Japanese Garden

(JGTV Report) What are the issues facing the Japanese garden industry? 日本庭園業界の抱える課題とは?

The Japanese garden industry within Japan is facing major issues. What should we do about these issues? I would love to hear your opinions.

□ Camera provided by BrackMagicDesign
・Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
・ Video editing software: DaVinci Resolve

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  1. that is very sad news, I love the Japanese garden style very relaxing. But I always wonder what Japanese youngsters are interested in these days..Aside from chasing k-pops. Decreasing population is a big problem in your country don't worry my country is increasing its population every year we also export human labor. We have plenty of workers here. I even love to go to Japan to work if theirs no age limit.

  2. It's a good start to preach to the choir but the message needs to be heard by junior high and high school students. Japaneses need to shift their thinking/mindset about the way they treat women and young people in their country.

  3. いつも楽しく拝見しております。





  4. You have to give value. Like bodybuilding in the beginning. A contest, degrees, jobs. Once that falls, so does the industry. You have to be a pioneer to save it.

  5. Perhaps japanese gardener can start exporting these skill, alot of demand worldwide to create authenthic Japanese garden, it just so hard to find capable person to do so, If many Japanese gardener earn lots of money from overseas, it can more attract younger people to take this job

  6. Prayers for one of the most beautiful and artist styles of gardening. A Japanese garden is truly a piece of art handcrafted by the gardener. Losing this beautiful culture would be a loss for the whole world. There is profound peace every element. God bless you my friend 😊

  7. The re-greening of our cities is very important for the future so this art should be very attractive and spread outside of Japan as well. 
    I would love to study Japanese gardening if there are any education for older none Japanese people?! Please include students from abroad.

  8. I hope that many more of these events will raise awareness of the beauty and tradition of Japanese gardening and encourage young people to return to the countryside and revive dwindling Japanese cultural heritage <3

  9. Oh no this can not be. Losing such Inheritance would be a tragedy. Please young Japanese you can not let this happen.

  10. I'm sure many countries have the same general understanding of gardening……It's seen as low paid, manual, gay or female servant work……I have a degree in Landscape Architecture, certificates in Turf Management, Project Management, and licenses for Agri-chem handling and usage…..plus 40 years of experience……all to be looked down upon from every trade, or business and many clients…..change that mindset, and you might get somewhere.
    Although Japanese gardening is on a whole other level of quality and care, this western 'instant garden' created in the early 90's by greedy, over zealous 'Landscapers' , with their over planting, fast growing scrub planting, that are invasive with many being host plants for every bad pest and disease, has really given the gardening industry a massive black eye……
    People no longer relate gardening as an art form anymore…..it is now considered 'Landscaping'…..instant……

  11. 日本庭園テレビ、お疲れ様でした。 日本の急速に減少する人口に対する解決策は移民であり、ヨーロッパやアメリカのように多数あります。 しかし、これは日本の文化にとって受け入れられる解決策ではないかもしれません。

    Thank you Japanese Garden TV for your good work. The solution to Japan's rapidly declining population is Immigration, and in large numbers, like Europe or America. However this may not be an acceptable solution to the Japanese culture.

  12. I'm watching your videos from France. Japanese gardens have a little thing of more. They are a scene from nature but more beautiful. They are an art and they have to be protected such like the way of their making. Thank you for your videos of making process of the most beautiful gardens in the world ❤️

  13. This seems to be the trend worldwide. In America we don’t have enough plumbers, electricians and welders. This has happened over the last 20 to 25 years.

  14. Hello I subscribe to your Chanel because I like japonese style gardening just as a hobby and now I see tour videos because I wish to build a house (kyo-machiya) style and My idea to preserve japanese gardening is to Open virtual/online training for international students greetings from México

  15. I wish Japanese immigration wasn't so stiff. I have been many times and would love to live there. Working in Japanese landscaping would be a dream job for me. And when I see lovely countryside homes for so cheap–during a housing crisis in my country–it all lines up. But alas, it's incredibly difficult to get into Japan outside of young English teacher roles. Then you need to work for TEN YEARS before you will even be considered for permanent residency.

    Something has to change. I think Japan's hand will be forced to ease immigration due to the population crisis. Although it may be controversial, I believe this firm immigration policy is part of what has allowed Japan to maintain a cohesive and distinct culture. If immigration rules were to ease, I would most certainly consider moving to Japan. However, I hope the influx of foreigners such as myself would not diminish Japanese culture.

  16. If any of these niwashi's were willing to take on a foreigner with crummy nihongo as an apprentice, I'd move there in an instant.

  17. All the young people who are going to study under a Master gardener should take great pride in the work they will be doing.
    I have watched some of these masters and am in awe of the level of craftsmanship and professionalism they display.
    I have been raising Bonsai for over 40 years and the gardens they create put mine to shame.
    I would like to know if there is anything I can do to help.
    Bob Gancio. Of Sarasota Florida in the U.S.

  18. Thank you very much for this update Japanese Garden TV. Please keep doing the important work of documenting the Art and Craft of Japanese Gardens.

  19. Japanese garden TVさんの取り組みは素晴らしいなと思いました。佐野さんと会う事ができたのもJapanese garden TVさんのおかげです。

  20. It is alarming the decline in the population – not sure what can be done though … Please keep up the good work to keep us and the world informed of Japanese Gardening !

  21. I need a gardener! I thought I would do it myself, but I definitely need more hands and more knowledge.


  22. This is very interesting. After 24 years in the airline industry, I am now re-training as a horticulturist with particular interest in Japanese gardening and niwaki. There are many young people on my horticulture course but I am the only one who is particularly interested in learning the ways of a Japanese gardener. Most are interested in growing vegetables, permaculture and houseplants.

  23. On the topic of Japanese gardening: I would love a video showing how to prune Japanese trees, especially Acers.

    I would love to know the principles and methodology so I can apply them to my own trees in my garden. Any tutorials I find online prune in a Western style, but I prefer the thought and attention given to the tree’s shape by Japanese gardeners.

    Thanks for creating and sharing these videos, by doing this the knowledge won’t be lost and the techniques can be appreciated by people from all around the world! – Many thanks again from Holland 🙂

  24. I'm a 27 year old American garden design/builder. I recently moved to Nagasaki with my wife and hope to create and work in Japanese gardens. I live in Nagasaki and hope to find work soon. Do you have any advice for foreigners trying to get a foothold in the industry?

  25. IMHO Gardening is a "passion" profession. A true Gardening Professional performs all aspects of gardening, from design to installation. But when you get to the sweat equity part of the activity, many younger people have NO experience in manual labor. And once they get a taste of physical work, many bow out. I agree with a previous commentor who stated that engaging school age youngsters with the concepts are absolutely "key" in attracting them to that work. This can truly be said of all 'trades' environments including carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc. There is so much personal gratification to be gained from tactile work. I am a sincere supporter of your efforts! Plant Nerds Unite! 😉

  26. Elon Musk represents the maximum exponent of the brutality of humankind. I find it very disturbing he giving an opinion about Japan, let alone Japanese people listening to him.
    Japan just need to keep promoting his values and traditions among young people.
    That's all.

  27. Very interesting. Thank you fir keeping us all so well informed. Do you perhaps have any pictures of VotrE gardens fir next time? Merci beaucoup. D. 08.12.2#

  28. I would like you to make a video about trees and plants and explain why they select one type of species over another, which types of species are generally used in Japanese gardens, etc. Greetings!

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