Gardening Supplies

Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Your Permaculture Homestead

If you’re looking to implement permaculture design on your homestead or even on a suburban lot, you’re in the right place. Join me as I discuss permaculture design, along with the most common mistakes to avoid, with Nicholas Burtner from @schoolofpermaculture.

For more tips, visit the blog post here:

– Take Nicholas’ course Homestead Planning and Design at the School of Traditional Skills:
– Find Nicholas at The School of Permaculture:
– Check out the book, Small-Scale Grain Raising:



WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our eleven children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

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A few highlights you don’t want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Healthy Healing at Home – Learn how to confidently use herbal medicine in your home with this FREE 4 video workshop:

Your Best Loaf – A Free 4 video workshop teaching you how to make great bread at home, every time, regardless of the recipe you are using:

Meals on Your Shelf – Can along with me! Learn to can and put jars of a delicious meal on your pantry shelf with this FREE video series:

– Homesteading Family’s Favorite Holiday Recipes – Grab all of our family’s favorite holiday recipes.
– 5 Steps to a More Self-Sufficient Life – Simple steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
– Thrive Wellness Checklist – A simple guide for healthy living:
– Permaculture for Your Homestead- An introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
– Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list – Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
– Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles – These easy casseroles are a life-saver for busy weeks!
– Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs – Grab your guide to preserving eggs with multiple methods.
– 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden – Get an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden.
– Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
– Fearless Fermenting- A simple guide on basic lacto-ferments.
– Fermenting Tomatoes – Easiest and fastest tomato preservation:
– Preserving Culinary Herbs – Downloadable, step-by-step directions to drying, freezing, and salting culinary herbs.
– Render Your Own Lard – Grab these easy instructions on how to render your own lard.
– Grandma Lynn’s Blueberry Buckle – A delicious dessert anytime of year:

#permaculture #permaculturedesign #permaculturefarm


  1. For bees, I have found them to be far easier than chickens. Check out Leo Sharashkins way of bee keeping the natural and ancient way. Been a breeze for these 4 seasons I’ve had them. The honey, wax, propolis, and bee bread are sooooo worth it! Perhaps permaculture is a set of principles and techniques to optimize Gods natural creation for the meeting of man’s needs and the benefit of the Earth.

    Be blessed!

  2. Please we want to hear application to your method not your feelings about it

  3. Mulberry is hella invasive from my experience, the birds eat the berries and crap them everywhere and you are constantly battling little mulberry bushes growing up everywhere, oof. Probably works better on a very large property where you can stick it way in the back and run over it's invasive offspring with a tractor if you need to

  4. Be careful of the people you bring into it. The wrong people can suck the life ,energy,and resources out of your experience.

  5. I believe if everyone had their own homestead and had to grow their own food and do what needed to be done or do or grow something to barter with otters it would be closer to heaven on earth.

  6. Ugh, this guy is soooo long winded. He needs to just answer a question or explain a concept and not give so much back story. Alot of good information, just too technical and involved.

  7. A mulberry tree is the nastiest tree. It stains your house & clothes & doesn't wash out. It removes paint from your vehicles & machinery. They are full of seeds & it doesn't taste good. The birds eat it and poop purple stains on your laundry on the clothesline & including the other things I mentioned.
    Never seen clothes made from mulberry.
    The wood is not good to burn for heat nor to smoke other foods. The trees are always shedding bark & limbs making more work than it's worth. I chop them all down & give the wood away to people for their bonfires. Not worth my time.
    This was not helpful in permaculture design. This was more about "feelings" & how "I think" people don't understand permaculture.
    I was hoping for more "design" teachings. Placement, companions, regeneration, zones etc.

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