Gardening Supplies

Do you get squash vine borers? Grow this instead #squash #pumpkin #garden #urbangarden #vegetables

Do you get squash vine borers? Grow this instead

If you struggle with squash bugs and the squash vine borer – then focus on growing cultivars in the Cucurbita Moschata family and group. The Moschata family tends to have much thicker and harder stems which makes it more difficult for the squash vine borer to get inside. Since these plants are extra tough, they can take on a lot of damage before being affected. With that said, I still recommend you stay on top of treating for squash bugs, but at least your chances of success will be higher with Moschata’s.

Some of my personal favorites in this family/group include:
– Seminole Pumpkins
– Calabaza pumpkins
– Tromboncino Rampicante

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  1. Interesting… a co worker of mine originally from the Caribbean asked me to grow these and I wondering about resistance and couldn't find any info. I just started germination on some seeds I found on etsy today. You sure they are resistant?! Had planned to cover and hand pollinate. Would love to leave uncovered and let the bees do their magic.

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