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Is South Korea’s Economic Bubble About to Burst? | Economics Explained

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We’re exploring South Korea’s impressive economic transformation, from an agrarian backwater to a global powerhouse. Home to internationally recognized companies and cutting-edge industries, South Korea is a fascinating case study for economists worldwide. In this video, we’ll examine the drivers of South Korea’s potential growth in the next decade, the obstacles that could undermine its entire economic system, and why this is all so important for the rest of us outside South Korea for our own economies. Then we’ll rank South Korea on the Economics Explained National Leaderboard.

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  1. Why are houses so expensive if the population is shrinking rapidly? Do they think that the immigrants will have money to buy the empty houses at these prices? Or everybody is participating in the housing ponzi, as they think that it will last some more decades?

  2. America is currently plagued by the hydra-headed evil duo of inflation and recession. The worst part about this recession is that consumers are racking up credit card debt. In April alone, credit card debt went up 20% while rates have doubled in a year. Inflation is so high that consumers are literally taking debt for basic life necessities. Collapse has indeed begun.

  3. Good. I can’t wait for their population to plummet as well. Hopefully this also means the craze for kpop and anything Korean culture will finally die down. Hearing kpop or Korean absolutely hurts my ears.

  4. I'm Korean and this guys never been to korea
    And no profession about Asia at all

  5. Okay so it's very uncommon comment here but necessary to correct,at 3:15 , you have shown Indian territory wrongly on the world map , j&k is an integral part of India

  6. I hope that South Korea in the future can just maybe try and do something about the house pricing, aid smaller companies and aid the chaebols less, shorter school hours, and less competition in universeities by maybe making more South Korea could just maybe fix all their problems besides the social life. Although there could be a lot of downsides to this as we would lose lots of money but it'll be worth it. I'd much rather have my home country be slightly rich with a high standard of living with a stress free life instead of living in a really rich country thats one of the most suicidal countries on earth. All you do is just work, study, and die. It's a really boring, hard, and stressful.

  7. 2:03 We need to talk about that chart and the words that you say while it's on the screen

  8. So, where is your convincing conclusion on the subject of your video ? Having searching high and low the length and breadth of your video, we can't find any idea that's original of you to support your case. So what's the purpose of your video, if it is only to regurgitate already known, stale, unappetising facts? Don't you have anything better to do?

  9. Moon jaein president destroyed everything in Korea for 5 years. He is the extreme leftist

  10. It is the fourth largest economy in Asia… Have some knowledge.. not third😂

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