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Google announces Bard, Adam Neumann’s business plan, Blue Collar tech’s moment | E1674

(0:00) M+J kick off the show
(1:10) Breaking down Google’s announcement of Bard
(9:29) Coda – Startups can get $1000 credit by visiting
(11:00) Neeva’s approach to search
(17:33) Linode – Apply to Linode’s Rise program for up to six figures in discounts at
(18:59) An update on Adam Neumann’s Flow
(36:31) Meowtel – Save $25 on your first booking with code TWIST25 at
(37:53) SOTD: Jobber raises $100M
(46:17) Microsoft officially announces the integration of ChatGPT into Bing

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(9:29) Coda – Startups can get $1000 credit by visiting
(17:33) Linode – Apply to Linode’s Rise program for up to six figures in discounts at
(36:31) Meowtel – Save $25 on your first booking with code TWIST25 at

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  1. Adam Neumann’s new thing sound like money laundering to me. Real estate plus payments “money transfers”… hmmm… no. Don’t forget he mentioned crypto initially and Andreessen is all about crypto. I am SURE THE FINANCIAL PART CONSISTS OF SCAM COINS!!!! Rent your apartment here and get scam coins!!!

  2. just funny in a time with the least original news reporting they aren‘t happy that an AI is rewriting the same things they are.
    reformulating, consilidating and citing is journalism in it‘s core. see nothing wrong with chatgpt doing it tbh.

    solution: start writing again in a manner that’s worth our time.

  3. It doesn't seem like scraping to me. It seems much more complicated. It makes me think every page of the internet is going into every response. For responses that do offer citations on specific parts, I'm not sure how they might cite the collaboration of hundreds of sites that say something similar enough to each other to establish a pattern that can be formed into a summary response. If citations are given by AI's, I'm thinking they are more like a "See also:" where the references are supplementary rather than Intellectual Property related.

    For instance, who might get cited and linked to for a prompt like:
    In an educational way, please tell a parable using the voice and language of a pirate in the form of a children's fairy tale, the story of how Fred, Sarah, and Jake each had different but common experiences when each attempted to learn piano or guitar and needed different amounts of practice for each instrument. The story should end after years of practicing or not practicing with a concert featuring the results of their journey. I'd like to read this story to my kids who are 8 and 11 years old so that they can see what it's like to play and practice the piano and guitar as they make choices on what's right for them.

    Below is one of many possible ChatGPT replies to the above prompt. You can hit refresh and get different answers every time and read as many versions of this story as you want. You can even ask as many follow up prompts as you want. And who's to say that the off topic ways that people typically explain complicated scientific concepts like particle physics and biological 3D printing didn't play a small role in the creation of this story?

    ChatGPT Reponse:
    Arrr mateys! Gather round, for I've got a tale to tell, 'bout three young scallywags named Fred, Sarah, and Jake, who all set out to play a tune.

    Fred, he wanted to tickle the ivories and play a fine piano, so he set out each day with a song in his heart and a twinkle in his eye. But alas, the piano was a tricky beast, and it took Fred many a moon to master its keys. Day after day, Fred practiced, never givin' up, and soon enough, his fingers flew across the keys like the wind.

    Sarah, she yearned to strum the strings of a guitar, and she set out with determination in her heart. But much to her surprise, the guitar was not as easy as it looked, and it took her many a day to pluck the right notes. But Sarah, she was a determined lass, and she practiced and practiced until her fingers moved with ease.

    Jake, he was a curious lad, and he wanted to try his hand at both the piano and the guitar.

    But lo and behold, he soon realized that each instrument took a different amount of practice, and he couldn't master them both at the same pace. So, he made a wise decision, and focused his efforts on the guitar, practicing every chance he got.

    Years passed, and the three friends had honed their skills to perfection. And one day, they decided to put on a grand concert, to show the world what they had learned.

    The concert was a mighty affair, with Fred playing a rousing piano tune, Sarah strumming her guitar with grace, and Jake playing a rollicking tune that had the audience tapping their toes. And when it was all over, the crowd cheered and clapped, for each of the three friends had found their own path, and each had succeeded in their own way.

    So, young mateys, remember this tale, and always follow your dreams, no matter how hard the journey may be. With determination and practice, you too can play a fine tune, and make your own music in the world.


    It may be backward, and I may be ahead of my time, and it doesn't address the immediate pain of lost financial income, but it all makes me want to write my own stories and let the AI consume them in the hope that any unique voice and perspective I have becomes a small part in the responses that ultimately help everybody become the best version of themselves.

  4. Genie would be a nice brand for a Search Ai. and that flow is the next wave of lifestyle livin.

  5. Even Bob would've been a better name than Bard. Google needs to eradicate their woke virus now before its too late!

    Its still baffling to me how they were so ahead that they were in directly responsible for or had some hand in every major innovation that made chatGPT possible. They literally sat on it because of woke bs. If I was an alphabet shareholder, I'd want to see heads rolling right now!

  6. Bing and Microsoft is also doing the same why the blame only to google ?

  7. It's not plagiarism, plus if no one is clicking that link, according to you (I nearly always click the link to get further info about my search), then it makes no difference if they spent their whole life creating that site, if no one sees it, then there is no point in creating it. At least if Google is referencing it then some people will be clicking it. Google isn't a public service, it is a private business.

  8. Jason & Molly is right about Neumann'a branding abilities. Flow's logo is well designed…it says "flow now". I bet he bought the design for $99 and will sell it back to flow for millions.

  9. “They” aren’t rewriting anything. If you understood how these models work you would know that is not something you can reliably control

  10. Just a thought, in my mind chat bots need access to massive amounts of curated data to be useful. The most valuable data is siloed. To unlock that data a efficient payment mechanism is must,In my mind there is one obvious solution,
    The lightning Network, that runs on bitcoin rails . The synergy is a match made in cyberspace.

  11. Google and LLMs have to share revenue because the alternative means that Google (or insert fave LLM) captures a majority of the economic value from any new piece of content created by humans, in perpetuity.

  12. Microsoft wins even if it loses the AI wars

    If Microsoft wins

    -Microsoft gets lot of new revenue

    -google will lose most of its revenue

    If google wins

    -google only retains current Customer base

    -people will click on less ads and links because they will be satisfied with aI results

    -google will have to spend lot more on server to prove a service that only retains existing customer

    -Microsoft will lose one time loss of few billions

  13. Jason doesn't get it. Chamath explained this on all in. The answer can't be referenced. Let me re-explain why: Imagine you read 10 books on startups . You do 100 interviews on startups. You now become an expert on startups. All of a sudden your brother comes and asks you to explain burn rate. You explain burn rate from your internal knowledge which is inside of your brain that was built up over years of consuming content from multiple sources. You might perfectly explain to your brother what burn rate is, how it affects your company, how to optimize it, and what to watch out for. You may recall one or two books or interviews that you remember were helpful when you learned it, but obviously they won't cover the entirety of your knowledge of the subject since you learned it from multiple sources. You may not even be able to recall what the sources were because there was a big gap between the activity of 'learning' and the activity of 'answering' that those two are not quite directly connected anymore. ChatGPT is a language model that predicts the next word / text patterns based on some internal undrstanding …. it doesn't necessarily have a corpus of references …. That being said , you could create another AI function that works backwards from the answer, to dive into the index, using keywords in the answer to find relevant sources as a 'read more' … but it will never be a direct reference to where the answer is actually coming from.

  14. Jason is so far off base with his IP legal case against Google. But his rant was funny.

  15. Interesting I don't see any links to the sources Jason uses for coming up with his thoughts for the this podcast… as he rails on sourcing for LLMs…

  16. I’m with Molly on this one. Adam speaks in a way that is not trustworthy. Also, if someone here rents a house and doesn’t plunge their own toilet, please let us know. Your place must stink lol. Jason seems like he is capitalism at all costs… yet I continue to tune in 🙂

  17. I wasn't financially free until my 40’s and I’m still in my 40’s, bought my third house already, earn on a monthly through passive income and got 4 out of 5 goals, just hope it encourages someone that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of them right now, you can start TODAY regardless your age INVEST and change your future! Investing in the financial market is a grand choice I made. Great video! Thanks for sharing!Very inspiring! I love this

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