Front Yard Garden

Xeriscape is not a garden, it's a system

Approaching Xeriscape as the entire system outlined in this video will help homeowners create not only water-wise yards, but also beautiful and sustainable landscapes. For more information, visit:


  1. "Regional appropriate" is just another way of saying "I think this plant does not belong in this environment".

  2. Under LEED phylosophy and practices, is understood that endemicity is a requirement regarding the use of materials in planning, designing, building and mantaining a sustainable structure. The lesser the carbon footprint involving extraction and transport of resources, the more sustainable and friendly to the environment this structure will be. Xeriscape is THE way of sustainable gardening, specially where water is a limited or expensive resource. This practice should be socialized and put to practice as a nice alternative to traditional landscaping.

  3. Our local builder put in a drip system and then 4 inches of mulch and then plants every 5 feet, 2 years latter overgrown weeds,

  4. How do you find someone to make recommendations to your current yard? Yvonne

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