Japanese Garden

Hama-Rikyu Japanese Garden (Tokyo, Japan) | A Strolling Garden Amongst the Skyscrapers | 浜離宮恩賜庭園

Hama-rikyu gardens are a breath of fresh air and serenity in the heart of downtown Tokyo, right near Tsukiji fish market.

On today’s Japanese garden stroll I hope you can get both some relaxation as well as some creative inspiration.

This old Edo-period strolling garden was originally a Tokugawa villa but is now open to the public…

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  1. I am new to your channel and I really enjoy your videos. We are thinking to buy a house in the future and I would like to make my own small japanese garden. QUESTION- do you have advice where and how to buy proper plants and materials? A reference to a reliable shop or the selling brand would be excellent.
    Thank you in advance and keep doing a good work

  2. The pine at 9:33 was really cool, and i really enjoyed the piano. All the effort that went into pruning it, that Sakura overhanging the water was cool too. The stonework and post railings were nice, and the wisteria too. This garden in certain areas with its vast lawns made it feel less Japanese to me. Is the modernity you’re mentioning regarding the lawn?

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