Edible Gardening

28 Beginning Gardener Series How to Know When to Water Newly Planted Seedlings

Garden Basics for Beginners

This is video #28 in my new Beginning Gardening series! I am really excited to share these videos with you. Each video will be released on Sunday and Friday mornings and will take us through June of this year. Wednesday videos will be on other gardening topics.

Here is a list of topics that I will be covering in this series:

Garden Basics for Beginners

1. Why do you want to have a garden?
2. What do you want to grow?
3. Site selection-Climate
4. Site selection-Sun & exposure
5. Site selection-Access
6. Site selection-Soil basics
7. Garden beds Garden Beds-Raised
8. Garden Beds-In Ground
9. Plant selection-Garden Planning
10. Seedlings or seeds? Seed Starting-Purchasing and storing seeds
11. Seed starting-What do you need? Lights and fans , watering, heat
mats, racks
12. Seed Starting-Soil, Mess Containment, Pots
13. Veggies to grow (basics) for spring, summer, fall and winter- Cole
crops, leafy greens
14. Veggies to grow-Herbs and Companion Planting
15. Veggies to grow-Hot peppers
16. How to Transplant Seedlings into Larger Pots
17. Veggies to grow-Peas
18. How to Water Seedlings
19. How to transplant seedlings into the garden and harden off seedlings
20. How to Fertilize Seedlings
21. Veggies to grow-Peppers
22. Veggies to grow-Tomatoes
23. Veggies to grow-Flowers for the garden
24. How to Transplant Cole Crop Seedlings Outdoors
25. How to Transplant Onion Seedlings
26. How to Protect Seedlings From Cold When Planted too Early
27. Edible Ornamental Veggies
28. How to Water Your Seedlings
29. Soil basics and when you need to fertilize-magic or chemistry
30. Soil basics- Nutrients-Soil Tests
31. Raised Bed Mix
32. Soil basics- Till or no till (different styles of gardening)
33. Soil basics- Compost
34. Soil basics- Mulch
35. Veggies to grow-Garlic
36. Veggies to grow-Cucumbers
37. Veggies to grow-Melons and squash
38. Soil basics- Organic
39. Soil basics- Synthetic
40. Watering
41. Watering-By hand and overhead watering
42. Watering-Automatic irrigation
43. Garden Maintenance
44. Garden Maintenance-Weeding
45. Garden Maintenance-Mulch
46. Garden Maintenance-Rotating Crops
47. Controlling Pests- What is IPM
48. Controlling Pests -IPM Basics
49. Controlling Pests -Methods of Control
50. Harvesting
51. Using your harvest

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