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‘No negotiation over Crimea’ – Ukraine’s spring offensive plan explained | Kira Rudik

“There is no point in negotiating because the price of this agreement would be less than the paper it would be written on.”

Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik tells #TimesRadio Ukraine is not willing to negotiate over Crimea and is preparing for its spring offensive.

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  1. Did Adolf take children from Poland and move them to Germany ???? yes yes yes, I have just read this in the book "Hollocaust"…….has anyone else done this ????

  2. I love her! Always smart & straightforward. She's right on all points: This isn't a performance; it's a life & death military action.

  3. Macron made an absolute fool of himself demanding China do something – neutral is a concept Ukraine need reconsider – they had the best option of all a year ago, when there was a peace deal on the table in Istanbul – UK/US neocons have mercilessly sacrificed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, for their now-failed Moscow regime change project – she'll one day acknowledge that she and her country have been used and abused – hope the extremists are neutralized so peace can be made – if Zalensky tries talking peace, they'll assassinate him – she mentions a peace deal worth less than the paper on which it's written – that's the Minsk Agreement – Poroshenko, Merkel, Hollonde all mendacious frauds

  4. There can never be ANY negotiating with a bully. NEVER. Such a concept has NEVER worked in the entire History of Mankind.

    I speak from very personal experience. Three times in my life I have been threatened by bullies. Three times they thought I was a pushover. Three times they intimidated, used fear tactics and sought to threaten my friends/loved ones. Three times they learned very painfully what Science, Intelligence, Planning and Awareness can do in the face of brutish force and size. I've never been a physical giant, quite the opposite, I was the original 7 stone Weakling, but I had brains and I used them to take down bullies twice/three times my size. You take down the Leader and the rest run away. You strike hard and first then follow up with flurries of blows that prevent recovery.

    Russia must never again be allowed tp threaten its neighbours/victims. Total defeat and humiliation must be the goal!

  5. Peace proposal by China was a farce, grandstanding and how could any leader look or read such a proposal from another dictator exactly like Putin. A criminal coming up with a peace proposal. It is an insult. One does not have a heart. The other is not clever. Dictators rule by force, intimidation and control. Peace is not part of their vocabulary. God bless the warriors and people of Ukraine 🇺🇦.

  6. Ok… China and other countries. If you want to stop Russia's attack on Ukraine. Put your money where your mouth is. The solution is simple. Stop selling weapons and ammunition to Russia. And stop buying anything from Russia. And that includes oil and gas. Until that happens, you're talking loud but saying nothing. Because your actions speak loud and clear.

  7. Anyone who is tempted to discount or disagree with what MP Kira Rudik stated needs to take some time to listen to the very knowledgeable & experienced Retired Lt. Gen Ben Hodges, regarding (a) the absolutely crucial strategic need Ukraine to completely & permanently remove the Russian/Wagner military from Crimea, and (b) how this goal can realistically be accomplished in this year. To realistically achieve total victory in Crimea a couple of additions to the AFU's capabilities need to be made a.s.a.p., specifically, the primary weapon system/munitions that needs to be added to the AFU's arsenal are ATACMS missiles for the HIMARS system, along with further bolstering of Ukraine's air defences. IMHO, the best video I have seen with Hodges that covers these issues is one from about a month ago, on the "Silicon Curtain' YT channel. Please check it out!

  8. Russia invaded ALL 22 of its neighbours, having forcibly occupied 21 of these countries, for decades.
    Russia has dishonoured all 3 of the internationally brokered agreements it signed with Ukraine AND the UN Charter, which as a Security Council member, it swore to uphold.
    Any agreement signed with that russian maggot masquerading as a human being, Vladolf Putler, is utterly worthless.

  9. The only way to end this war in peace is two ways, for Russians to build up the courage of replacing Putin or for USA to provide Zelensky with the nukes that Clinton helped take away years ago…

  10. A very smart and strong woman. She has been impressive since the start of this war!

  11. Well, the Western Ukrainians and their ‘Allies’ have definitely fooled a lot of people, the truth behind Western Ukrainian lies will have to come out one day. The best lie is that it was Russia who deceived everyone, even though the previous ‘Minsk Agreement’ signed in 2014 were a ruse by the Western Ukrainians to stockpile borrowed weapons to be used on the Eastern Ukrainians when the time was right. Well, the Western Ukrainians got what they wanted, death and destruction… Very unfortunate for everybody.
    And the NATO flag behind this woman reinforces the lies and the absolute delusion of the Western Ukrainians that they actually have allies, their so called NATO allies are using them very effectively to do their bidding.

  12. She is exactly right. Nobody can vouch for anything Russia negotiates on — nobody even in Russia. It does not make any sense whatsoever to negotiate with notorious liars, let alone war criminals. People suggesting negotiations with Russia have more naivety in them than a little duckling.

  13. Ukraine did negotiate in the past with Russia and that is why we have this war today. Ukraine got rid of its nuclear arsenal under the security to not be attacked by Russia, then Russia attacked them not once but twice… You don`t negotiate with terrorists and therefore not with Putin.

  14. UN has mandated Russia withdraw from Ukraine so there is no need for any negotiation with Putin until he complies! Ukraine keep driving terrorist Russian State out of Crimea! Slava Ukraine.

  15. Everyone with a brain has abandoned Crimea. The water has been shut off from flowing there, so it's becoming uninhabitable. Putin should have offered repatriation to the motherland for those who claim to be Russian, instead of illegally invading, murdering and destroying.

  16. There is no point signing an agreement to disagree like they did after World War One. The war will come to an end on its own when it runs out of steam. That's when the 18 year old Russian conscripts who have served under Vladimir, the Impaler of the poor, the needy and the UNfortunates have transitioned to a room with a view on Boot Hill.

  17. The West has not done enough by far. They will regret this later. Western population (a large part of it), has become to dumb to understand how Fascist Russia is becoming the little foot soldier of xi Ping.

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