Edible Gardening

South Orlando Edible Forest Garden Project: Year One

This is the new edible forest garden project that I’ve been working on for about a year. This is going to be a long-term project, and I hope to document all the stages of succession as the garden ages and evolves.


  1. what about the salt in the urine?
    sunken path is a great solution for the flooding.
    bidens alba is edible. also good for my rabbits.
    great use of septic tank space. what vines are you using there?
    where did you get your plants from?
    really like what you are doing, can't wait to see what is prospering in upcoming videos.

  2. This is very inspiring. I'm slowly working on getting my property in West Palm Beach to look more like this. Getting goods seeds is tough. I've tried ECHO but the postage is crazy. I may just have to drive over to Tampa, but would be great to hook up with someone local who would be willing to do some trading.

  3. Is that Crotalaria species Sunnhemp or Chipilin? I have seen online that Chipilin is edible, which I don't think is common among nitrogen fixers.

  4. Oh man! So many great folks doing edible forest gardning in southern Ontario. I am beginning a masters in it – looking at soil nutrient dynamics with different understory plantings. We should stay in touch with this great stuff.

    I am in Guelph. I'm subscribing!

  5. You folks in sub tropical areas make it look so easy. It is impressive what you have accomplished with all your hard work. I am going to give this a try but I am skeptical it will be as quick going for me. My area has seen little rain for the last few years and a handful of days each winter make it too cold for many of the plants being used.

  6. This is awesome.  I am getting ready to do the same in my property in south florida.  I love what you did.  How is your garden now?  Please update us.  Are you on facebook?

  7. dude, you can replace the grass over the septic tank with wood chips and inoculate with oyster mushroom spawn to grow giant oyster mushrooms… 🙂

  8. Living in SW FL so am looking for ways to feed my family. Is there a place to see the plants listed? Thank you for your patience and time.

  9. I love your video. Very informative. Where can I get moringa, a branch to plant or seeds? I live in SE Orlando. Blessings!

  10. Hey! I am doing the same in my yard! I have been posting videos too!!! I love my project ❤❤❤ glad to see others in Orlando doing the same! I would LOVE to see your project and ask questions!!!

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