Garden Plans

“LeBron will dance at Garden party” Perk on Knicks plan to slow down LeBron

“LeBron will dance at Garden party” Perk on Knicks plan to slow down LeBron and avoid “Garden party”


  1. Literally the meaning of GOAT = Greatest of All Time, Greatest of Anytime of this world. MJ retired when Houston Rockets won championship so dont tell me MJ is Greatest of anytime 😂 GOAT James…

  2. The question is how good is a bron without taking PEDs he has as longitivity which is because of all the PEDs he took

  3. Break the record before All Star break. Focus on getting in the post season afterward. Easy strategy.

  4. But how does he score 27 and a half when every point is 1?
    Does the half comes from him almost make a free-throw because I don't understand the logic of him score 27 and a half

  5. I'm getting confused 😕 every day as they saying he is going to score 27 and a half SMH 😐 😕 😳 like where his going to get the half point from?

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