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Shoplifter bit off earlobe of Nordstrom security guard at Washington Square

The woman pled guilty to assault and attempted robbery and was sentenced to 70 months. The victim went to the hospital but her earlobe could not be reattached.

Read more: https://www.kgw.com/article/news/crime/shoplifter-bit-earlobe-off-security-guard-washington-square-mall/283-6e27473b-0ef6-4a3f-9453-324d4559c9ad

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  1. I used to be in Nordstrom Loss Prevention. Glad nothing happened to me. I loved busting these lowlifes and making their lives even more shitty than they already were. Sad to see a good company shut its doors due to these scumbags but it sucks for the rest of us. Now we can look forward to a drone dropping of you purchase at home and praying that a porch pirate doesn’t steal your shit at the doorstep.

  2. Wonder how much Nordstrom paid out to the victim. Hope it was a lot. But might not have, if the incident was handled as a workers comp claim, which generally strongly favors the employer. Another reason to be hands off even as an asset / loss protection employee. No store pays enough to lose an ear let alone one's life.

  3. I predicted canna-ballistic behavior, after the politicians and fake news stole the presidency from President Donald Trump. The only clothes that matter, are her bra and panties. Bras are all different, panties usually crotchless, but you never know. I like cutoffs and halter tops, nothing stopping you.

  4. There's your white privilege. I if she were black she would be free by now.

  5. If I saw that happening and taking place, I'd think a zombie apocalypse was taking place and start running the fuck out of there.

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