Gardening Supplies

Garden Mistakes in Winter (how I fix them)

At the end of winter, we gardeners, are super excited for beautiful spring to arrive and we can make those late winter mistakes which can damage our gardens and cost us our plants. I am walking in my garden and sharing my view on those problems and how to address them.

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  1. We’ve been facing cold & snow, which has prevented me from killing my garden with kindness. It will be Easter before I will get to my roses. Our frost ends around the middle of May☹️.

  2. I don't do much in the winter either. I cut back some perennials in fall and do the rest in spring. I'm in zone 5b Canada and haven't had much snow or cold temperature so far. It's -1 C right now. We were getting a lot of rain though. At least you don't have to shovel that. I don't usually prune my roses back until early May when growth starts. My last frost date is mid May. Bonny

  3. Ooh gardening inspiration. We've had a 'proper' winter here in the UK this year…today was sunny and I was tempted to garden but it's still frosty so I will hold back on the pruning and tidying for a few weeks yet. Best to leave the garden a little messy during winter for the birds xx Happy gardening Olga ❤

  4. Very strange CT winter this year. If this is where New England is heading yearly, time to learn on how to plant some palm trees in the garden! I've been getting plenty of rain, but worry about the rain then freezing, thawing, freezing, etc., etc. It is very important to add more compost, etc throughout the season I think. I am anticipating an early spring this year and can't wait for all of my perennials to just burst forth!

  5. Lots of good information, thank you! (P.S. Your arborvitaes always looks so lush and healthy!)

  6. Olga you mentioned you would do away with your lawn but are keeping for the children to play on, I would be interested to know what you would replace it with thankyou

  7. Here in Wilmington NC the record once in a generation cold hit us in its form down here. A string of days with nights in the 20s and day time temps in the mid to high 30s! Our only rose concern was two 1st year David Austin's "Bathsheba" we grew up in two 20gal ceramic pots to go on an arch this year. Fortunately they didn't even lose their leaves. No worry about the ones in the ground. On the other hand our six flats of Pansys surrounding the house were a different story. Jack dead heads and feeds them liquid bloom booster once a week and by the spring when it's time for them to come out they are a beautiful 12" hedge. He spent a few hours the first week cutting away all the frost bit leaves before feeding again. Then another 9 days later he deadhead again taking longer since he cut away the last of the dead leaves. Worst was the run across he front of the house since it's heavy shade. They were blooming nicely after that first run through and are now back on their way to that hedge. The six pots of winter annuals with thrillers, fillers, and spillers came into the garage to avoid the damage. Coldest ever in this area and we've been here since 89 but it set records everywhere it hit.

  8. Excellent video! Draining the hose is something my dad drilled into me. 😂

    I’d be interested in a whole video on evergreens sometime. You’ve shared a lot of helpful tidbits here and there in videos. I want to add some evergreens to my garden next year. If you remember the pictures I sent… we have a beautiful view. I want the garden to feel private without totally blocking the view. I want some grounding ones that get 10-15 feet than fill the in between with 4-6 foot ones.

  9. I live in NH. My roses are decimated every year by rose sawflies. I don't want to use a pesticide. They are all 3 years old and under. Insecticidal soap did not work. Any suggestions. Maybe I have to wait until the natural predators move in?

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