Garden Plans

Simple and Organized Garden Planning ~ Starting Pepper Seeds

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  1. Hey Mrs. Jessica. I just saw your posts on instagram and wanted to tell you that everything you post is a blessing and is needed. I can’t wait until Sundays to watch what you have to share each week. Everything you share is enjoyable and I have loved watching your littles grow up. Please don’t stop doing what you do for us. There is no other homestead show on here that does what you do. You are amazing !! ❤

  2. an idea for your tobasco pepper plant… put it in a container so at the end of the season you can pull it inside for the rest of the time it needs. This of course only works if you have a spot for it. It's something I'm considering doing. There are several things that require more time for growing than we have season here in Alaska.

  3. A GREAT resource for jugs is coffee places. They go through A LOT of milk. I asked one place to save me some jugs and I would pick them up in a few days. They said they had to stop after a couple of days because they were getting to be too many. I ended up with 54… in two days… from one place!

  4. im hoping to have better luck with tomatoes this year,i planted 6different varieties last year and only one plant grew any fruit,about 4 small marbles😂 i will persevere!!! enjoyed your video ❤🇬🇧🇬🇧

  5. We seem really different, I am just starting a garden, have no kids and live in the Uk but I find your ideas invaluable and your videos are my relaxation time.

  6. In your upcoming garden videos, would you take some time this year to teach us how you use soap nuts for your plants? I think I remember a video where you covered the uses a little, but I would love to see it in practice. Thank you for your generous teachings 🩷

  7. Ahhhh makes my heart burst thinking of spring!!!!! 🤩❤️ as always, thank you for all your knowledge Jessica! So encouraging for us new gardeners!!

  8. Great garden tips can’t find the monster peppers on bakers creek website I think they are sold out

  9. Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today

  10. Thank you for walking us so thoroughly through your garden planning process. I can't wait to see how it all looks when things start growing!

  11. Over 30+ years we have moved everything except our herb gardens to raised beds. As I age I appreciate it more and more. Blessings to you as you start a new garden season

  12. Thanks for the video & coupon code. We are not technically gifted nor computer-y…but dang it! What we have been doing for 40+ years is not yielding enough for the effort & cost. Next leveling this year, with a little help from our friends Ms. Jessica at Three Rivers & Ms. Becky Acre Homestead!
    Lead on ladiesn we sure appreciate you!!!

  13. Yes peppers take more time. At the moment I have banana and poblano started. I wish you a garden full of produce. Thinking of tomatoes. Amish paste and red cherry. I have to do part container garden and part in ground.

  14. I'm going to have to get along with a sunny windowsill, though I'd love to have lights. I'm using Solo cups for all peppers and tomatoes. That way they have room to grow for 8 weeks, no "potting up". And, something new I learned is to use toilet paper cores. Cut and fold the bottoms. They will biodegrade, so they can be directly planted in the garden.

  15. I love the website you shared. Thank you so much for this information. I definitely need to use that website. By the way, I am a Gramma of homeschooling children and a homesteader. I homeschooled my own children back in the 80's and 90's. I shared your channel with my daughter. She says to me: Mom, I need to take and put aside time to can with you this year. She loved the freshness of the few things she did can with me last year. I told her there are homeschooling moms who are homesteading, canning etc, while they are homeschooling. I shared with her one of your older videos about homesteading and homeschooling and how you do it. I love your videos and the fact that you homeschool and homestead at the same time. I was actually doing that too, back in the day, but we didn't call it homesteading then. Thank you for the gardening website info also. Iv'e been gardening all of my life, but there is always more to learn on the subject and I realize that I need to do that website too.

  16. 11;55pm. Watching your videos before going to bed. I always enjoy your family. What a great life. Stay at home mother who teaches her children so many life skills. You are a valuable asset in your family.
    I love the Whole Foods and your cooking from scratch and your planning everything from meals to school and gardening. Jessica we sure enjoy these videos.

  17. My garden is in expect for my peppers which are hardening off and getting a bit bigger. Here in south Texas our gardening season is cut short because of heat. July and August the only thing growing is okra which we don’t grow or eat. I started seeds in December. I switched to all metal raised beds. I have 10 and used landscape fabric and wood chips.

  18. Congratulations on hitting 100,000 subscribers!!!! Good job, you hard working momma. I just planted my seedling Sugar Rush Peppers into my garden Zone 8b. I'll let you know what success I have.

  19. Thank you so much for your content. It is so helpful. You have encouraged me in so many ways…God Bless. When you are showing what you have made for a meal and its obviously not something you can eat could you tell us what you ate instead or how you prepared it for you? I could for a family but cannot have dairy or gluten and often I am stuck thinking what can I eat. Thank you so much.

  20. You look beautiful Jessica. I love seeing your children helping you and you taking time with them. Teaching and loving them. Them sharing and helping each other. Seeing the growth of the seeds and sometimes not. My Mom always planted two seeds per spot if she had enough. So smart!
    Keep your videos coming even if it's something you've already did or shown.
    May God continue to bless you richly for all you do. Have a great week

  21. Hi Jessica, I have a quick gardening question/your thought, I plant some of my stuff In the ground and some of them in raise beds just like you but my question is On the taller raised beds I should probably not plant Things like butternut squash, spaghetti squash or sweet meat squash, In other words they should probably be better in the ground or a shorter raised bed? Just was hoping to get your thought on that. I hope you're having a blessed week, I was going to ask you this question about 6 days ago lol, Anyway thank you so much ❤️

  22. Tobasco peppers can be harvested before they turn red. In fact I rarely let them turn. And they are still hotter than all get out!
    We had 5 plants last year and it was way too much. This year we’ll do maybe two or three.
    I’m also trying sugar rush peach and a lemon drop pepper as well. Along with regular jalapeño and cayenne and serrano.
    You should find an authentic Mexican recipe for salsa.
    My Mexican Kitchen has some pretty good recipes. I love her Salsa Verde and also her tamale recipes.

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