@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Sowing Flower Seeds for the Cottage Garden

In this video I will be sowing seeds of many flowers for the new cottage garden and will be showing you how to start flower seeds indoors.

Self Watering Seed Tray: https://bit.ly/3JYGDU0

Heat Mat: https://amzn.to/42YKwRJ
Seed Starting Mix: https://amzn.to/40ztDvk
Vermiculite: https://amzn.to/3nCGIFz
ViparSpectra Grow Lights: https://amzn.to/40vXZid

GROW LIGHT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/1l3Gfc3A4ok

OTHER PRODUCTS I USE AND LOVE: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love

Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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PRODUCTS I LOVE – https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love


  1. I do not disinfect my seed starting mix with additives. I pour boiling water over it, mix, then microwave it for 90 seconds to kill anything off and prevent fungus gnats.

  2. In my potager garden, I'm growing lots of Queen Lime mix zinnias, Cupcake cosmos (petals look pleated like cupcake papers), and CA poppies as annuals. Plus lots of roses, calla lilies, tiger lilies, shasta daisies, watsonia, montbretia, etc. You might think about spanish bluebell bulbs! You can't kill them, gophers don't eat them, they naturalize, and they're a delicate lavender-blue that come back every year.
    Oh, and I use boiling water to moisten the seed starting mix and let it cool before planting. No bleach needed!

  3. This was a fantastic video. Well paced and even though most of us know how to sow seeds, it's always great to see other methods. Those trays are awesome I'm gonna check them out! I wanted to do foxgloves this year too. Gonna have to seed shop… Again 😆

  4. I am planting Matsumoto Formula Mixed Aster( a free gift from Baker Creek), Tall Double Mix Strawflower, Cosmos Candyfloss red, Hollyhock Creme de Cassis, and Pink Senorita Zinnia. Best luck to everyone growing your treasures. 🙂

  5. Thank you for this video. New at starting my own seed. Excited about the new seed trays. Can’t wait to try those. QUESTION. Is it ok to have your seed growing station by a window? Blessings ❤️🌺

  6. Alas, I had back surgery 2 weeks ago and won't be able to work in my garden for four more weeks, God willing. Maybe I can direct sow my seeds…I'm in Georgia, so they should be fine.

  7. Wild flowers are blooming in a raised bed, also nasturtiums, sun flowers, ganzia, petunias, rosella, carpacopia, mist flower, red salvia, marigold, chamomile. These are all planted and blooming. Zinnias have not bloomed yet, not my lavender vinca. Overwintered angel trumpet and dark purple vinca. Borage and comfrey both now blooming. Also blooming now are my Dutch iris, freesias and day lilies. Blue hyssop not blooming yet, frog fruit blooming now.

  8. Oh I wish I would get the zinnia tips right away because I fear I might mess things up with my seedlings! I have quite short growing season so I sow zinnia seeds two weeks ago. Very good germination rate and they are under grow lights. Is there any specific thing I should look out for? I think the zinnias will get transplanted outside in late May, if they have similar temperature requirements to tomato, pepper and eggplant. I'm a zinnia rookie but I had to order seeds because I saw videos of flowers that attract pollinators and beneficial insects to vegetable garden…I was completely mesmerized of how beautiful varieties there are. I hope that they enjoy my south facing balcony garden…

  9. The link isn’t working for the self watering seed trays. Could you share it again please?

  10. I always kinda crack up when I hear people growing Fox Gloves or see them for sale because where I live they’re everywhere and they’re considered invasive. 😂

  11. Ami, Dara, Buplerum, calendula.black eye Susan’s, fever few(3 varieties), ageratum, baby’s breath, true hyssop, anise hyssop, bee balm, snap dragons (6 varieties) Salvia, Celosias (10 varieties), all the amaranths I could find, sunflowers 🌻 branching and pro cuts, straw flowers, statice, yarrow and zinnias ( Benarys giant and queeny) perennials Sea holly, Dahlias, liatris, Veronica….. Note: My fall sown 10/22 to 12/22, snaps, statice, foxgloves, Billy’s ball, orlya, are starting to flower along with my ranunculus. This is so fun, I’m sure I forgot to mention some. I’m growing in zone 9b Sacramento Ca

  12. It’s my first season using the self watering trays and I love them! Side note anyone in Canada you can get them from Veseys Seeds since gardener supply does not ship here 🙂

  13. I’ve also been using the seed starting trays from Gardeners Supply for a few years and love them. I am growing my usual petunias, marigolds, zinnias, snapdragons, and more. This year for the first time I am trying geraniums from seeds (along with my cuttings from last year) they are doing really well. My other new seed try is lisianthus. My oh my, those are a real challenge! I got them to germinate but they are sooooo tiny. I know they are suppose to be slow and stay small but I have my doubts on these.

  14. Hi Brian, I ordered those double hollyhocks from a well known bulb company and the set came with 5 different colors and only one survived. Next time I will order the single hollyhocks but I am having trouble finding them. Have you tried Delphinium , Daisies or Gladiolus? I planted a bunch of Gladiolus that I love, but in my area( North East) I have to lift them in fall, so this year I am trying a kind that don't need to be lifted or staked. I plant my families " Birth Month" flower in my garden and flowers that have significance to me personally . ( Daughter/ August= Gladiolus- Son/May= Lilly of the Valley- Husband/ Dec.= Amarylis( for house plant)🌺 and me/ Daffodils)

  15. I wonder on the pelleted seeds if maybe because they pellet them with clay the clay draws moisture out of the seeds so they don’t last as long? 🌷💚🙃

  16. Very hot in Arkansas. Sormy this morning, or it was supposed to. Now its sunny and windy and hot. I have pink echincea and also found some white echinacea. I planted a lilac bush also. I have some of that furry fertilizer plant. I started some mexican sunflowers. They are popping up. I have a bunch of zinnias I havent planted yet . My bee balm is up and filling up my kiddie pool. A bonus,,,a bunny planted her babies in my kiddie pool full of thyme. Dont you just love nature. All my winter sowing milk jugs are filling up with lettuce, chard, chijimisai, chinese brocolli and early cabbage. I need to start some tomatoes and okra today i hope. Hope you all are having a blessed day and a blessed garden jouney.

  17. OMG Brian!! I love how organised you are makes is so much easier and pleasurable to do it. I am going to try my best to do that this weekend when I start my seeds.

  18. I was going to play fox gloves or fox tails plants which I do have FoxTails but I hear they are poisonous to cats and dogs and my cat just started to go over to my Foxfern tail plants and smell them

  19. I garden in Israel. The wether here is quite similar to yours (another reason why I enjoy your channel). I sow Foxglaves, Hollyhock, Ammy and Nicotiana in the fall up to December. By March, April, it will be too late. Actually most of these flowers self seed for me at the beginning of the winter.

  20. You said you expect 2 weeks until germination under the domes, but you only mist/water them this one time until they’re ready for the self-watering tray? Thanks for clarifying!

  21. Thank you for another brilliant video!
    I have Nasturtiums, Sweet Peas, Portacula, Verbena and marigolds started so far and will soon be starting Alyssum, Zinnias, Snap dragons, carnations, sea lavendar and sunflowers 🙂 oh and I have a transplanted Calla Lily from the mother's day sales, a couple of carnivorous plants, a Vera deep purple (bougainvillea hybride) and hopefully a rose (currently propagating a cutting)

  22. I have started alyssum, strawflower, Strawberry fields, poppies, Batchelor buttons in the greenhouse so far. Have calendula and nasturtiums volunteers in the garden up already. Planning to start stock, zinnias, cosmos soon. And figuring out what else I want. Love your list of flowers.

  23. I am planting some foxglove I got some already growing and some pelletier seeds. Coneflower tomatoes squash cucumber. Trying dahlia the first time this year because I saw your video the other day. Thanks

  24. I just sowed some parsley, dill and fennel today and covered them with vermiculite, I'll be finding little glints of it shining on my carpet for weeks, it doesn't matter how careful you are… there willl be vermiculite somewhere, I promise.

  25. I planted Zenias for the first time last year and I loved them. I am doing it again. I need to plant some flowers in a shaded area but it is usually very hot in Pasadena.

  26. 4 O'Clocks, nasturtiums, companion plants for veggies, sunflowers. I'm going to try coneflowers again. If I can't get them to grow this time, I'll toss them. The seeds never germinate 😢

  27. Zone 8b – Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Crocus, Cosmos, Alyssum, Sunflowers, Sweet Pea, Zinnia, Echinacea. Yours are quite lovely, and can’t wait to see your cottage garden all in bloom!!!!❤❤❤❤

  28. When I plant my tomato seedlings in May I'm going to add fish heads. Can I use whole sardines as effectively as say a salmon head.

  29. Thank you for the flower starting inspiration. I want to work some more flowers into my yard, so it's nice to see what you are doing to get some ideas. I used a self-watering seed starting tray similar to the one you show but not from Gardeners Supply. I liked it. But I found that by the second year, the wicking mat was growing algae. I didn't know how to clean it since mine seemed to be a paper product. This may very well be the result of seed starting outside in the sun and exposed to everything blowing around in the air.

  30. I've been slowly starting a pollinator garden. so far we have several colors of hyacinth, day lillies (that were already growing in the area), swamp milkweed, anemone, Tiger Lillies. Allium, Adding phlox, sea holly, echinacia. always have marigolds. and adding Lily of the Valley under the pine trees. OH, can't forget the catnip. grows wild. I kept 2 plants for the cat of course😊

  31. hello friend it took me a while to subscribe to your channel not sure why but i do like your very useful information keep it up my friend

  32. I’ve sowed, marigolds, zinnias, cosmos, seashells, and just starting my sunflowers this weekend. Living in Oregon zone 6B we’re still having pretty rough cold weather right now.

  33. Dallas, Texas, where everything is toast by July no matter how much water, marigolds and zinnias are about the only survivors.

  34. Hi, Brian—nasturtium, calendula, and marigolds as companion plants, lots of poppies, borage, and other wildflowers, and two sunflowers for the rest of my garden. Quick question: my son gave me strawberry spinach seeds, which are * tiny *!! Any tips on how to plant really minuscule seeds?

  35. Thank you soo much for your videos! I had a misfortune, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I also created a channel and am trying to move in that direction, but so far not very successful((fp

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