Gardening Supplies

Cannatrol: The Best Drying and Curing Machine Ever??

In this video we warp over to the industry’s largest convention and stop by the Cannatrol booth. The inventor, David Sandelman talks to us about it. What are your thoughts on the Cannatrol? Comment below to let us know!

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  1. You may have Biden,
    But you’ve also got legal weed.

    I just cannot comprehend my favourite hobby being legal?
    I just can’t.

  2. Yeah $1600 for small fridge with a digital thermostat is astronomical to ask. I’m sorry not hating just ridiculous to me. I would pay $600. Again no disrespect to anyone

  3. I got a lot to say about this when I get some time I’ll bring it up as you can see I’ve been growing a while 50 years and 58 my first cannabis plant was age 9 I’ll talk more about that later I’m not putting the product down but $1500 I’ll put out my theory and I think 98% of the people will follow it

  4. Concept is cool, seems like a lot of money for something so limited…1500$ could buy alot of seeds

  5. Is this just a wine cooler using a thermoelectric Peltier / dehumidifier with a micro controller and a screen slapped on it to look fancy .. what other components make it work because if its just a thermoelectric module with humidity control its very overpriced ..

  6. Dude took a wine cooler said it’s for cannabis and charges an extra $1000

  7. It is something for people in the desert or what have ya. Seems knowledgeable but not mentioning very much.. Can prolly mod a fridge with computer fans. And one of the controllers that are out today to do the same thing. Personally I use a natural environment and just hang from paracord. I'll snip off a bud to trim and smoke from there. My heads I suppose go into real grove bags now days just so I have them for any reasons. I'm sure almost everything on Amazon is fake.

  8. I just got a Cannatrol and will be starting my first dry cycle in the next week or so. I mostly bought it as drying solution but I plan on running the preset dry cycle and then separating the harvest and put half into grove bags and then keep half in the Cannatrol to see which cure I like more. I believe as long as you hit the target water activity level in the cannatrol, they should more or less maintain that level inside the grove bags.

  9. Another un needed gadget. Curing takes time and patience with some environmental control. Jars are for storage, not curing.
    This machine is pointless.

  10. I'm curious if this unit managed to combine the use of the same water for both the dehumidifying and humidifying functions. Seems like the most efficient and time saving way for a unit like this to operate would be to use the dehumidified water to then humidify the air as necessary. Basically circulating the same water as needed without the need to drain the dehumidified water or fill up the water for the humidifier. Although apparently a wet sponge is used as a manual means of humidifying, replacing the need for a humidifier at all. Still. If so, it would be nice to have it completely automated so you don't have to wet sponges and drain the water all the time. But I'm guessing that would mean adding a humidifier to the unit. Which is a whole extra device. Looks like they went with the simple option.

  11. I've used my wine fridge and just burp. If you did your hang and dry correct then all you need is the wine fridge, taking week off the end of harvest is cool but not worth the money Rather spend the extra grand and get a freeze dryer like you're supposed to. 24 to 36 hours and its done.

  12. I just can't see this being viable outside of extremely small grows. There's absolutely no way my last harvest would fit in there, and I just grow in a small room in my basement. I guess not everybody has a spare bedroom but I do – so for like <$400 I bought a cheap 4×4 tent(don't need to worry about light leaks), a 4" AC Infinity fan, and a window AC. I keep my temp and humidity spot on for the whole dry and I have an entire 4×4 tent to use.

  13. I do auto humidity control my tent between 60 and 64 (with only air extraction) while drying, which I can leave longer for curing as well (but rather use it for next season). If your tent is 4×4 or smaller the humidity will always spike higher with plants or drying flower inside. Boveda packs for the jars afterwards to ensure the humidity does not drop in the jars (62%). I guess you could try to auto-VPD control your tent as well but you need some means of temperature control as well like a fridge does. So in essence the cannatrol functiona as a fridge and humidity controller auto-VPD'd.

  14. This reminds me of $2000 HDMI cables. Most people can see it's a scam but some people have more money than sense and they buy them and insist they sound better and you can't comment until you've heard the difference lol.

  15. How does it contend with the buds flattening due to them laying flat instead of hanging?

  16. I can fit 4lbs in this with dense buds and still have good airflow . It’s never molded on me. The 2.2 lbs wet is to sell you another one so you think
    You need 2. Just don’t overstuff it and use common sense

  17. In my opinion these are not needed. HUGE waste of money. With proper tem room an a fan you'll get nice dry smooth smoke able weed in less than 8 days.

  18. The Cannatrol is the most important piece of equipment in my grow. Rotate your buds for the first 4 days to eliminate flat spots. I run a 5 day dry 14 day cure. The Cannatrol will turn you into a snob. You will only want to smoke cannatrol cured bud, everything else is inferior. I’m just some dude with a legal 4×4 in Chicago. No affiliation to anyone, just speaking the truth!

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