Gardening Supplies

Planting 8k Annuals in a Day | Gardening with Creekside

We are in full production mode today! The delivery we received this week of Proven Winners annuals was full of gorgeous baby plants that needed to get potted up to be ready for our spring sales. Thanks to our new potting machine, we could get all 8k annuals planted in a day! Come along and see how we did it!

🪴 Companies We Partner With 🪴
Proven Winners
Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)
Our Amazon Store (we receive a portion of each purchase you make)

🪴 Products We Use 🪴
Garden Belt
Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company

🪴 Stay Connected with Gardening with Creekside 🪴

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. Is the potting machine on wheels? You mention somewhat casually that it was moved from one end of the Annex to the other.
    That’s incredible how many plants you all got planted in one day! What satisfaction to see the greenhouses fill up!
    Great job to all! 👏🌿💐

  2. Wow!! I'm so glad the potting machine has cut the work in half for you! So glad it made it in time too! I hope they get the dibbler situation worked out for you though! I'm sure that's disappointing!

  3. So fun to watch how much work it takes to get to retail. I am LOVING that hat. I think I need one of those hats.

  4. Oh Jenny! What a wonderful expansion for all of you! This is such fun to see and appreciate! I JUST was hired at our local garden center. A long time dream to care for and sell plants. However. We are still a frozen tundra and I won’t be starting yet.

  5. I love your garden center. Got beautiful garden centre to but I’m not there. I’m in Canada but I enjoy your videos all the time you keep the good work God bless you. I hope you have wonderful year ahead.

  6. WOW WOW WOW!!!! That was amazing to watch all of the planting getting done. So happy that it was a one day affair instead of 4/5 days!!! Money well spent and it will pay for itself in no time at all! Seeing all of the plants really makes me want to get out in my garden and expand it for this year, but I am still in the low teens for temps, so it will be a couple more months before I can do that. I do though, have an appt set up with our local garden center to help me pick out the right plants for the right areas. I paid a landscaper 5K to do this 3 years ago and she planted things that wouldn't grow in their areas, so they all died except for 2. So I am trying again, noting the sun times on each area and hopefully that will help get the correct plants for each area. Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us!! Congrats on getting this all done!

  7. Thanks for sharing how it’s done Jenny most important stuff to us gardeners 🙌🥰Karen fromOz🇦🇺🦘🐨💌🧤👒🪴

  8. Always enjoy and am amazed with all you get done in a day. Anxious to watch all the plants growing up! Keep up the good work! Learning a lot !

  9. You all are so amazing and ambitious! Can’t wait to see those beautiful hanging baskets blooming! Thank you so much for these videos!😊

  10. Wow! What a productive day. I know you must be so proud of your employees, family, and growth! Question, I love gardening, and my minds eye never seems to translate when I plant. Do you think planting all the different tut series kinda together would give a nice layered look? I am intrigued by that, for me, annual.

  11. Is it normal to have all the excess soil around the final conveyor belt? Will you all reuse that?

  12. I could totally see myself doing that. Not being a grower…..too much work, but I would love planting up pots. Are you hiring, hahahaha.

  13. There’s just something so satisfying about seeing those plants all in straight lines!! I just love these videos! Spring is coming!!!

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