@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Planting Spring and Summer Containers

In this video we are planting up some spring and summer flower containers. Planting spring and summer containers full of flowers is easy and brings a bright colorful display wherever you want it.

Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

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  1. Dear Brian, I hope you have better experience than I do with a watering can with a thin tube a few feet long for the fuchsia pots. For me, the water only reached the pots when I used a 16"=1/2 pipe around the garage door and a thin pipe no longer than 1 meter into the pots.

  2. Like the idea of the polymers, but not so sure about disposing the rest of the diaper. Otherwise, those containers look great.

  3. Nice job! Watch out for that White Licorice, however, it's a thug like sweet potato vine. I found that out last summer, lol.

  4. Brian

    Are Cypress roots evasive? I need to plant something for more privacy.

  5. You continue to confuse and baffle me a bit. You seem to be a bit enamored with the Big Box Stores? Why do you not seek out well reputed companies that say, provide GOOD containers along with advice and replies and so forth? We try to purchase items that should last a long time. A thought and you going from company A to Z and parts and so forth not being compatible (drip tape, drip tubing). OK enough said and enjoy your day!

  6. OH WOW, always learn something new. Just Beautiful Brian. I bet Emily is so happy to have you. I'm sure yall both take excellent care of each other. LOVE YALL. ❤

  7. Cupressus sempervirens 'Compacta' Common Name: Dwarf Italian Cypress
    Mature Height: 7-9 ft. in 10 years, 25-30 ft. at maturity
    Growth Rate: Slow

    You will be growing these cypress in these pots for the next 1-ish year before they truly need to be repotted into a vastly larger container (root growth and root binding). Having these cypress with the flowers looks nice – but is deadly competitive for flowers vs cypress vs flower root growth and water competition. Both will suffer in the end.

    Root bound cypress (et al) trees need to be thoroughly soaked, gently remove all potting soil, gently unwind all of the roots and rootlets, spread out, and then put into a properly sized and prior wetted potting soil container.

    For these cypress trees (and all cedars and pines et al), the proper container is half the height of the tree at a MINIMUM diameter of the free root growth. As you received these 2-foot trees in these small 6-8 inch pots, they are already fully root bound. They should have been growing with free root growth in a minimum 1+ foot diameter container.

    These Cypress will grow 1:2 root growth to height in those first years to that 10 years mark of 7-9 (10) ft with a root base of 3 1/2 – 5 feet of root base. At maturity with a vertical height of 25-30 feet, the root base will be 10-15 foot diameter.

    Proper understanding and container size of root balls of all cypress, cedars, sequoia, redwoods, … pines, firs, hemlock … is a vastly missing part of horticulture, gardening, and forestry applications within the modern household landscaping.

  8. not gonna lie, that diaper trick is very clever but it kinda grosses me out after having changed thousands of diapers when my kids were babies!! Great idea tho, and your new pots look beautiful! Love fuscias and those dwarf cypresses are something I could use in my own yard – didn't know they existed!

  9. So, it's been awhile since I've had to change or buy diapers 👍. Do all diapers have those water retaining polymers, or do I need to look for something special on the box?

  10. Wind Chime Fushia’s for zone 9 . . Yay! Question🙋‍♀️??Do you have a trick for protecting the drip hose line from the weight of the pot?
    Used some bricks but don’t really care for the look. Diapers!! Great idea! Much less $$ Used 1/4” soaker hose but found our minerals in the water 💦 clogged it. Thank you as always! 🙏🌻

  11. Wonderful video! In this crazy world where we are extending our gardens to stack our pantries and prepping in other ways for rough times ahead, it is good to remember to add beauty all around us as well! Beautiful job! God Bless!

  12. I might actually plant flowers this year so THANK YOU great vid!!! love from sonoma zone 9b

  13. Gorgeous planters and flowers!! Question…what's the distance from your water source to the farthest thing you have drip line to? Our well is on the other side of the yard from my raised beds, about 150ft.

  14. What a beautiful property 💗 I really love 💕 the English Tudor building, is that your gardening center?

  15. I know from experience it’s possible to use too much polymer. My mistake was not hydrating it first, I think. It pushed the plants & roots up every time I watered them and they died. Diaper is a great tip! I used the horticultural variety and haven’t since, but maybe I’ll try again- more carefully.

  16. I’m in north east England uk and have found you in recent months. Your channel is so insightful and inspiring just wanna say a big thanks 🤩

  17. I use clay pot ollas in my containers, though they aren’t always easy to find. However, now I really want to use that trick of running the tubing around my garage door, but my trim is white. Can you get tubing in colors other than black? I have a whole raised bed garden on the side side of my driveway without water access. Been using ollas and hand watering, though that’s getting old. And I’m getting old and forgetful, lol! Great video as always!

  18. I appreciate that you mentioned that they would bloom all spring and summer in those containers. I always wonder how long the flowers will survive in the container arrangements I see.

  19. Brian, I bought a planter with a similar reservoir system for my asparagus, and they were standing in water after ice melt for the Texas Ice Storm 2023. With no drainage in the growing portion, I am concerned about my asparagus crowns suffering root rot. Going to try putting two small drainage holes in the sides at a certain level and at the lowest point ground-wise of the planter so that the overfill will drain off.
    Ummm, is that diaper goop food grade, and organic? I seriously doubt it is even food grade. Brian, Ewwww. It's made to hold POO!
    Polymers! You are putting poly-plastics in your soil!!!! This could get dumped out and go into the ground soil. I'm sure you have heard of the dangers of Microplastics to the environment? These are microplastics!!!

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