Container Gardening

Spring Garden Tour || March Pruning, Pot Displays, Box Blight & Winter Losses

Welcome to my March garden tour. Expect to see what’s looking good and to catch up on the March jobs I’ve been doing. All plant names written on screen.

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  1. Hi Rachel 🌺your garden looks amazing in this time of the year you can plant the same plants or aney plants in place the plants that did not sirvive the cold weather . You can plant japanese maple in place the olearia lacunosa tree. Have awonderful day and Happy Easter.✝️

  2. Sad to see your boxus circle has blight it was so lovely I have seen it in many of your videos and love it I'm hoping to do a circle of boxus in my garden round a weeping cherry so I will be interested to see what treatment you use for the blight, love the colour of the arches could I ask what shade and brand paint you used please

  3. Hi Rachel, your Camilla look stunning. Very beautiful. ❤ I love the pink magnolia the best though. Really stunning.

  4. Good to see you looking so much better Rachel.I think you will find suitable pieces to propogate your aeoniums.I had a very mature one outdoors only covered with fleece and the damaged pieces are beginning to shoot again.Good luck.

  5. Why-gee-lee-yah is how I’ve heard the shrub in question pronounced. Such a lovely shrub, and a lovely garden!

    So sad about the boxwood. I have some losses in my garden too. It was a relatively mild winter, but we got a few days near or below 0 degrees F and I guess it was just too much for some things 😢

  6. Sorry about your aeoniums. Were they just all mush, or did you have any firm stems that might throw off a baby or maybe one head that survived that you can propagate?

    I am guessing they grow quite slowly in Ireland… So any recovery would probably be quite long.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing a lovely garden tour. I’m so glad that you’re out of the hospital and doing better. It’s good to see you in your garden again.

  8. We always enjoy your videos Rachel, sorry to hear that you have been in Hospital, hope you are better now. Sad that you have lost plants, have box blight, hope you get it sorted. It has been very wet Winter/Spring here in NW England too. Love your display around your front door. Take care, God bless.

  9. So lovely to see your garden and I love the colour of your arches. You were so lucky with the free strawberry compost!! I’m so sad for your losses, particularly your box hedges to fungal disease Rachel. I had such problems a few years ago with my boxwoods and took them all out in the end, but mine was the box tree moths and caterpillars which is spreading all over England unfortunately. So I’m not planting any more of them which is so sad as they are gorgeous. I hope you can manage to get yours to recover. All your tulips and spring bulbs are wonderful!!

  10. Hi Rachel your garden is gorgeous as usual. The Camellias are spectacular! I was concerned about cold damage here this winter. Our winter was basically mild except for one sharp cold spell in December. I was concerned about my 20ft Ficus carica , it's been late to leaf but low and behold it's sprouting out. Thank goodness because a few years back we had a cold snap that took it to the ground and it was very large then. Love your channel , take care.

  11. Good to see you back and about in your garden. Cannnot wait to see your subsequent videos.

  12. I always love the look of the garden when a fresh layer of mulch has been applied. When it is still dark and rich and fluffy looking and just gives a nice contrast to the plants.

  13. Hi Rachel,
    Welcome back – it’s good to see you in rude health again.
    Sorry your garden has taken such a hit after the wet, cold weather. Hoping for a good result for your box wood!

  14. loved the video, thank you for sharing with us. and the arrangement is beautiful!!! take care and stay safe.

  15. I've been faithfully following your advice about the planting of tulips over the past couple of years, and was rewarded this year with the most amazing show of returning varieties. Have been telling all my gardening friends about which are the best groups to buy, and how to plant them. But don't worry, I also mention your great gardening channel😀

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