every month I saw that stupid $10 charge for my frozen gym membership!!! I feel like I can breathe much easier lately 🙌🙌🙌 grateful for you Dawn 😊

  11. This was a game changer for me. My Bestie is a musician and singer. I always wanted to be like her. I would buy all the things to learn the ukelele or the guitar and then just look at it in the corner. I don't like playing instruments and I can't sing well. She still encourages me to join her but it isn't me. I've narrowed down my craft supplies to the two or three things I enjoy as well. Getting rid of the "guilt" over the fantasy self was very freeing.

  12. About art and craft supplies… im a professional artist, in the past several years i has about three solo exhibitions per year, each with completely new bodies of work. And plenty of group exhibitions too. I do embroidery, make objects, paint and draw in several different mediums. I dont have a dedicated art space, art happens on the kitchen table and floor. All my art supplies, minus the papers and stretched frames, they fit onto two narrow shelves.

    The point of this intro? Believe me when i say that we need far less art and craft supplies than we do. Way less. You can let go of almost everything, and still have enough to create a lot of different projects. If you are blessed with a decicated crafting space, dont store too much guilt in form of unused supplies.

  13. The beginning of this video was awesome and really helped drive the point home! Well done on another amazing video. I always look forward to the next one.

  14. I imagined myself as a horsewoman. I now have an 18-acre horse farm with tractors, horses, hay sheds, manure sheds. The list goes on… that is a REALLY big decluttering adventure!

  15. I had an entire drawer filled with workout tops and leggings from when I went to the gym 5 days a week. That was 5 years ago. The gym closed and my knees are shot so that part of my life is over and as much as it pains me to look at those expensive leggings, I don't wear them and they make me feel guilty. So last night I emptied the entire drawer into a bag to donate. Now I got a whole drawer in my dresser back!!! Thanks for the motivation Dawn!

  16. So I had a fantasy version of me where my kids were turned out perfectly, lived in the dream house (designed by us), house was always clean and we ate organic food, worked out in my home gym… I got a lot of it because my partner got his dream job. BUT he was away, the kids missed him, I did not use the home gym and the organic food went off quickly as I had no time to cook it becoming a single parent Monday-thursday. It's good to have fantasies and dreams, but its important to realise nothing is perfect. A parent at school told me my life was amazing as her kids were running around laughing with their dad, I wish she knew. I'm not moaning my life is truly a blessed one but no more so than when I appeared outwardly to have less.

  17. I have ADHD so in addition to fantasy me stuff- who is basically a person who makes everything by hand 🤣🤣🤣🤣- I also have hobbies that I love, lose interest in and pick back up again and attachments to strange things like, tables, any source of light, anything glass and baking pans/casserole dishes. Interestingly, I hate to cook…….sigh

  18. Really, you have to be taken the piss? It wouldn't take as long to declutter the White House
    and Buckingham Palace. I challenge you to look at Kilimanjaro Mama for real Minimalism.

  19. What if it’s crafting supplies I am holding onto for a craft I very much enjoyed but had to put on the back burner for a change/season of life? I’m decluttering these supplies to reduce inventory but do hope I will be able to use the materials in the future. Any tips?

  20. My fantasy self reads books, cooks for my family, has cute decor, keeps her house clean. It's literally the basics my fantasy self is efficient at her job. I've decluttered a lot and have a lot more to go. For now I'm taking care of an infant and myself ❤

  21. I retired my fantasy life self when I retired from work life self and designed what my leisure life self would be…wish I had done that in my 40s

  22. This is awesome content Dawn! Keep it up. My fantasy self knitted, crocheted, cross-stitched and sewed my own clothes. My real self buys what I want to wear….keeping my inventory in mind of course!

  23. I appreciate this way of looking at things. I think this is going to help me tremendously! I am watching a couple videos of yours a day, and it is keeping me motivated! Thank you!

  24. 1 way to declutter in layers is to use the calendar – 1st day of month get rid of 1 thing, day 2 get rid of 2 more, etc and by day 31 you have decluttered about 500 items either meant for trash or donated

  25. I need to see a collab between Dawn and Karen Brown! Karen does a quilting declutter challenge every year on her channel (Just Get It Done Quilts) and has the same kind and encouraging spirit.

  26. This also applies to our kids. I bought my kids a game (among other gifts for Christmas). They didn't open the game and after weeks went by and I realized they probably had aged out of that type of game, I returned it. Everybody is fine with it. I agree Dawn, there are different times we and our kids are into certain things and we can't feel guilty because we move into different stages. Which reminds me, I probably should look through games and books to pass on to people that are in the stage they are intended. Thanks so much Dawn! You made my day!

  27. My fantasyself(s) is a breadbaking, knitting ,sowing, spinning and creates cool drawings or whatever who is always welldressed in either french style, bohostyle, trifthy-nature, cool minimalist style, or even dress your truth style (my clothingstyle is a thing I'm working on) wanna be instagrammer multitasking cool middle aged woman but my real self is a middle aged woman who loves her skinny bleu jeans with a black/brown tee or a sweater I eat bought bread, bakes a cookie now and then, doesn't knit, sow or spin and only sometimes create cool drawings….I admit I have a lot to do about my fantasy-selfs…by seeing this video I know where to start! 👍🏼🙋🏻‍♀️

  28. I am looking for the comment of the book regarding women and how our hormones affect us. I would like the name of the book if I can. I went looking but could not find it

  29. I am recently retired and now have “all the time in the world”. Supposedly. I have had multiple fantasy selves over the years and now must decide which ones to follow through with. I like your idea of setting a date and time to work on each. I know that scrapbooking has been one I have felt guilty about for years and I love the idea but actually doing it makes me feel inadequate, not creative enough or just not to my perfectionist ideals. I am hoping that I can shed those ideals and just get the books done! We will see! 19:12

  30. Past life self: Banker, teacher, mom, wife, scrapbooker, stamper, in-home party mom club. Fantasy self: Trophy wife who cleans in heals, crafts afterwards and has dinner by 6 so the grandkids can visit. Lol real self? Stumbles around all day looking at the craft room that's been decluttered and organized only to realize I'm just shifting stuff around to feel better about it.

  31. Thank you so much for saying “there’s nothing wrong with you!” I needed to hear that. 🥺🤗🥰

  32. You are so smart! I love the different ways you approach clutter. You’re the only decluttering expert I can watch because you always have a fresh take. Plus you listen to books. It’s not as if you’re refusing authorial content! You rock, keep it up.

  33. Thank you for the scarf and cookies!😉. What a great video . I never heard of a “fantasy self”. I just found out my fantasy self “loved” scrapbooking. I have supplies galore. Walking into any craft store was a party for my eyes, not to mention scrapbooking conventions. I stopped buying scrapbooking stuff years ago but have been able to use the supplies when it comes to school projects for my kids. Thanks for the video!

  34. Thank you for introducing me to this concept. Loved the little clips of all your fantasy "selves!"

  35. My name is Rosie and I am a fit, slim, linguist, painter of beautiful pictures and baker of my own bread. I also make the most wonderful smoothies, grow crystals and plants and knit/crochet my own jumpers and afghans.
    Truth is that I do/did own all the sports equipment, still cant speak Spanish, French, Turkish and Japanese more than Hello, my name is Rosie and I want a ham and cheese sandwich. The smoothie maker was a pain to clean and all the fruit I liked was out of season hence too expensive to just throw in the mixer. My talent for painting was minimal, my talent for making afghans was non existent and the plants died on me, even the air plants! I discovered that the idea of making or doing all these things was a lot more appealing than actually doing them.
    My fantasy self had to be scaled down to watching Spanish telenovelas with subtitles while cycling on my stationary bike, the plants are artifical and I bought an afghan which I never use but it looks great on the sofa. Hooray!

  36. The thing that comes to mind most in my house are the really nice sleeping bags my wife and I bought before we had kids. Our kids hate camping. I have used mine sparingly over the last decade and not at all in the last 6 years. They take up so little space though and we have gotten rid of the rest of our camping stuff. Just have a hard time letting those go. Too old to sell, too nice to throw out. Small potatoes in the grand plan though.

  37. My fantasy self is a gardener of flowers and vegetables. Such great hopes and plans every spring only to feel guilty by early summer. I let most of that fantasy go in return for self-permission to buy vegetables at the farmers market and plant a few herbs each year. I am a knitter and a beginner sewer (sewist?) and I got all the equipment second hand so very little guilt involved if I find I have to let that go later in life. This is a very helpful video. Thank you.

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