Garden Plans

It’s Not Nothing, A Garden Design by Pauline Lane MIFGS 2023

“It’s Not Nothing’ is a backyard inspired by native grasslands and childhood memories, but based on function and form.

Grasslands are an intrinsic part of the Victorian landscape and a vital habitat. At first glance the flat, empty space looks like prime real estate… but it’s already a sustainable ancient metropolis far more beautiful and full of purpose than we could create. All we need to do is to understand, protect and quietly enjoy.

Whilst designing this garden, I delved into my memories of yabbying in Central Victoria, and realised how strongly the soothing sounds, textures and smell of the Grasslands have been imbued in me. They are a calming source to tap into in times of turmoil; a source of beauty and purpose.

By utilising a limited selection of indigenous and native plants I am hoping to inspire gardeners of all ages, backgrounds and horticultural knowledge to consider focusing in on a few plants to create their own buzzing backyard whilst learning about our endemic, indigenous and native grasses and wildflowers and create their own powerful memories, whilst raising awareness of our remnant grasslands and the various groups within our communities who are trying to preserve these important habitats.

MIFGS was an amazing experience. After creating a concept plan, planting plan and various construction plans I learned how to use hard core tools such as nail guns and drop saws to build the ‘stage’ on which this beautiful garden was built. I spoke to people with amazing plant knowledge, sourced materials and sponsorship… and this was all before the opening of the show! During the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show I chatted with so many interesting people who are interested in our grasslands through restoration, reclamation, preservation, education, and people wanting to learn more, I am still processing the information I gleaned!

From here I am hoping to continue honing my knowledge of what is happening to celebrate our grasslands, wildflowers and mini beasts and share this information through my designs and my work with children, and hopefully inspire more people to consider endemic, indigenous or native for their backyard.

Plant List

Poa labillardieri var. labillardieri – Common tussock-grass
Ritidiosperma spp. – Wallaby grass
Austrostipa scabra ssp. falcata – Rough spear grass
Alisma plantago aquatica – Water Plantain
Juncus spp. – Juncus
Calocephalus lacteus – Milky beauty heads
Leucophyta brownii – Cushion bush
Xerochrysum viscosum – Sticky everlasting
Eremophila glabra – Emu bush (prostrate)
Allocasuarina verticillata – Drooping sheoak
Allocausuarina littoralis – Black sheoak

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