Backyard Garden

DIY How To Repair bumpy yard, lawn leveling with sand or soil. COMPLETE GUIDE

Bumpy lawn!? 6 Easy Steps to Leveling a Yard. My Lawn leveling Quick Guide will help you on your leveling journey.

Raise Height and Re Sod-
Raise Height more than 1.5″-
Tips seeding your lawn-

Products used in todays video
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Links marked as “PAID LINK” are affiliated. Please make me money and spend yours.
🛒 Propeat 17.0.4
HomeDepot :
🛒Sun Joe Scarifier 15 inch model
Amazon (PAID LINK):
🛒Sun Joe Scarifier and dethatcher (REQUIRES 12Gauge Extension Cord)
Amazon (PAID LINK):
🛒 12gauge 100ft extension cord
Amazon (PAID LINK):
🛒 Thatch Rake
Amazon (PAID LINK):
🛒 Levelawn
Amazon (PAID LINK):
🛒 Landscape Rake
Amazon (PAID LINK):
🛒 Bow Rake
Amazon (PAID LINK):

The best time to level a lawn is spring and late summer as the grass is growing vigerously. You can level a lawn and fix a bumpy yard anytime the grass is actively growing. Find a time when there are 3 days of no rain.

You’ll need a few materials ie. wheel barrow, bow rake, levelawn or landscape rake, flat pan shovel, and a lawn dethatcher like a dethatching rake / sun joe dethatcher / power rake machine.
1. Measure your lawn
– So you know how much product / soil to purchase.
2. Choose the right leveling soil
– sand / top soil must be screened. Inform the company your purpose is to level a lawn. Tell them upfront that you can’t use soil that has debris like rocks or gravel. If you get a load with rocks, gravel, wood chips purchase a screen at home depot/lowes to manually filter.
– for smoothing or leveling only, i recommend using 1 ton of sand per 1000 sq ft of lawn area. Sand to be screened 2mm or finer. Commonly called playground sand or leveling sand.
– for amending soil / lawn aerification
– clay soils – sand 2mm or finer
– Sand soils / sandy loam – 50/50 blend topsoil w/sand at 1 ton per 1000 sq ft.
Lawns that are somewhat bumpy and aerating add 1 ton of soil per 1000 sq ft plus 10%
Lawns that are very bumpy, and aerating add 1 ton of soil per 1000 sq ft plus 20%

– Raising the height of an area- Recommend purchasing a soil that best matches what you have. For clay, use top soil. For sand, use sand or sandy loam.
– estimate the height you intend to raise. measure the sq ft of the area. google, top soil calculator. choose the type of soil and input your measurements.
3. Mow the lawn down to 1″
– the purpose of this is to allow the sand to pass through.
4. Remove surface debris
– Use a power rake, sun joe dethather or a manual dethatching rake. I recommend purchasing a sun joe dethatcher. Makes the job much easier.
– optional service – lawn aeration
– minimum two passes, one verticle pass and one horizontal pass. I recommend removing the plugs off the grass afterward.
5. Fertilize the lawn
– Apply 1lbs of Nitrogen per 1000 sq ft. I recommend a fertilizer with the first number on the bag between 17 and 34. The application rates on the fertilizer bag will determine the rate. I prefer using the Propeat 17-0-4 at 5lbs per 1000 sq ft.
– Optional service- soil conditioner. soil conditioners are a combination of calcium and humates. The calcium helps keep the clay / soil open and the humates help slough sediments off the roots which is why they call is a soil conditioner / enhancer.
6. spread the sand / soil to the lawn
– distribute the sand on the lawn. Fill and load a wheel barrow up with sand and take the sand to the furthest point in the yard. Either dump the sand in piles and use your bow rake to distribute the sand or you can throw the sand by using a flat pan shovel (ginja perferred method). Apply between .25″ to .5″ of sand broadcast on the surface of the lawn. Best to test a small section first to ensure you do not over apply the sand / soil.
If the sand is not dry, which it most likely won’t be, wait 24 hours before massaging the sand into the ground. Use a levelawn (ginja preferred) or a landscape rake to massage the sand into the ground. I find it best to use the levelawn or landscape rake 4 different directions, in each area, when using the levelawn. This helps make sure the sand / soil is distributed properly.
– optional service – grass overseed.
– I recommend overseeding at 2-3lbs of grass seed per 1000 sq ft. Top dressing with peat moss highly recommended after seed application. Keep seed damp for 2 to 3 weeks minimum during the germination process.


  1. I've been putting this off for too long… time to give Geneva Rock a call and get them to dump some sand on the driveway. Thanks for the great content! I need to pick up some Pro-Peat as well. My lawn just never looks all that great, but I think it's in part to a crappy sprinkler system that I need to fix as well. Anyway, thanks for helping us all out!

  2. Unless you are using a spirit level you are flattening/smooothing,
    But close enough grass hopper.

  3. So I have some areas that only need a slight leveling (<1 inch) and other that needs a lot more (>3) how best to do this in the simplest steps.

  4. Everything you need in a short and concise video. How much sand/loam, what product for what you’re doing, what you need for tools. Boom.
    Can’t wait to throw my back out actually doing the work!
    Great video!

  5. So many great videos! Help! I’m 66 years old. Husbands heart works at 16%. It’s up to me to fix our large lawn. Yes on grubs, weeds, Bermuda grass, bumpy lawn, etc..( we have Kentucky Blue) Purchased the lawn seed you recommended. Have a Sun Joe. Where do I start?! What do I do first? I make jewelry. I’ll send your wife some if you’ll please text me the steps. I have Quinclorlorac, CalMag, Bayer 10:34 Complete Insect killer. Help!!

  6. I've said it before,I'll say it again you ARE A GOD.
    After ya get it all raked in or using the leveler, how bout watering it in. Got about another month up here, before I see green on the Northside.

  7. I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5)
    Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:7)
    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
    The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. (Psalms 34:18)

  8. what's going on with the audio? are you getting cross talk? Sounds like someone is having a full blown conversation at Olive Garden in the background lol

  9. Great video production. Can't wait to see your yard this June with the new grass hitting full stride.

  10. Is now the opening of seeding bio blue in Sandy Utah and how late is the window open? Or do we need to wait till we get irrigation systems turned on in 4 weeks? Man I'm seeing the blue snow mold and I have some. This handyman season went from nearly dead to warp speed.

  11. Do you have to use sand? Can you use compost? I'm not sure I want to go down the rabbit hole with sand!

  12. Very good summary. What is the best time of the season to do this?
    And how do you grow palm trees in your part of the country? 😉

  13. Get a long ladder and drag it.whole garden is done in 3 passes..vs a mini lute.youll be there all week😅

  14. Great video. I just started a landscaping business and its my second year. I don’t want to miss out on these spring lawn repair jobs.

  15. Great idea going over it with the 'Joe AFTER you rake out the sand/soil. I'll remember that…

  16. I’ve been watching videos about leveling all week and I have to stay, this has been the best one yet by leaps and bounds!
    Thank you 🙏🏽

  17. Got to love these videos with no mention of price at all….about $2,500 later you will have a nice lawn. The sand/soil alone for my lawn at 14,000 Sq ft. Is close to $700. That's not counting grass seed, fertilizer, watering 3 tImes a day or any tools a person might not have. More discussion is needed in the lawn community about what these projects actually cost per 1,000 square feet. It's not fun to talk about but people need to known what they are getting themselves into.

  18. OMG!!!! Thank you so much for this video. This is exactly what I will be doing to our lawn and was trying to figure out the right order of steps.
    Lots of work ahead with 18K sq ft of lawn 😭🥵, just waiting for the weather to cooperate here.
    Love the videos and all the details you give. 
    Keep slayin'
    Thanks again.

  19. How much would it cost to have you come to Kansas to do my small yard?
    My son is a ginger too. His wife is Mexican and in high school his son was asked if he was a gingican. We got a lot of laughs from that one.

  20. You are so good at this stuff. My lawn is terribly bumpy in spots so I need to do something like this. Soon.

  21. Amending the soil…🫡
    Definitely great advice…!!
    Say calcium, potash, potassium
    Granular’s are something that
    I decided to add to my regiment..

  22. What do you do after leveling it out. Like a week later? Do I use the leveling rake again? When can I mow, or is the sand just going to blow everywhere bc of my mower? Should I water in the sand for it to go down?

  23. Great video! If you need to put down 2-3 inches of sand/compost to get the levels finally right with Bermudagrass, do you put the fertilizer directly on the scalped lawn or on the sand put down?

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