Front Yard Garden


Sub for more: | Matt Agorist for DC Clothesline reports Tom Carroll and Hermine Ricketts recently had a run-in with the law and were threatened with daily fines for their illegal activity. Carroll and Ricketts weren’t robbing banks, or trafficking humans, or running some other criminal enterprise — they were growing their own food.

See the report here:

Read more:

Government Bans Growing Food, Forces Family to Destroy Front Yard Garden — Now They’re Fighting Back

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  1. Perhaps it is necessary to define what private property really is and is not from a from a legal point of view.

  2. Anything the government says is safe or good for the people and this country is not safe it is poison just like all the pharmaceutical and GMO food it is all poison and the government is forcing everyone to conform to their communistic agendas

  3. you would be less at the mercy of govt. and they don't like it one bit.

  4. all I can say is thank fuck we do not have these laws in New Zealand, I grow my own vegetables, & hunt for my meat. the thought of not being able to grow vegetables that I know is safe from chemicals, & are not GM in any way, seems completely absurd to me,

  5. City will come after them now for the asbestos siding on their house. The city is protecting the price of the house for tax confiscation purposes. As sadly, most would view this as unacceptable. Our effed up culture.

  6. He could have a fenced backyard garden and nobody would care. A garden in the front yard however could become an eyesore and may invite wild pest animals. There is also the option of a neighborhood community gardens if it exists.

  7. talk to the neighbor who was trying to sell their house and his realtor what this is about.
    most property ordinances are aimed at enhancing property value.

  8. Micheal Obama has a garden growing at the whitehouse.. there was pictures of it..

  9. Its b/c they want the cash from food purchases, they want you to eat Their Immune Destroying GMO's, and don't want you to be self sufficient when they seat Their False god / Lucifer / Antichrist on the throne with His Soul killing Mark of the Beast System! Much more to come from the Communists that have inserted themselves where they have no business in the first place. God bless.

  10. EASY Solution.. it is called the Second Amendment.. it is OUR RIGHT.. it is CHEAPER to buy AMMO then a LAWYER

    I AM DONE TALKING!!!!!!!!!

  11. hey brotha read this comment. me and my family were growing food in our house and in colorado the state wouldn't allow it they would take both my boys if I didn't move them outside into my yard where geoenginering and chem trails take place to change it from being organic 🙁 super sad and we've been trying to fight back too

  12. does that mean i have to go and pull all my pot plants??????????????????????just kiddin….Dont send anyone to get me….

  13. The east US states are crazy and even include a ban on yard sales. This is typical in repressive liberal states.

  14. If we must have just grass, can we have sheep? grass is a useless waste of money, energy (mine and gas or hydro) so sheep it is at least I'll have meat in the freezer in the fall. Governments are totally nuts. I hate grass.

  15. I just googled their names and the image of the couple you're showing is not them.
    I just had to point that out :-p

  16. the government understand that owning land is essential to freedom so they are trespassing on our rights. simple as that. taking our freedom little by little. it's really sad

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