Vegetable Gardening

Update on Spring Garden! It’s time to plant!

What’s growing on my friends? We are gearing up for warmer weather ahead and hopefully not too hot. And not too cold just right! I know you all are getting ready to plant Easter weekend for those of you that wait so tell me what are you planting?


  1. Beans go in next week. Peppers & tomatoes too (I forgot to harden them off! So they need a week of that!)
    Corn soon too. Then May will be squash, okra, sweet potatoes. 3 varieties of potatoes are in ground—planted “too many” if there is such a thing! Cantaloupe in May. A few watermelon. We’ve upped the garden space to increase the harvest & my head is spinning! 😂

  2. I just planted my new strawberry plants and bush bean plants. My chives have come back and my blueberry plant is starting to get buds and leaves. Hoping to plant more in the coming days. I am in west Oklahoma City

  3. Hello Jill you have everything looking so nice I’m waiting till April 15 to plant my garden the weather been strange lately so I’m playing it safe

  4. I got my tomatoes pruned last weekend. Blooms everywhere. No signs of babies yet, but, they will! 😁 Peppers are loaded with blooms as well. Beans are about 8 to 10 inches tall. Just keep watering, watching, and thanking the Lord for the beautiful plants. Something is attacking my corn…Already sprayed, but, I think it's those moth caterpillars that are doing it. Spraying doesn't seem to slow them down. But, the good news it, I only saw 1 this time out checking. I am HAPPY about that. These things don't sting, but their hairs get all over everything and it's like fiberglass thorns in your skin. I was singing-I got the joy, joy, joy joy, down in my heart, while looking at all of your plants 😊

  5. Beautiful plants. I think My seedlings needed more light. I've had success direct sowing and will be doing that this weekend. Reworking our small raised bed area to include a few large containers. I'll be fencing it in with bird netting to keep out chickens, cats, and deer. Critters think my garden is their salad bar.
    Taking out 4 quart bags of chicken broth from the freezer to can in pints tonight. Still adding more jars for the challenge.
    Thanks Jill for the info.
    Remember ya'll to Pray, Plan, Prep

  6. Here in Falls County 8B and we've gone all in!! Potatoes, carrots, bush beans, tomatoes, peppers, greens, cabbage, cucumbers, corn, okra, plus more and experimenting with sugar cane. Hoping for the best. NO LATE FREEZE……. PLEASE!!!!!!

  7. Wow you're champions! Those starts did awesome!🎉🎉🎉

  8. ps. I think this summer will be tuff for many again….just get all you need (shade cloth ect.) Better to have a cloth up most of the summer (box in plants and beds) than have them burn first. It'll be ok…and your ready.

  9. I’m here in Collin County. Along with you I’m praying for a less brutal summer. I have onions, strawberries and tomatoes in. Going to be direct seeding cukes, bush beans , basil, melons and peppers.
    Due to the uncertainty of the summer weather I moved to 100% containers this year. This way the area is smaller and I am able to shade the containers.
    I’m going to use your alcohol in the bottle idea love it.

  10. Waiting on the rain/ drizzle to go away here in the Texas Hill Country so I can get the containers filled with dirt and seeds. Went outside a few minutes ago and as soon as I got outside it came a little rain shower so back inside I am. I need to go through my food cabinets and organize them.

  11. I've been missing your video's, but I see by all your up-potted seedlings you've been quite busy on top of your visitors. Everything looks so beautiful! I love seeing all the tomatoes you already have. Vickie

  12. Hey Jill 😊
    What beautiful vegetables plants 🌱
    My plants are half your size..and I’m planting the week of Easter Sunday ..
    from watermelon to melons
    Also trying a new tomato plant this year ..
    and my regular tomatoes are ready to go in the ground..
    green beans cummbers and more onions
    Are you going to have a tea plant Green stock
    This year ..
    I have my coming up and another green stock full of strawberries 🍓
    We also had crazy weather
    But the rains have help out our dewberries.. lots of dewberries.. they still green ..
    peach 🍑 apples plums and pear trees are loaded this year
    They still small and green .
    Can’t wait to just stay outside most of the day working the garden..
    thanks for the video
    Take care . Lots of hugs prayers and love 💕

  13. Hi Jill! It is so nice to see COLOR!! We are still seeing the same three shades here: bright white, gray-white, and brown-white. I can't wait for this SNOW to be gone (more last night). So much work to do this year here. We are not rebuilding the greenhouse this year because we need to build a roof hang off the garage to make up for the shed that collapsed under the weight of a recent snow storm. I have to build 10 raised beds this year, and then get the high quality compost from a local nursery to fill them. Hoping to add 1 or 2 more apple trees this year along with some new to us crops–artichokes, eggplant, and a few more. I've already started tomatoes, kale, and artichokes. Just need that snow to melt and spring to arrive! It's still a foot deep in spots!

  14. My perennials are:oregano, rosemary, sage, daisies, asparagus, loquats, turmeric, canna lilies. I'm trying to start some bulbing onions, leeks, garlic chives, and garlic for a perennial stand. I have a few chives, but they never have done very well. I'll probably dig them up and move them this year. They don't like my green stalk. Also have a grape vine that I had grapes last year for first time. I have seedlings for 5 types tomatoes, broccoli, kale, eggplant, banana pepper, and spinach. As I plant more perennials I'm having less space for other plants,Everything is in containers. I noticed my marigolds and nasturtiums breaking the soil today. I also have self-heal planted around the bottom of my loquats. I got some purslane and red sorrel to plant. I'm 73 and as I get older I want more plants that I don't have to start every year. My lettuce always reseeds as I let it go to seed and I have lettuce most of the time,

  15. Tomatoes are in the ground since the first of March. I’ve planted carrots, lettuce, beets, radish, cilantro, dill, snap peas, and my medicinal herbs in the ground. Next weekend I’ll plant cucumbers, squash, my pepper plants, and all the seeds! Come on future food grow! I’m praying against the horrid summer predictions too. I just don’t see it with El Niño coming into play. I watch several weather and none of them has spoken about a drought filled summer again. So I say NO in Jesus name. ❤❤ I bless your garden to flourish.

  16. Virginia zone 7A here. My average frost date is around April 20th. I'm hoping to get my 360 pea seedlings into the raised beds this weekend. I have broccoli seedlings ready to go out in about 1-week. I have about 80 onion transplants that arrived yesterday that will be going out this weekend. I'll direct sow my beets this weekend too. I started 4 different variety of basil, 12 cells total yesterday. I have 16 different variety of annual flowers (total of 132 seedlings) that should be ready to go out in about 2-weeks. Tomato and pepper seedlings are growing very well. I'll be starting the rest of the seeds over the next few weeks. I'm out of room under my grow lights, so need to time it right with putting those ready in the raised beds to free up space for the warmer season seedlings. Jill, the growth in those tunnels looks awesome!! Keep Inspiring Us!!

  17. Started from seeds this year. I am in southeastern NC and starts are $5.75- $6.50 per plant! Most folks can’t afford that.

  18. Got my salads planted, along with some red onions, red potatoes, purple basil, peppermint and sweet mint (good for iced teas in the summer time), tomato plant, and my first strawberry plant. Have my peas and radishes planted inside, waiting for the garden tot be plowed (if it’ll ever stop raining long enough to get it plowed). Your high tunnel looks fantastic! Everything just growing and growing! Way to go! You and Greg are doing great!!! God bless! Let’s hope for a beautiful weekend next weekend, Resurrection Day especially!!! The Son always shines on that day 🙌🏼✝️💯‼️👏🏼

  19. I have some seeds started , some plants I will buy and some I will direct sow. Our last frost date is April 15 but I try to squeak a few in early with hot hats standing by and row covers . My dad said 'only a fool puts a seed in the grown before April Fools Day' . The freeze took all my carrots down to nothing this year , outside and row cover blew off . I did however look in there yesterday and I have one lone carrot popped up . Bless it's little soul , it just wants to grow. I always direct sow my squashes , melons, and cucumbers . I find they do better . I know you have success with pre starting because I have seen the results on your videos . Thanks for sharing and please be safe through these storms we are fixing to get hit with and I know your area has been under the gun more than we have lately . Prayers for safety and love your way .

  20. I have heard the term "doodle bugs" in that context in a long, long time.

  21. here in Illinois we are supposed to have severe weather tomorrow my garden still isn't started yet its still playing with us some days its warm and other its chilly today was in the 60s

  22. Looking good, my friend! I started my squash seeds and okra in mid March Direct sowing. It’s been warm and then kinda cool at night. I started direct seed sowing with peas and beans as well. Now I need the sun to shine on them. Happy 🧑‍🌾 gardening, Jill.
    God bless you too. 😊

  23. Thank you so much for your videos! I had a misfortune, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I also created a channel and am trying to move in that direction, but so far not very successful((qq

  24. Could you make a video on the right time to pick pears. You commented on your pear trees and I struggle on picking pears and they are to hard to eat. Maybe I can learn from your experience.

  25. I’m so glad to see all is well. Your plants look amazing! Aren’t tomatoes self pollinating? Same with Peppers.

  26. Thank you little sister for bringing us along in your journey, you are so encouraging and you inspire us so much.
    Quitting is not in your vocabulary.

    Squash (Zucchini , yellow straight necks, spaghetti, Patty pan,
    Tomatoes (Hosinator, Bella Rosa, Red Snapper, Earlygirl, Abu Wana, Sweet100, Opalka, Amish, Cherokee Purple, Brandywine)
    Cabbage, pak choi, collards, kale, beets, walking onions, carrots, peppers
    planting for our selves putting increased food stocks and helping elderly one near me

  27. My garden has wheat maturing, tomatoes blooming, green beans coming in, peanuts blooming, peppers producing, sunflowers taller than me, strawberries producing as well as green beans, and my onions and garlic are bulbing. Just harvested potatoes. I'm in zone 9b.

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