Gardening Supplies

Plans for 2023

Another growing season is starting, so it is time for another “Plans for …” video where I list all the things I hope we will be able to do this year! There is already a lot going on in this RED Gardens Project, most of which will continue with some major and lots of minor refinements. And there are new growing spaces and explorations to add, probably too much, as usual.

0:00 Another Year, Another ‘Plans for …’ Video
1:03 RED Gardens
1:51 Extensive Garden
2:41 Intensive Garden
3:26 No-Dig Garden
4:06 Polyculture Garden
4:52 Simple Garden
5:37 Polytunnel Garden
6:24 Perennial Garden
7:20 Watering
8:31 Other Grow Areas
9:12 Compost
9:51 Black Plot
10:16 A Large Polytunnel
11:04 Another Large Polytunnel
11:43 No-Till Trials
12:36 Quick Rotation Cropping
13:27 Amendment Trials
14:05 Grow Bags
14:37 Other, Seed Saving and Variety Trials
15:21 Videos

Help me develop these gardens and make more videos through regular contributions

Or use as a simple, once-off way to support this project and the time and energy that goes into making videos. Thanks so much!

Part of the Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Tipperary, Ireland


  1. One of the top gardening channels out there! Your information is unmatched. Can't wait to see this year's changes and trials. Thank you

  2. Thanks! I am looking forward the upcoming year and seeing your successes and failures as it all helps me learn to grow in many ways! Again Thank You!

  3. Thank you Bruce. It will be interesting year 2023, lots of work though. Hope you get some help from the community.

  4. You seem to be growing in what seems like compost with some additions, if so you shouldn't need to double dig at all. Diego Footer did an experiment and eventually concluded it's not worth it if you have enough good soil deep enough.

  5. Just know,
    To some of us you and your efforts are educational and an inspiration to us.
    Thank you. We look forward to this years trials and experiments along with the results.

  6. Oe of the best resources I have found for comparative studies on growing techniques. Thanks for all your efforts and good luck for 2023!

  7. The new garden is certainly a very interesting trial! I'm really curious if and how it's going to work out. Great idea!

  8. After I saw how great the soil under your composting facility has become I wondered if you could place it in one of the gardens and move it every year?

  9. Seems like a lot is planned for the year, I'm looking forward to it!
    Does anybody know what kind of dog breed is that at 10:17?

  10. If there's one thing that reliably brings me excitement every winter, it's planning next year's garden. I could jump out of my chair and do a little dance after hearing about your plans 😄

  11. Huge thank you for all of your hard work and more importantly, inspiration! Love every video, tip, success, failure, analysis. This channel is enormously powerful. I still remember back when you challenged all of us to also be teachers, mentors, providers etc. doing my part and so stoked for 2023 gardening season from Philadelphia PA

  12. So excited for the new garden! I've been pondering and tweaking my own garden seeking a similar model of self sufficiency with regards to mulching and fertilization. Thanks as always for your amazing and inspiring content!

  13. Bruce, I hope some day you're going to write a book about your experiments with different small-scale gardens types. Plenty of in-depth books about, say, "No Till" but I don't think a work comparing 6 fundamentally different gardening concepts exists. Of course you channel is a chronicle/testament to your brilliant work. Rock on!

  14. You have a brilliant channel that is immensely useful to me as I help start a community garden in Scotland. Thanks for all the honest and valuable information. You’re an inspiration 👍

  15. hi , for the tomato, we can say that the N=2PK rule for growth stage and 2N=PK for flowering stage works well. If you want to go further during flowering at the beginning, for the production of flowers: P=2K, after 30-40 days when there are flowers and fruits at the same time P=K and at the end, when it remains in majority of fruits that ripen: 2P=K (In summary, it makes P=2K, P=K, 2P=K). Example for flowering, the NPK ratios are 2-4-4 or 4-8-8 for 2N=PK. For trace elements, one dose in growth and two doses in flowering. Calcium & magnesium ratio: 5:1 (Dolomite, 1-1.5gr/L of substrate + epson salt 0.1gr/L water in flowering). It lacks more than the sulfur that you can find in epsom salt which is also rich in magnesium (I imagine that you know it), I add some in the water, from the formation of the first fruits during watering (0.1gr/L) one watering out of two. Ph of substrat/soil : 6.3 – 6.8 . Your youtube videos are great. So Polyter, cellulose crystals that absorb water, what do you think? Best Regards

  16. I love what you’re doing, your ethos, studies, and the way you present it. Thanks for sharing it through YouTube for those of us far away. I’m in the state of West Virginia in the Unite States

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