Front Yard Garden

Abandoned Marble Quarry at Former Mountain Top Backyard NASCAR Shop

This is the segment of the first NASCAR racer buying video where Jeff shows us the abandoned marble quarry behind their race shop in Massachusetts..which by the way is on top of a freaking MOUNTAIN. Green Serpentine Marble if you want to look it up.


Merch Link:


  1. Mitchell if you lived on top of a mountain, you would end up being a road racer. Where on your drives home you could practice for Pikes Peak.

  2. That's the type of view I have. I can see the light from Redding and chico/paradise. Then I have the view of the Mendocino National Forest. Then it's dark enough to see the Milky Way at night. `

  3. Masshole, Lanesville quary. I've heard stories they cleaned it w divers and crane, over 12 cars and a 10 wheel dump truck came out.

  4. Mitchell did you enjoy history class in school? Your passion you have brings us a lot of enjoyment.

  5. Woah, this is sooo cool. I love your racing stuff, but this is just out of this world. I wish I could tag along in the adventures you go on !! Thanks for atleast getting some video of it !!

  6. nice yea ya should take a waterproof either 360 camera and light and a long ass rope or so and send one down and see what's there cause there could be like stepped cuts underwater and may or could be something stuck part way down and I know in Sanford Maine there is a old abandoned quarry and when I was younger friends and me use to go there once in a while drink or hang wit the lady friends but enough of that but I know there are cars down there and it is way deep as well but the like trail type road leads right to the edge and cars have drove right off it for sure

  7. interesting video I almost forgot about the quarry days I haven't been on you tube much lately so I'm glad I bumped into your channel again I mean I've been subed for a couple years just forgot about alot of ya cause of time away .so I need go watch your vids and get upto date on what has changed excetra

  8. Ray is very proud of his house, and he should be it is beautiful. The whole mountain is beautiful

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