Edible Gardening

Callisia Fragrans / Growing Basket Plant / The best plant for purifies indoor air pollutants

Growing Callisia plants for health, as with many house plants, basket plant purifies indoor air pollutants. In addition,
all parts of the plant are edible and used in herbal remedies. The mature leaves can be snipped with off the plant and chewed to relieve
stomach and digestive issues. Callisia is a natural antibiotic, antibacterial, and antioxidant etc. Here some properties of Callisia Plants
– Scientific Name: Callisia fragrans
– Common Name(s): Basket plant, false bromeliad, inch plant, octopus plant
– Family: Commelinaceae
– Height & Spread: 6-12″ tall, stems can reach up to 35″ in length
– Sun: Partial sun optimal, other sun conditions possible
– Soil: Gritty loam ideal, can be rich with organic content
– Water: Moist, do not allow standing water

Enjoy with this video and try growing a Callisia basket plant as a beautiful house plant and don’t forget to stock up your
medicine cabinet with its homemade oils and tonics. Please subscribe to this channel. Thank you !

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