Container Gardening

How to Grow Carrots Radishes Beets Turnips ROOT Crops Right & Make Free Soil in Container Gardening

Grow Carrots, Radishes, Beets, Turnips and more EASY. Here is How to Grow Your Groceries CHEAP and EASY on Patio Deck Garden tips and ideas; we will be growing food in flower pots, dishpans, totes, buckets, containers or garden. Container Gardening on a small patio deck growing herbs, tomatoes, zucchini, garlic chives, onions, tomatillos, Parsley, Purslane, lettuce, cabbage and more vegetables.

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:
Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

TIPS Creating a Grocery Store Food Garden in Small Space Terrace Deck Patio Container Gardening

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Video of Fountain with No Solar Pump used:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:

Here are the Hummingbird feeders we use, this is an affiliated link:


  1. I've been germinating my seeds for a week and a half and I peeked today. Yippee!!! They're ready to plant. I always get anxious πŸ™‚

  2. Interesting so for these, less is more apparently. So you INTENTIONALLY want to limits their compost matters interesting.

  3. I just love you Robbie, and I love this video! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I now know how to plant and grow root crops with success. I am excited because we love radishes and carrots πŸ₯•and I hope to grow a bunch of them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!

  4. Robbie, you make it look so easy. I like to think I have a passion for gardening, and I do, but Lazy Monster or his brother, Procrastination Monster, sometimes get the best of me. Maybe Gary keeps you accountable?

  5. Howdy Robbie and Kitty!πŸ‘‹ I'm sure your dish pan garden will inspire many to set up such a garden for themselves. That type of garden would be great for folks who love salads…radishes, lettuce, green onion, herbs, etc…oh my!πŸ˜‹

  6. I have 140 Jalepeno starters, I just started planting today, I'm gonna get a S-load in a few months. πŸ˜€

  7. You are such a blessing this is exactly what im going to be planting tomirrow! Today I planted rhubarb, asparagus, sunchokes, garlic, onions. Heres to better luck and skill than last year! Lol! Thanks so much for all your help

  8. I've been growing veggies in food grade buckets and small containers for years but only recently started my vegetable seedlings in totes – after watching your how-to-videos.
    I've learned a better way of composting from you as well.
    So looking forward to an early Spring.
    Thank you so much Robbie. πŸ₯°

  9. @Robbie & @Gary : Robbie I luv how you take the time to reply to your fans comments !!!! Your amazing ideas give me hope for success in our Northern California USA community garden !!!! Thanks a bunch !!!!

  10. You are such a blessing to me (and my garden) – I am learning so much from your videos and each tutorial sparks additional ideas of things I want to do in my garden. I appreciate the quality and content of your videos as well as the way you deliver the info. Both novice as well as experienced gardeners can benefit. You don't "dummy it down" or speak over our heads. Well done!

  11. I just bought a lot of those cheap seeds @ Dollar Tree this morning . I did get some radishes , but didn't see any carrots . Kitty is so stinking cute ! Years ago we had an elderly friend , who bought fresh vegetables & eggs from us . My husband would drive several miles to deliver them to her. One day he delivered an order of fresh veggies & eggs to her . He sat them on the floor & the 2 of them chatted a bit . Then she started to put the order away & said , " Wait a minute , I know my head of broccoli was in here ". Her little dog had grabbed it & put it in it's doggie bed & started chomping away !!!!!!!! πŸ₯° πŸ•

  12. Your videos are so informational! I believe we all have the gardening fever right now, especially with the outrageous food prices. I really miss all my leaves, that I used for compost when I lived in the country. I can't use neighbor's leaves, because they all used pesticides on their lawns!🀬 I figured out what I can use in place of them. I grow a few red cannas for hummers, and I had lots to cut up for compost this year. These make great compost, along with banana leaves, from banana trees.
    Our Florida weather is beautiful right now, but we'll probably see some colder weather before long, so I only set out some broccoli seedlings, lettuces, and kale. I have lots if tomato seedlings up, along with some pollinators, taking them outside during the day, and bringing them back in under my grow lights at night. I bought some grow lightbulbs at Walmart, and Lowe's a couple of years ago, and bought an adjustable lamp from Lowe's, not very expensive.
    Happy gardening everyone!!πŸ“πŸ’πŸ…πŸ†πŸ₯¦πŸ₯¬πŸ₯’πŸŒΆπŸ₯•πŸ‘
    Sending love to Kitty!!🐢πŸ₯°

  13. Can you remember which store you bought the long handled scoop from? I’d like to find one like it. Thanks,

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