Edible Gardening

Karen Sutherland Edible Gardens TV interview on Studio 10, Channel 10

Edible Gardens segment on Studio 10 morning TV. Angela Bishop and Andrew Rochford interview Karen Sutherland at her home garden in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. Starting on the nature strip garden, Karen shows them edible plants for autumn; wild rocket, self-seeding parsley, lettuces and nasturtium.
In the driveway Karen shows off her abundant feijoa crop grown as a narrow hedge producing 10 kg of fruit a year with very little water or care. A freshly dug turmeric plant is shown, Karen gives growing and cooking tips. Strawberry grapes are trained along the front verandah and Karen shows a basket of freshly picked garden fruit – thornless blackberries, raspberries, and a beautiful big finger lime.

Karen autumn planting recommendations are herbs such as rosemary, thyme, parsley and coriander.

Happy growing everyone!

This episode screened on Monday 20 April 2020

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