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‘HE lNTERFERES MY CASE’ Braggs sends SH0CKWAVE across N.Y with B.RUTAL lawsuit against Jim Jordan

‘HE lNTERFERES MY CASE’ Braggs sends SH0CKWAVE across N.Y with B.RUTAL lawsuit against Jim Jordan


  1. Braggs will Find out what "INTERFERENCE IN THE LAW" IS ALL About, thanks To JIM JORDEN. CANT WAIT!!!!

  2. I wish the news would look at the horrible law that Kansas just passed. Part of that law will cause trauma to any student that wants to be in any sports. Making people that have fully transitioned from the sex they were assigned at birth to the opposite sex, meaning that people that were assigned male but have had the surgery to fully become female and vice versa. To put on things like their license and such other documents that they are male even though they are completely female now. It may be something not as showy as the republicins kicking out 2 young Democrats both unfairly and wrongly and I feel illegally, but states left like Kansas has been able to get away more and more and there's no coverage. Please start reporting on these things. Kansas is mentioned because we voted to keep our rights as it should be, but they are working on constantly trying to get rid of that.


  4. Maybe but you have to start at the top to get to the bottom of the candy Bowl right so let that marinate lady

  5. OUR DEMOCRACY IS UNDER ATTACK!!!! God is extremely upset with the republican party using christianity to undermine this country.. All I can say is PRAY PRAY PRAY THAT THE DEVIL WILL LOOSEN HIS GRIP ON THIS COUNTRY. The bible saith. VENGEANCE IS MINE SAITH THE LORD!!!!! AMEN

  6. BRAGG should just go and testify to this pathetic committee. Their argument is that NY spent $5000 of federal money in their efforts to prosecute Trump. Fair enough, they are the Oversight Committee. All Bragg has to testify to is to how that $5000 was spent….that is the ONLY thing that is relevant to this Committee's Legislative Purpose. Not what evidence they have against Trump, not who the witnesses are….ONLY how the money was spent….."Mr Chairman the $5000 was spent in the course of one day for overtime for assistants".

    If the committee doesn't think that is just all they can do is cut next year's federal funding to NY…..oh and by the way they could only cut it by the $5000 because that's all they are crying about…the $5000 of Federal money….the other 4.5 million or whatever the figure is should safe.

  7. I am in Washington state. This is the first I knew the AR-15 is now banned. Hallelujah! We don't need them. I have nothing against gun ownership in general, but there needs to be commonsense laws surrounding them, and the acquisition of them, and red flag laws, and such. We have more restrictions on vehicles and the rights to drive cars than ownership of guns, whether that is in the best interest of the populace or not.

  8. TN black Democrats might be re-instated because Republicans are a scared Joe Biden might expel Kevin because Kevin has violated the 14th amendment, period

  9. Bragg I’m so glad we have a smart sharp DA in NY that not going for all this MAGA Bull S$$$.

  10. Thanks to your guest.

    She's right that one or more Trump convictions won't solve everything, but it sends an iconic and necessary message of accountability: "We won't be blind if you don't act within what our legislative framework allow.".

    Nor do I believe that the attention paid to Trump makes us forget the rest. On the contrary, I think it shakes people's political apathy and makes them aware of political issues in general.

  11. This is what happens when a corrupt politician is put in charge of the judiciary committee to try and continue Bill Barr's obstruction of justice of a corrupt ex-president.

  12. No one is ignoring what the GOP is doing. One has only to look at the response nationwide, i.e. "Liberal Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz crushed her opponent on Tuesday in Wisconsin's Supreme Court election." One could argue that Protasiewicz's election to the supreme court was a direct response to the GOP.

    Read Jane Mayer's book, Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right / Originally published January 19, 2016.

  13. No we need the right kind of people running we don't need no more the closet right winger in office anywhere

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