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Mayors Can’t Afford Their Own Cities, Canadian Real Estate Markets Prices Rise Up To $42k In A Month

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Mayors Can’t Afford Their Own Cities, Canadian Real Estate Markets Prices Rise Up To $42k In A Month

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  1. Well I suggest to move to Virginia go out to the country you can still go out in the country and buy a house for about fifty Grand I wouldn't pay $0.05 a month for that you can go out Mill your own wood Bill your house by your bare hands and just do it and if the county says anything he gives a damn because it's like this

  2. Average price for house in Toronto 1 million, who in their right mind would want to live in this cesspool dump.

  3. I see so many people from all over the world coming into California and they get so much for free. Not just housing. A lot of people left because they couldn’t keep up with the costs. Americans last and Canadians last. It’s depressing.

  4. The controller baphomet worshiping gatekeepers only need us for organ harvesting, sex slaves and manual labour.

  5. How could a mayor solve his city's problem if he can't solve his dwelling need? You would like to have such person to be your mayor, Mike!? I would agree with you 100% if just on salary-wise.

  6. I live in Owen sound , home are going for 1 000 000$ , the fisheries are gone , the water is so polluted with mercury they close the beachside

  7. My best possible suggestion to enhance your life Mike …..Listen to everything Cat Stevens ever sang !…..thank me never 🎉🎉🎉

  8. Watch the Walmart closures, in the past the were closing them due to plumbing problems. Walmarts are now shutting down lots of stores..are they prepping these stores to be used as containment camps???

  9. I said don't worry Mike with all the 30,000 Moses and 200,000 ni..zi Uk…rai..ans. you'll have plenty of tax dollars to take care of all the federal and local programs. Ha…. are we not living in a Steven king horror movie.

  10. I'm hoping Mike uses a chromebook to do his videos, then he can become the Chromebook Commonwealth King ! 👑

  11. That mayor will be rubbing his hands at the amount of money coming into his treasury when the property rates are extracted at gunpoint. He could care less about the plight of his subjects.

  12. I have a few questions.
    1: why do we allow international speculation of Canadian properties?
    2:if banks use fractional reserve lending, why do they purposely increase risk by financing inflated assets?
    3: why are realtors allowed to set the prices? The whole idea that housing is an investment, while true, is also the reason Canadian families simply can't afford to even have kids. Wtf is going on

    The government currently is the problem. Sadly with covid, its become evident money is worthless, citizens have no rights, and politicians have no consequences and no accountability! It's fucking pathetic people just go along with paying 75% taxes, complain about it, and are more than happy to capitalize on it. That's what makes me want to leave.
    But, makes no difference if the IMF succeeds with their CBDC. Democracy eh…, nowhere jn the world do I see any reason to gather jn the streets to peacefully celebrate great achievement. So mad! I'd go on…but why

  13. There’s a difference between “ a month” and “ in a month” which is what you meant. I have noticed this with your English. You are not saying what you think you are saying because you don’t understand English well enough.

  14. It's funny, because when you think about it, Mike is stating the obvious, and the MSM is like looking around saying, "I see nothing"

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