@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: How to Have a FREE, NEVER ENDING Supply of Dahlias! // Easy Dahlia Propagation

In this video I’m going to show you the easiest way to propagate dahlias. Taking Dahlia cuttings is so easy and you really can create an unlimited supply of dahlias.

Getting Started With Dahlias: https://youtu.be/HkhULvmmlpc

Neptunes Harvest (with discount) & Other Products I Love: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love


Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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  1. Good to know! I had a GORGEOUS dahlia that I had to leave when I moved over 3000 miles away. I wish I knew this 7 months ago! I could have brought a little baby with me.

  2. Love ❤ Flower 🌺 Friday’s!! Never tried growing dahlias but falling in love with with their beautiful colors and varieties! Thank you 🙏

  3. Brian, I’m curious as to when you are building a greenhouse ? 😂 after watching this I definitely think you might need one 😊 I think dahlias are one of my favorites flowers.

  4. Love my Dahlias! Would you plant them the same in a bed? Directions have said in the past, bury 4". Also, The first and second year, they all came up great after our winter. Last year, one. I didnt dig them up. Should I dig them up every year? I did that last year and that's when none except the one came up. I got the info on how to store them and followed those instructions to the T. My friend grows (farms about 1/2 an acre) in Zone 6 so she needed to do so. I dont know why they didnt come up. I did speak to an expert at a flower show and said to plant them on Mother's Day.

  5. Perfect timing! I just got my tubers and instead of waiting to pop in the ground, I'm going to try this! Thank you! Can never have too many Dahlias!😊

  6. You got me interested to grow dahlias a couple weeks ago. They look so pretty. All those loose tubers you cut off.. can you plant them separately as well?

  7. I can’t concentrate on what you are doing because I’m wondering what your wife is going to do to you when she sees the dirt on the floor. 😅

  8. Just when I thought I knew all there is to know about growing dahlias, here comes your video with more valuable tips. I had no idea that you can propagate them by taking cuttings of the young stems. For the lack of indoor space, I keep the tubers in the garage, inside a paper bag filled with peat moss until middle of May, after the last frost. I plant them directly into the ground. I've been planting them deep enough to cover the entire tuber, including the eyes. They always managed to push through the soil within a week once I started watering them.

  9. Wow, so happy you put out this vlog. I planted Dahlias last year but obviously did not know what I was doing. Very poor growth! Great info for beginners 🤙

  10. HD dahlias have never produced flowers for me😢. Here's hoping this year we'll get something other than green leaves

  11. Thank you so much for sharing all the information and tips. My Mom just started growing them last year and loved them but then had troubles later plus knew nothing about propergateing them. Of course, I've shared your videos with her.😊

  12. I bought some dahlias at the garden center about a month ago I hope to get them planted about the end of april

  13. I have to admit I’ve never been a dahlia fan, even though when I was little a neighbor grew prize winning ones. I have a small garden and thought I can’t grow something that doesn’t do a pollinating job too. And lo and behold, after watching today I looked up and found…open-centered dahlias and they do a great job of feeding the pollinators! I guess I didn’t even know these open center types were even dahlias at all! Now I read they are bee and butterfly magnets. Now I must have some! Thank you for sending me in an entirely new garden direction!!!

  14. How ironic. I just bought some Dahlias from Aldis (1st example). Don't know a thing about them. Just walked in from
    planting them and now I will learn something about them! (I also planted some Canas)

  15. Hi Brian, thank you for peaking my interest in Dahlias. I enjoy all of your videos! I happened across an additional technique for multiplying cuttings & wanted your take on viability plus thought it may help you and community. Let me know if you would be interested in taking a look. I will send link.

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