Japanese Garden

(Project.7) Making a bamboo fence in a private home in Kyoto.

The Japanese craftsman make bamboo fences (Kenninji fence) in private homes.
The old bamboo fence will be rebuilt to a new one.
Please take a look at the video that shows the work process from start to finish.


  1. Its truely special when not one word is spoken & yet it feels like the best 10:56 conversation you will ever have…also i will be at least attempting to build a version of the masterpiece these gentlemen did…hooe it turns out half as good

  2. 黙って黙々と、熟練された技でお仕事されてる姿に見入ってしまいました。コロナ早く無くなれ、里帰り出来ないじゃないかー。日本元気で無事でいて欲しい。竹のフェンス素晴らしいです。

  3. 素敵なビデオ!!2:20に使えてた電動具を購入したいんです。それは何っていうやつですか?

  4. I am simply mesmorized by the beauty and elegance of this amazing fence and the artisans that craft them…WOW…!

  5. What’s the story behind the black string that doesn’t seem to serve any purpose other than traditions

  6. めちゃくちゃはまってしまいました。
    竹垣って古臭いイメージしかなかったし、近代の竹垣作りってインパクトも使うなんて進化してるんだなと思いました。 今、裏庭にウッドデッキを作り、ふと前を見ると、やぶが乱雑で目隠しに16m超えの竹垣を作成中です。道具と材料にも恵まれていて、毎週の休日が楽しくてって感じです。ご近所さんも見に来きてくれるんで励みになります。🤗

  7. I learned from your videos and built my own Japanese bamboo fence in the United States. It is only 1 m tall, to give the garden a larger appearance. Each piece of bamboo was soaked in boric acid for five days, to treat it against rot and insects.

    I can send you pictures but I’m not sure how to upload them

  8. In Indonesia, bamboo is very abundant, we can even make bamboo fences like that, if you wish we can work together in international business

  9. I wish I knew what that music was. I have heard it in a few other videos also. It would be nice to own the CD.

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