Edible Gardening

Homegrown Food Edible Britain National Gardening Week 2019 RHS

#nationalgardeningweek #rhs #homegrownfood #ediblebritain #richardandpaul #planetvegetaria

As part of a collaboration with Liz from Byther Farm and Erica from Erica’s Little Welsh Garden, Richard and Paul have a chat about growing edibles and what it means to them.

You can visit the RHS’s channel here

Here’s a link to social farms & gardens of which Paul is Chair of the trustees

Here’s a link to Liz’s channel Byther Farm

Here’s a link to Erica’s channel Erica’s Little Welsh Garden

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  1. It’s so true that gardening can help with mental health. I just visited a non-profit that helps veterans through gardening and farming. I didn’t realize all the benefits! It’s hard when there’s construction in the background, though!

  2. Hello both! Thanks for joining in with this! Lovely video. The mental health balance is so true. If you have things on your mind they soon blow away with a bit of gardening.

  3. Wonderful video! You two gents are so fun! I am intrigued by the social prescription concept and look forward to hearing your thoughts. Big pharma meet healing farma!

  4. Wonderful. I think you need to put the seed to harvest section on a loop Paul – I'm sure it would make a wonderful present for Richard one day … And yes Richard, I know exactly what you mean re: trying to relax when there's construction work going again. Our neighbours have taken eighteen months to rebuild their place – incredibly loudly! However it's turned out quite well – trees I would usually have tidied back have been left to grow a bit more wild for privacy and now the garden has taken on a lovely new 'woodland/y' feel. It also means it's a lot less maintenance! Well done again lovely people!

  5. Agreed with everything you said…from beginning to end with sowing seedsYayyyy to mental health..Thank You both I can smell dirt and Kouras from across the pond 😂 no really I love the dirty jobs and just sitting and admiring the progress💞😍👬

  6. Great video … yep I feel the need to get it all done in one day…have also had to learn …not going to happen at 66…have to remind myself all the time it's ok if it takes a week not a day…gardening is my addiction…

  7. What is even sillier guys is that National Gardening Week is so bloodly early in the year – it should be in July/August when things are actually growing!!!!!!!!!! (Rant over!)

  8. I'm loving the bakground guys. It's really nice. I laugh when Richard gets impatient with you when your telling a story or going into detail Paul, because he does facial expressions like winona Ryder did at the awards shows, only more classy. My backs ruined this year too. I've overdone it a bit. So I'm taking it easy. Guys thanks so much for sharing your videos and all your gardening tips. Richards and Paul's amazing tips. Pics and chats. I'm really looking forward to more of your videos. Thank you 💟

  9. Nice video. Gardens do take longer than a week, but I guess the point is to get people out in one.
    ~ Jon in rural BC, Canada

  10. The garden is my lifeline….saves my sanity…
    Gets me away from the office and blooming mobile phones…
    Even its pouring…
    I just sit in the shed feet up and drink tea.. I am the same as you Richard….workaholic with high standards….love a spotless house, car and allotment..
    But not now at 61..
    If it's done it's done…if not tough …always tomorrow…xx

  11. You guys have expressed it well that's how my wife and I feel. Seed then weeks later you have something to eat. Amazing feeling which is planted by yourself.

  12. Agree with you both. I really believe it’s a benefit to be recognised more. You’ve explained it well. Once outside I’m absorbed by my garden, everything else disappears. It’s as though my garden is a big sigh that relaxes me. Happy your stress free now Paul. Richard, I look forward to seeing the results on your the garden. 💚

  13. I can’t do everything in one day either. My back won’t let me. I do have to get my garlic in the ground. Maybe today.

  14. Def agree that having a vision of how things will evolve is important. I cut back hard on the big shrubs and crowned trees last year which can be a bit scary initially (bald garden) but there is much more light for edibles and all the new ground cover springing up on the daily. Being able to share the food harvest is amazing esp with someone who s a “homegrown virgin “😎

  15. All my beds have dead plants and I’m trying to find the will to plant winter crops 😭

  16. Did you do naked gardening day? Had some funny photos in a gardening group I am in 😳

  17. Great video, got all the points across well. People need to get back to nature. Loved the humourous interludes too, and the green screen worked well. On Sunday chat you could possibly be in Paris or anywhere! Lol. 🙂

  18. That was both fun, and very grounded. Loved it. The effect our new garden has on our children is profound, and yet they don't realise it. My wife wants to just sit and enjoy it, as Richard suggests, but I am really enjoying the planing and veg planting part. But hey! isn't that wonderful, we all get a different benefit from the same activity, and all at the same time. As well as the 'social prescription' for health issues, I actually see the natural space as an 'essential vitamin' that children and adults need for a balance of physical and mental well being. Nice post.

  19. I kept thinking youre in a jungle and there will be monkeys or apes dropping from the trees, I was filled with anxiety.

  20. Great video. I agree with both of you. Nothing better then picking meals from the garden and yet a bit of a chore racing home from work to get something done in garden before light goes.😃👍

  21. Yes, yes, yes – I wholeheartedly agree with all of this……especially social prescribing! Happy Sunday in the garden to you both. 🙂

  22. I loved the Capability Brown reference. I must keep telling myself that every time I go down the the field and want it all to be done NOW!! I really enjoyed this video guys. Thanks for posting it 😊🌱

  23. Social Prescribing sounds a lot like Shinrin Yoku which the Japanese are into. In the West it is called Forest Bathing and it is said to lower your blood pressure and reduce stress and promote well being.

  24. Really enjoyed this video, I was chuckling though as you remind me of me and hubby. I am an avid gardener and hubby doesn't "do" gardening, but like Richard enjoys the garden once it's all done. I too have to get a job done in a day, even though at 72 this year, it does takes it toll, but that is part of the pleasure and satisfaction of the job well done. I am patient with the growing cycle though. As for mental well being, I can vouch for that. My Daughter died unexpectedly in October she was only 46. The allotment has been my lifeline and sanity. The joy from working the land, but also the comfort and support of fellow allotmenteers has been amazing. Sorry for the long comments, but you spoke so much truth in this video I just had to endorse what you have said.

  25. A little, but often, is what I tell my wife, Richard. She has that tendency to try to overdue things but I always remind her we cannot do it all in one day. At our age we definitely need to pace ourselves.
    Paul, the garden is my escape from the stress of my career as well. As much as I love the mission of my employer, it is steeped in politics and red tape that creates undue stress.
    Hope you both had a pleasant weekend.

  26. Noooo I didn't switch off! So funny, you are great – and I love your green oasis film behind you. I agree with the mental health thing – you do feel relaxed (once I've got it under control and all that needs sowing, potting up and planting is done!) and then step back to enjoy. Thank you. 😀

  27. Lovely update, thank you. I totally get where you are both coming from with the love of watching the seed grow and create a beautiful plant that might bear fruit or the hard work side of doing the graft to get it done, either way more people should be doing it .

  28. Great video. I could not help but laugh through the first part. In the US, if someone refers to edibles, they may well be referring to marijuana in an edible form. Becoming a common term these days. It has not struck me as so funny until now. Lol. Laura

  29. The garden or allotment a relaxing place when you are doing it a bit at a time,I don’t like noise either outside while sitting

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