Gardening Supplies

15 Seeds You Must Grow in April

April is a great month to start sowing seeds. Here are 15 Seeds you must grow in April. You can start these seeds indoors or you can sow some of these seeds directly in your garden in April.

#April #Gardening #DaisyCreekFarms

Round Peet Pots (Biodegradable)

Square Peet Pots (Biodegradable)


Seeds at only $1.79 per Packet
Plus save 5% with this link


Grow Basil

Make Seed Potatoes

How to Plant Potatoes

Plant Asparagus


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  1. How are planting directly into the ground with all this rain we're having in Northern California. I'm afraid to put my little guys outside.

  2. Okras now with all the cold weather here in CA? Personally temps are more important than the actual month you plant stuff.

  3. Thank you Jag. Being in Zone 10 I probably should have started earlier. Potatoes, green bean's and peas I started early and doing well. Most are in cloth grow bag's.
    Thank you so much.

  4. Hi Jag happy Wednesday to you and your family I always enjoy your videos to you and your family take care bye.

  5. I just did a video on 15 beans that I planted from the store. They are growing fast and now I have to do an update when I transplant them. Thanks for sharing this info and have a great day and happy gardening 🌿🌱😊🤗

  6. Jag, thanks for the tip about the transplant with the biodegradable pots. Makes sense just never thought of it…..

  7. Long-time organic gardener (in 7b) but recent subscriber to your channel. The bane of our existence the past few seasons have been cucumber beetles (both spotted and striped). We've tried neem sprays, soaps, Spinosad, homemade sprays similar to your concentrate, companion planting (radishes), trap plants.. running out of ideas. In 2020 we had bushels and bushels but the past two years we have struggled with infestations and subsequent diseased plants. This season I sprayed down last seasons planting area with Spinosad in hopes of killing overwintering larvae, covered the area in weed barrier, and will try grow bags with fresh soil/compost. Anything else I could try to return to the glory days?

  8. Hi Jag, do you knick your bitter melon seeds? I soak mine too, but someone said to knick them for faster germination.

  9. Hi , beautiful video , your seeds grow well they will be amazing in the ground . Have anice day .

  10. (Cilantro or coriander as is brits call it is meant to have lovely and tasty green seed pods when it bolts and flowers and then get the beneficial flowers before it produces those tasty green seed pods too right..?..)

  11. Jag, With all the rain and freezing nights, will you be able to do ' you pick' this summer

  12. Thank you very much. You really pack a lot of info that helps every gardener. 😊 Where can I get bitter gourd seeds both Indian and Chinese. Would like to pickup quickly as it's rather late for shipment. I'm in Mid Hudson, Hyde Park.

  13. I have Parsley that are volunteered and started growing in Dec. I planted seeds for parsley to try to keep having parsley. Some of it is bolting. I am cutting those stocks off. I am in Phoenix Arizona area in zone 9b and get a number of days soring bove 100 we had days 117 to 120, If I plant more parsley now in an area that get morning sun but gets shaded by 11 to 12 noon will parsley grow in these high temps?

  14. Depends where you live, our spring started nice last year, I planted in end of April, it never warmed up as usual till mid June so most did not germinate.

  15. Jag, your videos are wonderful.. so to the point and direct and SO VERY HAPPY… it comes from you, your joy in gardening… I listen to you a lot. thanks for your guidance.. … stay always in Chardi kala.. In joy !

  16. What's the average diameter of the asparagus root plant?
    I've been contemplating putting some in my aquaponic vertical garden.
    But I don't want to order any if they won't fit.Thanks

  17. Sorry Jag: Ur advice is great for Nicaragua and Pakistan in hot zones both a starvation prone zones but in Zone 5-6 which is 30% of USA u r irrelevant.

  18. 2:13 you have an isopod in your container next to your melon seedling!
    Isopods have been my arch nemesis lately, munching on many of my seedlings.

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