Edible Gardening

How to Turn $3 Storage Containers Into an Edible Garden

Good Living ,Country Guide
How to Turn $3 Storage Containers Into an Edible Garden To Container Gardening Everything You Need to Know How to Container Garden .Let’s Start Gardening and Being Proactive in Our Lives ,This Method anyone can Do Anywhere

compressed Soil :https://amzn.to/2QIwCzq
Storage Totes : https://amzn.to/2QEaPcc

Good Living Guide To Country Skills:https://amzn.to/2Jetdo6

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▬ A B O U T Homestead Tessie Mobile Home Living ▬

In 2007 We were Over 300,000 In Debt ,We made a Choice to Sell everything We own and Pay off the Debt By Living On Very Little Money and Create a Frugal ,Simple Life
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Homestead Tessie

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  1. I live in SE VA. One year I tried to grow veggies in containers and the bugs just killed everything I grew. I was so discouraged.

  2. Those containers are excellent! That’s what i will do next year when I don’t have my daughter helping. We’ve not had a garden in decades and i felt the need to do it this year. My daughter made a raised garden of sorts last year and we’re using it this year. She will marry this winter and I can’t handle weeds and such (chronic health issues) so those containers would be my answer. We’re on a farm and all our dirt has many weed seeds. I need to purchase dirt and those containers will work beautifully. Thank you!

  3. Hi Tessie….what an awesome vidio. I've never saw that kind of soil.I will have to look for it.

  4. Tessie I would like to know more about the sweet peas you have planted…did u plant them from seed?

  5. Tessie, don't you think that is a little too many tomato plants to put in one tote? I realize they are patio tomatoes but when they mature they will compete for food and nutrients. If you have had success with this in the past..kuddos. Bless you and your channel. Stay safe. Stay home. No thrift stores yet young lady. Hahaha. Oh, maybe your state isn't on lockdown. Ohio is.

  6. I like working outside in my bare feet too! I’ve been planting seeds in all kinds of interesting containers. Paper towel rolls, plastic coffee cups, egg cartons, shoe boxes, skids, any kind of plastic container I can find plus my husband has been making self watering planters on his 3D printers. You are my inspiration this year to start seeds indoors. May your garden grow beautifully this year!!

  7. This is off the subject but could you let me know what type of washing machine and spinner that you use.. blessings

  8. Hi Tessie, what were the seeds you were sowing in your covered outdoor wooden planter?

  9. Tessie I totally remember that video of the totes…cause that is when I got some totes out of a dumpster someone throwing away because they had no libs…and I grabbed and said I'm going to make planters…and this will be getting them filled this week I Pray

  10. i got pole beans going in totes i even used the back of an old toilet it has big hole in bottom and its a good planter heeehee

  11. Ok I did the container idea for gardening but I used an old kiddie pool. But I did not poke holes in it! So now should I go back and poke holes in it( maybe use like a screwdriver and push it through?)?! It is pretty deep dirt.

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