Front Yard Garden

Lady almost CRIES After I COMPLETELY Transformed her Yard – I Fixed her OVERGROWN Lawn for FREE

I knocked on this lady’s door when I drove past and saw the lawn pouring over the curb in front of her house. She told me she’s been trying to get someone to come mow it but the companies she has called either won’t come give her a quote or are outrageously expensive.

She has been trying to keep up with her lawn by mowing small sections at a time with only 1 foot! You heard that right. She let me know she was disabled and I looked down to see that she had one of her feet amputated. I let her know that I’d clean up her entire lawn absolutely free of charge and figure out a price that worked for her for my crew to keep it up for the rest of the season.

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  1. Looks great! So weird how the curb just ends right there my OCD would not cope I'd be out there edging the grass there like there was a curb lol

  2. God Bless you guys . Watching you from India & really appreciate you taking care of a disabled elderly lady.keep up the good work. 🙏🏻❤️👍🏽🥰🤗

  3. Your videos are amazing and extremely therapeutic. You should look into franchising out to other cities across the the country to expand your expertise and generosity. I am mesmerized by every one of your videos. Well shot, well paced and the reactions are priceless. Keep it up my friend. If you ever want to take over North Carolina I can be your #1 ambassador.

  4. You are the greatest : ) Thanks for doing these great deeds. If you can make some Youtube money off that, while helping old folks , and the entire neighborhood, that is fantastic.

  5. Damn, you really cut down everything. XD Long standing tree growing against a garage? All leaves gone. Plans near the fence with flowers? Gone.

  6. why are you not wearing a PPE when you are blowing up all that lead and who knows what from the street. Please start doing that 😕

  7. First of all, thank you for your work, that's looks great…that's not up to you, but your people have almost no flowers or plants.
    In southern Germany, almost everyone who owns a garden has some kind of flowers or plants.

  8. Your a great dude!!! I don’t know why but I love watching these 🙂 must be my ocd lol I think a good video would be you explaining who you are, we all want to know about the genius behind the magic 🤓 keep it up sir!!!! Love it

  9. Spencer, your transformation clean-ups are simply mesmerizing to watch. What an amazing person you are to provide this service to people in need. Furthermore out of the goodness of your heart, for absolutely no personal gain. The world is such a better place for exactly people like you……..from Brisbane Australia. 😀🌹🌲🌻

  10. Great heart my friend, you lead by example. We all need to start giving back and end this self-righteous, destructive attitude we’ve been programmed to be. Love and light to all our brothers and sisters.

  11. That was a lot of work you did for free mate your community are lucky to have you
    I'm a self employed home maintenance company here in the 🇬🇧 UK and I've done jobs for local people that are on low incomes for free as it's good to help people and it's a nice feeling when you see how much of a difference it can make to there lives

  12. If people can't take care of their property they need to rent an apartment. No excuses.

  13. As a European I think the fact that tax money isn't put aside to help with stuff like this is honestly shocking tbf. Even if the city offered to split bills down the middle and go halves with home owners before slapping fines on folk. Like, do they also not take disability into account?

    I wouldn't even consider some of the land ya'll clean up as part of the persons property. Especially stuff like sidewalks… Also, how does the city not have an obligation to maintain sidewalks? Crazy.

    Bless you for helping folk out. Especially those who are struggling like this sweet lady here. From an outside perspective, it feels like tax money in America is very mis-spent. Especially when it comes to city maintenance… Cause maintaining roads and sidewalks shouldn't be a home owners problem imo.

  14. What a thoughtful, sweet, hardworking, and humble young man… such a great example of service.

  15. I would love to be able to do this for elderly in Sweden, but we dont have a lot of people close to me that lives like this, mostly a concrete jungle here, also what do you do in the winter-halfyear?

  16. In Sweden we have Installments for services like this, like $100 a month for 2 times a month

  17. why does he put the dirt back on the lawn? wont that kill it, and leaving giant pile of clippings will kill it too

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