
Seed To Harvest Gardening Tips! – From The Stash Podcast Ep. 112

In this episode the FTS boys talk about seed to harvest gardening tips. What seed to harvest gardening tips do you have? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Great episode guys. I soak beans til root pops, go to root cubes than 1.5 gal pot for seedling/veg phase, about 8 weeks later they go to flower in 4×8 living soil/no til bed. Trying to get a the perpetual grow schedule down. I harvest, transplant the veg plants into flower and start new seeds. All in the same weekend.

  2. As fast as beans go I grow 3 to 4 plants at a time and I always use the paper towel method. It's what I've done since day one. Just my way. Happy growing out there growmies.

  3. There’s seed treys put medium in and pop the seed. I use my easy sprouted
    I do 72 at a time. I mix coco perlite with happy frog and add a lil ocean forest on the bottome

  4. U skipped the most important part ipm for me spraying sulfur is very important to kill any potential mold or mildew spores b4 u have a problem. Doesnt mayter how clean ur room is its full of spores they are just waiting for that humidity or temp swing to latch on and f*ck ur grow

  5. So you guys are talking about strech, my first grow i had about 4 different strains and not 1 plant streched! All my plants stayed the hight they were at veg. Is this because i had to much light? The intensity was to much maybe? My vpd has been spot on and i also have a nice $500 ppfd gauge and i kept it around 300-450 in veg and the 600-980ppfd in flower. My buddy has 2 of my plants that i grew, handed it over when veg was done and his streched 2x the size! I cant figure out why!

  6. Get to know 1 plant at first, then play with it to learn ‘tricks’
    %1 peroxide seed soak 24hrs
    Sterilized starter soil/ medium
    Medium light
    Light kelp food at start
    Microbes, microbes, microbes
    Hepa filter intakes for pollen mold and bugs,slight positive pressure in flower tent
    Have a routine for bugs even if you don’t see them
    Use less than 12/12 for flower more than 10/14 tho
    No spray after flip
    Have night temp drops of 10+ degrees
    Let them dry out a bit more during flower
    Let them run a few weeks long if you want bag seed
    Judge harvest by the high, amber is just a visual que.
    Dry slow

  7. One thing I do do,I grow in containers on my balcony, I do have the ability to turn my plants to face sun,,every 5 days or so I will to get a even grow during veg especially..I never heard anyone else say they do that. Just thought I'd throw that tip out .works for me .cheers from Canada 🇨🇦 and thx for all you guys efforts.

  8. Rob what would a 2 or 4 year degree in Plant Production/Horticulture do for me in the cannabis industry? Would it help me get above those entry level jobs?

  9. Why do growers still use synthetic nutrients? Organic growing is so much easier- and it's hard to fuck up. IMO- you get better yields. Throw in a par meter- growing cannabis has never been easier. Is that the issue?

    Growers want a challenge? Organic growing is a slam dunk!

  10. Rob yes !!!! You said it !!! Ive noticed that if i do not train my ethos cherry cresendo early the branches get super super thick and hard fast so i gotta pull branches down early or they will stay real short . And then my ethos creasendo loves to do her thing for real i dont do much top 1 time man and she forms all by herself.

  11. My flower starts when the flowers start and its been perfectly on . And when i flip i use half veg and half flower . Its always worked perfect.

  12. I just tried a mix pack from sweet seeds that came with three different strains only one didn't pop…were on week 8 and shits smeliing fresh…best run I've had…

  13. Paper towel In a ziploc bag germination much better than straight seed to soil. it keeps the seed warmer and you're not anxious that your seed is not popping in your soil yet and always wondering….

  14. If using the paper towel method you will notice discolored material left behind after the seed germinates. That is essential stuff your seed is loosing to fully develop correctly I highly recommend planting straight into the medium.

  15. Boys! Long time, no see… I can proudly say over the last three weeks I’ve watched/listened to every single from the stash epi. From 1-112 man how the time flew and opinions changed over the episodes.
    You guys have taught me so much that I take with me into the garden, and if there’s one thing I’ve taken away is, slow down, step back, and stick to the basics. Also a little military grade cal mag never hurt anyone.
    Back story not that you guys care but I just recently in the spring of 2022 graduated from Northern Michigan University with a Bachelors of Science, in Medicinal Plant Chemistry. So it was really cool when I got to the episodes on cannabis education, and if it’s worth it. Long story short hell yea it was worth it, but it was the hardest schooling I’ve ever done in my life. People would joke, “what are your classes, joint rolling 101”, try organic chemistry 1 and 2. The program is not for the faint hearted.
    But i can say while it was difficult, i learned a lot and acquired a job not far from r.o.b.c.l.t.v in Saginaw Michigan about an hour away from Franklin fields , shout out.
    But yea boys i just wanted to wrap this up by saying thank you so much for the entertainment and knowledge you’ve put out. You guys helped me through my first run of Purple haze and Super silver haze, which is in week 5 of flower, getting so close to the end but the girls are looking amazing. Thanks to you guys, so i hope y’all see this and I’m sad to be caught up but now i guess time to venture over to each of your individual accounts and go nuts.
    Thanks again
    Stay Stoned -TopDon420

  16. Problem is there is no control over people being told wrong info on strain, or misled.

  17. Surprisingly nothing was mentioned about using u.v. lighting during flower and the plants defense mechanism coming into play to produce more trichomes in the last few weeks of flowering. If done correctly you can get some GREASY flowers for sure! Great video for tips on growing from seed to harvest. These types of videos are appreciated. Thank you!

  18. does fimming split the flowering hormone like topping does? you don't cut the main stalk so I don't see why it would…

  19. I bought sour diesel photos from GROWERS CHOICE SEEDS and all of them sprouted weird some topped themselves most grew out very weirdly and deformed I also did a pack of GREEN CRACK seeds and I got only one to pop I did PINEAPPLE EXPRESS they popped and grew ok thing is some of the seeds I gotten looked like they were not fully developed I use to call them filler seeds back in the brick 🧱 days I was scared to squeeze them for as much as I spent they were rude and I was the fool ordered five times to over a period of time.

  20. Another great show! I use the shot glass germination. Has anyone not been getting their print subscription to High Times? I paid in August 2022 and still nothing has been sent.

  21. if you use a jewellers loupe try putting in front of your phone camera its easier to see because its bigger and you can take a photograph as well or video

  22. I start 24 seeds in 5 min.‘s by leveling out some soil/medium into both sides of an open plastic egg carton. They pop and easily drop into small containers for hanging out a week or two until they go to their larger pot. I did this at first and probably will stick to it. Incredibly easy. They stayed wet/watered better than paper towel and less mess and supplies. I tucked the container in a cardboard and tin foil enclosure with cheap plant lights. Like twenty dollar lights for warmth. And I kept the color on blue. They don’t care. It just looks cool. If I’m happy, they’re happy. I like the blue. After they sprout, I turned on the bigger house plant lights and implemented my light measuring devices to gauge their power. When they looked strong and standing on their own, some prominent green happening, I move them to the “starter pots “ those are just whatever small plastic plant pots or yogurt container, glass/clay/plastic/even metal. Then I start thinking about drying out the soil to avoid bugs in the beginning and set up 5lb cloth pots. All of this has worked great so far. But that’s where I’m at right now. I’m here studying next steps. I’m scared because I’m not in communication with the seeds origins and don’t know what I’m dealing with genetics wise. I have scrogg ready to go but don’t rant to go anything wrong. The plants are talking to me though! Lots of personality. But like pets, WHAT do you want now?! 🙂 thanks for this video-

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