Edible Gardening

Woman Sues City of Tulsa For Cutting Down Her Edible Garden

The food police strikes again tearing down a woman’s garden in her backyard. Damn that UN Agenda 21. City’s petty policy enforcement infringing on property rights. I hope the people who did this to her get sued. Come on people of Oklahoma Stand up for your rights!


  1. How dare citizens try to grow their own food and medicine! Don't they know that money should be used only on Monsanto approved products.. Do u know how much it cost to buy those politicians? Gotta pay for it somehow.

  2. Why she got a fuckin gardin?? EBT monye buy me awl tha food I cud eva want an tha shit FREE! I neva pay monye buy no food, dam, EBT thug lyfe, she prolly juss stupit ol lady.

  3. I am trying to respond to as many post as possible but this story has gone global. I would like to thank everyone for your support. This is bigger than could be reported. I am posting on KOTV Channel 6 and will be posting regular updates on that site if you want to follow this. My garden was 35 years of growing and sharing. No neighbors complained this was personal BIG BROTHER AT IT;S WORST. I will be posting photos of what was there soon. Stay with this and pass it to others.

  4. City goverments are doing this everywhere…. I have a problem with my local goverment constantly complaining that I let my lawn get over 6 inches high…. how the h3ll am I going to get the grass to produce seed to fill in the blanks if I never let it go to that point?

    There are too many people who think that the looks of other people's yards is more important then the actual rights of the home owners. People need to get out of other people's buisness alot more offen.

  5. Growing your own food and medicine!? No! You have to eat processed food and take pharmaceuticals to keep Big Agra and Big Pharma in the Big Bucks. This is America, damn it!

  6. Too bad most communities are like this, especially uniform communities with homeowners' associations. People love gated communities, so they really do not mean it when they say this is wrong. If it was so wrong, why do such laws exist?

  7. IMHO,You need a claim amount ,represenation by legal aid and don't forget Municple Council tresspassing with intent of malicous destruction of private property. Its going to be a long process, God bless you

  8. this is evil. just evil. people in tulsa should have their nose rubbed in this that they could let this happen to this woman

  9. you're still an obedient slave, too bad you didn't really test them and try to grow gardens in your front and back yard

  10. Cant you shoot them for trespassing. I would, they would leave if you sat outside with a shot gun. Government abuse again.

  11. She should have cut on every water sprinkler she had and ran them full blast till the thugs left. if she had to, put a lock on them so they couldn't be cut off too….$hit is $hit no matter what color it comes out….

  12. The great plantation at work once again ! Move along folks nothing to see here ! With Liberty and Justice for all ! Now clock out and gets back to work !

  13. she was cited for a car that don't work in her own driveway?
    wow.. i hope she sues and win big.

  14. Maybe the Food Growing Industry that sells to local Grocery Stores had something to do with this. Thinking 🤔

  15. Code enforcement don't think beyond there code book. They should have taken the time to verify if those plants where edible or not. Which would have been in compliance. I've fought code compliance for years, on some rules that where just plain stupid. But think of it this way. Do you go down and vote for qualified people to run your city government or did you just sit at home and allow idiots to invest your city government.

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