Gardening Supplies

I’ll Make Any Job Look Impossible

Bringing some more tender plants to the allotment and trying to keep them safe from overnight lows. It doesn’t go to plan at all.

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Tony’s Greenhouse –

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  1. Your videos are delightful. We just had a freak frost 3 weeks later than normal. I already had lots of plants outside. I lost quite a few but it was interesting which varieties died and which weren't affected at all. Next year I will only start the more frost hardy varieties early and start the others later.

  2. We have that shelved greenhouse from B&Q and the cover never fitted either and tore along the zip seams. They are great if it isn't blowing a gale like today!

  3. JB I always chuckle watching you. You should look for a wooden dowel the size to fit the the shelving the extra shelf will make a difference. You could even paint it a very close green color. We will have temp of 28° C this week and next week night time 0° C several nights in a row. I can see about 75% of my garden now the snow is finally melting we had 90 inches of snow this winter third highest total ever recorded!! This darn winter doesn't want to let go yet. My garden is at home so I do not have a greenhouse and really do not need one there is no room. Trading the intentions of the two greenhouses may be a good idea next year. Funny how sometimes our plans just always get voted down by circumstances. Have a good week, no potty mouth today, bye for now

  4. I always seem to spend more time finding stuff than actually doing the job,so join the club there JB, at least your giving some of us are hope for the future 😅

  5. Had a similar issue with fitting a water butt yesterday! 😂😂 Trip to wickes later, get to my car with a 3 metre pipe and instantly knew I had not thought this through! 😂😂

  6. Perhaps plant the cucumber in ground now at base of the mini GH. Perfect climbing frame.

  7. Hi JB, I love your videos they always make me smile. I bought some of the same compost and I'm having similar issues with my seedlings. In fact, I've been trying to use peat-free composts for a couple of years now and have had inconsistent results across the board, from seeds to seedlings and beyond. Honestly, I thought my growing mojo had up and left but you have given me hope it's the compost and not just my ineptitude. 🤔🥰

  8. they don’t fit after one year of use so you are better off with a cover larger than the structure and yes it will warm up more inside even with one side open

  9. Another great video. I managed to kill off half my spare chilli's using the using the greenhouse in a greenhouse idea. The other half are making something of a comeback thankfully but how they managed to survive I've no idea as I was checking them today and noticed that one of the plastic labels identifying a Jalapeno had actually warped in the severe heat! I'm getting to the point where I might just move my best chilli plants into the greenhouse, put the heating on to keep it at 10C and damn the expense but we have a few frosts predicted in the next fortnight so waiting until after then might be prudent to avoid financial ruination.

  10. Haha "blow away greenhouse" 😄Are they actually called that or was it just cause yours blew over? I bought 2 of the same type for my balcony last year, and since I live on the 3rd floor I bolted them down with a couple of fat zip ties just to not have them blow away hehe. Also, "thanks" for reminding me about the amount of soil I need to get as well 🤪Hope the cabbage sprouts tasted good!

  11. This really made me laugh, because I have had so many of those moments too! Just subscribed and am now going to go back and watch earlier videos! 🙂

  12. Those seedlings are looking good. Mine are in a different compost and look a little behind yours. I've got my shelf up from my blow away greenhouse in my greenhouse. Yes the plastic never fitted properly either but might put mine on for those chilly nights. My greenhouse is hitting about 6° for the lowest temps but it should help with not having to bring my tender plants in every night

  13. Thank you for NOT sending #Shorts! I HATE them…such a waste of my valuable time. I wish I could opt out!
    Sending this message to all my favorite channels.

  14. I don't know why I derive so much entertainment from your frustated mishaps – but I do. I absolutely do. 🤣🤣

  15. Do you ever get the feeling you are jinxed. Never watched any of your videos where things have gone to plan. 🤭🤭

  16. Hi there JB! You made me laugh watching you set up your mini greenhouse! I have put up some netting in my greenhouse to shade the seedlings and young plants, and works well, so some shade netting across the top and sides will help your plants when it's too warm.

  17. Reminds me of a greenhouse I purchased awhile ago. The structure was great but the plastic fell apart after a season and I could not be bothered to complain about it. Also, the zippers never worked properly. The windows had velcro that never fit together. I still have the structure, because the structure is so strong, one can do chin-ups on the top struts. I have just been too lazy to move it or to clip on more plastic. Maybe next winter.

  18. I love my cheapy zippy greenhouses…bought them from Aldi. The cover seems to fit better after it’s warmed a bit in the sun. I had a zipper go bad once and I just duct taped a strip of poly on that side and it lumped along for 2 extra seed starting seasons.
    The greenhouse inside a greenhouse idea is marvelous as long as you open it up pronto before the heat of the sun. Luckily I just have to walk out my back door to open mine….you have to drive to the plot.

  19. You and Tony should meet up and do a DIY project together. I think a bleep machine and a box of tissues for the tears of laughter would be the order of the day 😂😂😂

  20. Just put a roll of plastic or bubble wrap over the top shelf and roll down as a door (material wider than the broken zipped door). It's only for a few weeks!
    I do this on my smaller outdoor greenhouse on the inside of the door as basically a curtain haha.

  21. Hi my husband's tip my tray of seeds onto the carpet . Can't see what is cucumber or melon plant apart .

  22. Hi JB, just put building your small greenhouse as a training exercise. You will know to do it the right way next time 😊 Tonys greenhouse us heated so, thats why his plants are looking good. The temperature at night has probably slowed down your seedlings growth, they will catch up. Great video and thanks for sharing and take care 😊

  23. Think your seedling are looking OK, the weather been all over the place this year. Been a lot colder thus year then last year

  24. I feel your pain. I also got to overzealous and planted my plants outside. Forgetting im away this week. And of course no rain at all while away. It's been raining nonstop otherwise. I'm glad the temp is holding. I have the same mini green house. I haven't tried the plastic. It's currently my indoor setup. 😅

  25. Great video JB and thanks for the comment on my greenhouse, I've added a bit of shelving inside and one or two other bits I'll put some photo's up shortly

  26. My 🌶️ 🫑 are looking so much better now that I’ve repotted them and am getting them outside much, much more. My Mars Hydro lights aren’t dimmable and, even with a big gap, they’re too much. So I’ll be replacing them with some ViparSpectras this year. But I still think I’ll be reverting back to starting things off 2-3w later in 2024. I take my guys outside into a Greenhouse when it starts warming up – I get remote temperature data from several SensorPush devices in different locations, so I’m getting them outdoors every day now, but they still come back indoors once an alert triggers on my portable telecommunications device. Last year I left them out if night time temps were staying above 5°C which seemed okay, so hopefully yours will be okay too 🤞

  27. My OH is shouting at the TV, use a hairdryer on the plastic. Thought I’d pass it on JB, it might work!

  28. I bought the same mini greenhouse shelving some years ago and it's still going strong. Buy the same thing now and the quality is dreadful. I also used it for extra protection in my greenhouse and it worked well. It's easier to put the plastic on when it's warm but the covers never last in my experience.

  29. Don't like the peat free compost and neither do my seedlings, have tried lots of makes and just don't think the quality is that great. Jo Devon 🙂

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