Container Gardening

Indoor Kitchen Herb Container Garden and Seedlings Growing under LED Energy Saving Lights

John from takes a field trip to Las Vegas to visit Jason’s House. Jason is growing in containers in his kitchen using fluorescent lighting and using Energy Saving LED Panel lights upstairs where he is starting seeds and growing seedlings.


  1. this is a awesome video, you should make more of these for the city people who live in apartments, and LED light are really work and low cost to mantain

  2. these are great. What I need to know is I have fish tanks and want to use them for planting herbs. Concern about watering ? Can you give me some helpful hints

  3. Have you thought about how plastic from the pvc pipe and that mat thing could leech into soil and into the plant?

  4. its because many plants are Photo-Periodic, which means they need a certain amount of day light and a certain amount of darkness to flower. A lot of plants grow a like, that means weed as well.

  5. He said it "wasn't that expensive" well maybe for HIM. If anyone else is curious it's a Standard Tabletop SunLite® Garden @ $249 per each!

  6. Hi John do you think there is a market for gardening indoors and selling to restaurants or small café shops?

    Basically I would like to support my habit and make some extra money of growing indoors under my t5 lights, herbs to small business owners.

    If you would like to see my setup please let me know I will be more than happy to send you pictures that way I can get your honest opinion

  7. John, you've certainly progressed over the years, I've been watching all your current video's and quite enjoy them. , You don't seem so happy 5 years ago…

  8. Thank for the video…question…how long do you have the lights on the herb plants…do you keep light on all day or do you keep it on for a certain time…like if you turn on light at 10am in the morning do you turn it off 10pm at night. Let me know..thanx again!..:-)

  9. I'm at 5:39 and I gotta say, guy if you read this, very intelligent and creative. Hats off man. Great work and exploratory nature like this contributes to the evolution of humanity, through you. HI five duder

  10. really neat and high quality video to look back on 12 years later and super creative guy, wonder if he had a YT channel

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