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“We Found A World Where The South Won The Civil War, What We Saw Shocked Us” | Sci-fi Creepypasta |

This story was written by Tobias Malm, please check out his new novel The Cave to Another World: https://www.amazon.com/dp/9152756688 – A story about a world where humanity never evolved.

If you want exclusives and early releases, make sure to check out my Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/scaryjuju

► Written by: https://www.reddit.com/user/Odd_directions/
► Story: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/11eutcx/my_wife_and_i_ended_up_in_a_world_where_the_south/
► Art/Thumbnail by: https://www.artstation.com/alexfigini

A big thank you to the author for this awesome story!

A big thank you to Myuu, Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio, MONST3R MUSIC, REPULSIVE and CO.AG Music
► http://bit.ly/Myuusic​​​​​​​​​​​ ♪
► https://whitebataudio.com​ ♪
► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdiib6AzBfRcgB8cH9fmzA ♪
► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRbuU_ffaJuxagEGpXfNkg ♪
► https://youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA ♪

Outro song by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio –

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  1. Hey Folks! 👽
    This story was written by Tobias Malm, please check out his new novel "The Cave to Another World": https://www.amazon.com/dp/9152756688 – A story about a world where humanity never evolved.

    Fun fact, the story "We Found A Portal To A World Where Homo Sapiens Never Evolved" I did a while ago is based on this novel!

  2. Great story well thought out. Only thing I didn't like was the confederacy being a right leaning concept. The right was founded by Lincoln to abolish slavery. The kkk and the left Democratic party was founded by slavers for slavers. Look it up. Has been and always will be. Notice the policies designed to help the poor minorities Wich end up being dependency debt traps to cause economic slavery. Enjoy.

  3. I had the pause this story because I lost it laughing so hard that the iPhone that was presented in this story was American made That's where you're wrong children that are in another country that I won't say are made to work and grueling conditions and there's nets outside the buildings so when they are tired of working and sick of it they go to jump out the windows the nets catch them and then the guards put them right back in the chair they left from back to work and this is real this is reality

  4. True story, "the right" and "far" right DID NOT start the Klan or Jim Crow. That would DEMOCRATS.

    The creepypasta in this story is how the author has been Brain Washed to believe the opposite.

  5. But back in the Civil War times
    The confederate
    south was all
    Not Republicans…
    Check the real history!!!!!!!!

  6. I am sooooo glad there are no pictures, of this ???? Please don't send me any bad email s I am now leaving this very bad so called bovie (book a and movie)

  7. So the democrats won and got what they wanted like they are doing now: create a divide, take away weapons for those to protect them selves, arrest those over freedom of speech, call those that don't believe in letting others in their lives or having privacy is now called bigotry, racist, sexist, transphobic, and communist; but yet actually do said above. Yeah left blames right for their own actions.

  8. This is some activist fantasy sprinkled with some hero complex. I am not form the US but this still makes me cringe. Bravo dude, if you can make even this political fiction sound good, you are a legend. Always enjoyed your stories.

  9. I don't like the mans VOICE, so blassay & boring. Sounds like THE MIC is up his nose. I would like to just READ THE WORDS ON THE SCREEN MYSELF & hear sound effects, if stories like this are gonna be ON A VIDEO CHANNEL!

  10. So now in a creepy pasta, ppl wanna blame white ppl for the crimes of ppl long ago! We, generations now, are NOT responsible for what happened then! I'm irish and my ancestors were slaves here in america long before Africans were brought over and forced into slavery by the hand of their OWN people! Irish people were forced by Cromwell. There is a YouTube about this too. Look it up. IRISH SLAVES: the first American slaves

    But you don't hear us bitching about it. We moved on because we know we better than to let that shit hold us back. And still we rise! All us slaves, we RISE

  11. So many questions I want to say thay reality, did ww1 the great war occur. Did a version of nasa ever come to be, did russia move from tsars to another governing body. What were the guns like, did transistors see mass adoption ? Who made the first nuke, what lead to it, was there a Manhattan project analog. What was the consensus on climate change, what battery technology existed, did diodes and light emitting diodes exist. What operating systems existed, what was the ability of the computers they had, was it like a c64. Did hitler exist in any meaningful way. What is a woman. What scientific knowledge existed, did they find the evidence of evolution being a fact, what about concepts of physics like the composition of an atom, quantum mechanics. Did they have the amazing movie morbius?

  12. Democrats AND Republicans are tumours on the teat of Democracy. They are BOTH political cults that distract people from reality! How aren't people getting this by now?! Just let it go and enjoy the damn story. Or don't. It's a story.

  13. far right wet dream? good story , but anyone that knows history would know that the south was democrat left

  14. I've read/listened to a lot of alternate history fiction, I would file this under Show me you know very little about actual history without outright saying it.

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