
Top 5 Tips For New Gardener Success

Starting a new garden this growing season? Want to avoid the most common pitfalls and guarantee success? Avoid these 5 mistakes and you’ll be well on your way to munching your way through your home-grown produce. Yum!

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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  1. If you're new to gardening, or even experienced, I highly recommend Ben's channel.
    Ben paid me to say this 😂

    Just pulling your leg, it really is a great channel & community, packed with stacks of great advice.

  2. Hi Ben can't get my cauliflowers to grow right they grow individually rather than a normal cauliflower .any ideas thanks

  3. You have some great tips and have enjoyed your Chanel. Sorry would have to disagree with your thinning of eg carrots. Last year I sowed 2 half barrels with carrots. Equal amount of seed. Thinned one barrel and left the other. Although the thinning made uniform carrots I had a much bigger and better harvest from the non thinning barrel. Also carrot fly was not present in the non thinning barrel. If you don’t mind carrots in all shape and sizes do not thin. Maybe you could try experimenting

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