
15 Raised Garden Bed Mistakes Every Gardener Should Avoid

15 Raised Garden Bed Mistakes Every Gardener Should Avoid – After a full season in my two new raised garden beds, I’ve made some small but crucial mistakes. In this Prepping to Survive video, I will be teaching you by raised garden bed mistakes that I wish I avoided this year.

Enjoy the video and links are suggested and included in the description!

○ Drip Irrigation Starter Kit –


○ DIY Compost Tumbler –
○ How To Get Free Compost –
○ How To Build A Raised Garden Bed –
○ Planting Square Foot Gardens –


○ Cedar Garden Bed Oil –
○ 3” Wood Deck Screws –
○ Drill Bit Set –
○ Gardening tools –
○ Cordless drill –
○ Toolbox –


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  1. I like Mel Bartholomew's book on Square Foot Gardening , Latest edition. Retired civil engineer who turned his skills to gardening. He recommends 4×4 ft beds, up to 2 beds wide. With 3 ft easement around the beds you can reach in 2 ft from each side. I think this is based on length of leg and extended feet. Two ft easement is too short except for children.
    Don't use dirt which has weed seeds and unknown nutrients. Mel's mix contains peat moss to aid drainage, vermiculite to hold water and compost for nutrients. Add more compost annually. Mulching helps retain water and keep weeds out. He uses a grid to section the beds into 1 SG plots and has planting recommendations on how many of each type plant per grid.

  2. GDay 🦘😉🤙
    Thanks to algorithm§ found your sïte 😃👌✨ I’ve alsÖ #️⃣😬 accomplished some ’game-oVer’ oversights, so tweë🎋ïnG my ⬆️RÂÎSÊḎ⬆️ & Self~watering prototype§ ✍🏼, one was not listening 🙉 to nitrate ~întÖ~ nitrite factoring, ➕target prevention to only one nematode ✅
    🐝 🦋eLL 🎶🦘 🌅 💫🙏😃

  3. Should've started last year. Now wood is 60% inflated. Don't wait get it done asap!

  4. Tips from an aging person. 1) Spacing between beds becomes more critical when walkers and wheelchairs become part of life and you still yearn to garden. Room to turn the mobility device is wider than a garden cart.

    2) good items to convert to raised beds can be salvaged from trash furnishings. Old dresser drawers. Even old cabinets turned on their back. Of course wood can be salvaged from any of these to create new or strengthen old pieces. I like using the smaller cabinets and drawers because I do have issues moving and am able to place those without help.

  5. For #6, you can make basically free labels by cutting strips from empty yogurt bins and marking with a sharpie or other permenant marker.

  6. Neighbors behind us took down several large Pine Trees because they considered them a threat to falling on their home. Good for them! We benefited as a result by winding up with an area with plenty of sunlight to allow us to attempt a raised garden bed. We got a 4' X 8' X 16.5" bed and the watering grid. I have been looking into this for a while but you told me more than I ever learned from watching many video's and reading several posts as to what to do and what not to do. I learned so much. Thanks for putting out the content! Great information.

  7. Our electric company was clearing trees that were too close to the electric lines that run on the backside of my property. I asked if they could cut the trees to 8’ lengths and used them to make my raised beds. 3 8’ logs per bed with one being cut in half for the 4’ sides. I stopped at 4 new beds. When I told them what I was doing they offered to dump the chipper machine for me too.

  8. Overall very helpful video! I live in the desert so the leaves/grass clippings type mulch isn’t an option here as my neighborhood is all rock and sand/cacti lol. Looking @ some other free sources. And I actually had to do the opposite of the location you recommended bc last year, placing at north facing absolutely killed everything even w sun shades up. It was just too hot to have direct sun for more than 4 hours. Everything I have along the west and south fence line did ok but still needed sun shades. #desertproblems lol

  9. The picture you show in the video of a bed with irrigation, is that the same system as in the link you provided for irrigation?

  10. can I buy compost from the hardware store? we have a fly problem and we cant have a compose system

  11. how about bamboo? Would this be a good material as a lower level filler in a raised bed? I know bamboo takes a while to break down, which makes me wonder.

  12. Here's another tip: If you are putting your raised bed on ground (as opposed to concrete, etc.) set it on 1/4" square hardware cloth to prevent moles or gophers from getting your plants. 1/4" hardware cloth is galvanized metal screening with 1/4" openings. Place it on the ground, put your frame on it and then fold the screen up the side of the bed to prevent critters from crawling in between the frame and the screen.
    If you don't have gophers or moles now, you probably will eventually!

  13. Good video, I enjoyed it. I learned a lot! Thanks. I would have made some of these mistakes thanks!!

  14. Thanks and subbed for: no politics, no prepper crap, no shtf drama. Just pleasant discussion of what you have found works for you.

  15. Not keeping a journal is the most important one…dates planted and what u planted is where u record it..NOT IN THE GARDEN

  16. Love this one, thx. Will you teach us about aerated static composting? How much easier it’s creation is compared to the old manual rotation methods. Please share why this Biodiverse Compost helps create resilient crops, according to Elain Engam Food Soil Web, founder.
    it’s worth looking into. Im a handyman with a leaf blower, a tarp and a garden hose. Making high value Biodiverse compost.

  17. Regarding height of raised beds, at 61 years old, even though I'm fit and relatively spry, not having to kneel or bend to tend my 21/2 foot high beds is money well spent.

  18. Hi Devin, I was given two 50 pound bags of rice bran. I heard they are nitrogen rich. However, the two bags have weevils in them. Is it alright to ammend my soil with the rice weevil infested rice bran? If you suggest getting rid of the weevils, what do you suggest I do? Thanks.

  19. I live in an area surrounded by trees. TIP: Elevate your raised bed off the ground. I built beds, lined them with 1/4 hardware cloth to keep out burrowing animals and lined it with cardboard and weed cloth. After a few years, I didn't understand why my crops weren't growing so well until I discovered a massive network of tiny roots…from the trees. I was feeding the trees and they loved my amendments and water.
    I cleaned out a cold frame filled with tiny roots and sifted and saved the soil. I put the cold frame on a pallet and lined the bottom with boards, leaving some cracks for drainage. I reconstituted the soil and planted 3 sisters — corn, beans and squash. The plants flourished and grew beautifully. In the winter, I plant garlic and everything grows really well. I have a couple more raised beds that need the same treatment.

  20. How far from my house when the planting area is on the north side of the house do you plant the raised bed? I have been trying to find this out.

  21. Look up Vad Vad blocks on YouTube. The best material for raised beds. Mine are 30” tall. You can take them apart and move them if you need to. Mine are tall to save my back and to deter my dogs. They really like chasing each other around the beds. My neighbors and I wish they were a little less noisy.

  22. Hi Devin,
    I'm living in north africa. Summer is extremely hot (can peak at 49 degree celsius) and even Winter started to become like Spring (29 degrees in December when it used to be below 10 degree celsius).
    I have created what we can call "lowered bed" kind of trenches using an excavator and filled it with good soil. However my knees and my parents can't work with it.
    My original thought was: in hot region mybe it is better to have things lower and in contact with soil.
    Now that I'm going back to the idea of raised bed, I'm concerned about temperature.
    I'm worried that these beds will lock up heat inside and not let it escape.
    Heated soil is the worst thing I can imagine.
    Any recommendation, or am I overestimating the temperature factor ?

  23. I just use a wire cage for my compost the rain and worms take it down to dirt in few months. Good tips on the raise beds, i use leaves to fill in dips in the yard and place soil and seed over it havent in my raise beds.

  24. Remember Jack and the Beanstalk; even a magical garden, when poorly planned, can go awry, very much awry.

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