Japanese Garden

How to Make a Succulent Kusamono

Much like bonsai focuses on the relationship between the tree and the container—kusamono focuses on the relationship between the understory and the container. In this video, we create kusamono compositions pairing succulents with ceramic vessels to play with color, texture, form, scale, and proportional design opportunities. Grow your creative outlook of kusamono plantings, get inspired to create your own, or give the gift of the understory with our kusamono kit available in the Mirai Goods: https://goods.bonsaimirai.com/collections/kusamono-vessels/products/kusamono-kit


  1. I find it weird that Ryan says succulents are not a group of plants like "deciduous" or "broad-leaf evergreen" even though those are also groups based on characteristic; compared to conifers or angiosperms (flowering plants) which are taxonomic groupings. This is just misinformation on Ryan's part, which I find disappointing from somebody with a college degree on the topic acting as an educator.

  2. Two of my favourite topics, Bonsai and Sempervivum! 🙂 Fabulous, thank you Ryan. An adorable plant we have here in the UK is Saxifraga x urbium aka "London Pride", "St Patrick's Cabbage" and "Look up and kiss me". I've grown it in a similar way to Sempervivum and alpine (rockery) plants, and it stays really small and cute. The leaf rossettes are quite low, but it has pretty, pale pink flowers on stalks about 6 to 8" above.

  3. that elegant aggressive beautiful piece of ceramic honestly, no joke, looks like one i made in elementary schoool.

  4. Great show. I would love to see one 20 30 yrs from now. Would love to see a video exploring the art and how to make ikebana. Ive seen some videos and they really look like another art form that came from bonsai. Also just another medium u can find if people have fish tanks look up acquascapes . It takes fish tanks to a whole new level. Theres soo much more out there to explore

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