@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: How to Grow Dahlias in the Ground or in Containers

In this video I will show you how to grow dahlias in the ground or in containers. Growing dahlias is easy! You can plant dahlias in the ground and you can plant dahlias in containers. I’ll give you all the tips you need to have a summer full of amazing flowers.

Everything About Dahlias: https://youtu.be/HkhULvmmlpc
Pre-sprouting Dahlias and Taking Cuttings: https://youtu.be/1zYeQyvRmtQ
Water Polymers from Baby Diapers: https://youtu.be/EXXgDhzza_w?t=382

Bone Meal: https://amzn.to/3Aljgj8
Organic Snail / Slug Bait: https://amzn.to/3N4fbqX
Neptune’s Harvest (with discount**): https://yhoo.it/3d02Oun
**Discount should be automatic by using the link, but you can use code NLG05 if not

Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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  1. Last Summer I planted a bunch of dahlias, those planted in the ground all flowered and were beautiful. Those in my pots barely hung on, because I didn't water as needed. But these in the pots are viable this season, now looking for eyes in order to plant in the ground. Thanks Brian – great info!

  2. Would a self wicking planter be a good option? I made one about the size (maybe a bit bigger) you are showing?

  3. Hi Brian, I’ve tried to growing them in pots but not so well. Maybe I’ll take your advise and transplant them in the ground.

  4. I love dahlias they’re so pretty! When will the next video be coming out on the next level homesteading channel?

  5. I haven't had much luck with dahlias but wanted to try again one more time. Thanks for the tips!

  6. I tried growing dahlias two year ago in a container and they didn't bloom. I heard that they won't bloom in. So this year I'm going to try to put them in the ground. This video was helpful, because I didn't do any fertilization last time and this time I'm definitely going to do it and see what happens. As always, thanks for your valuable information.

  7. oh no! I thought dahlias didn't like water so I haven't been watering them and wondering why their outer leaves were dying off. They're in grow bags because i don't have the ability to have beds. now those bag will live in a kiddie pool so i can water them much more often!

  8. I'm growing a Dahlia from a tuber this year. I grew from seed last year and enjoyed them so much. I do grow them in pots. I just stay on the watering detail regularly. Love all the information on Dahlia growing!

  9. Great video! I’m going to try them this year. What are the flowers behind you at the beginning of the video?

  10. Yay the Dahlia video!! 🥳🥳 I was a bit bummed when you said you don't recommend containers cause I rent and can't really plant in the ground. But I'm gonna try and find dwarf sized ones.

  11. Any advice? Should I leave it alone? I bought a potted dahlia last season. Cut it back when it was done blooming. Brought it in the house, the room was so warm it started growing. I put it in an unheated garage , in Delaware. Didn’t cut the sprout, no water no light all winter. Put it inside a few weeks ago intending to separate the tuber. I didn’t because it was already growing , 🤦‍♀️

  12. I’m growing dahlias from seed again! So easy 50 cent seeds🙌🏻 from Walmart. They remind me of daisies. I have a micro climate out front of my house. Didn’t add more mulch and experimented leaving them in the ground and they turned to mush. My new seedling are doing great! Already hardened off , just waiting on Mother Nature🙌🏻

  13. A friend gave me one bare root dahlia. I was going to put it in a container, but after watching your video, I am going to plant it with the tomatoes. Thanks for the info, Brian!

  14. What about gophers? I got my first dahlia as a rescue from the garden center. It is still in the pot, just leafing out but although we are trapping gophers constantly some do damage. Should I plant in a gopher basket?

  15. I grew dahlias in raised bed 2 yrs ago n they seemed easy n prolific. Tried growing in pots last yr when i was out of town for 6wks n hubby was wTering 4 me. Came back to huge weeds n no dahlia flowers whole summer except dwarf ones i had planted in a reaized bed. Cleared out my oval raised bedto plant them in this yr n instead of verticle staking ndividually, im going to try horisontal netting on 1.5 n 2.5 ft levels across bed. Also, didnt know 2 pinch dahlias. Wish me luck! Thx Brian! 😉

  16. I will be trying a few dahlias this year, from tubers and in pots. I have only just recently realized the wonders of bone meal since watching your channel and have used it as I have potted my snapdragons, phlox, stock, and petunias. I keep all my tools, fertilizer, bonemeal, etc. on my covered patio and an animal ate into my bonemeal bag! possum possibly or raccoon…

  17. How many much spaces does a full dhalia tuber need? I guess depending on variety but I’m trying 65 gallons for my first run.

  18. Another great video! I put the stake in the planting hole beside the tubers, BEFORE covering the tuber with soil. This way, I avoid stabbing any part of the tuber. I have been growing dahlias in my front garden, in full sun, for many years now. Since I don't have enough room by my sunny window, I plant the tubers directly into the ground, without pre-sprouting, after the last frost. They never disappoint. I live in Ontario, Canada, growing zone 5 by US standards.

  19. Pretty sure I already killed my dahlias. I divided them and tossed them in the ground a couple of MONTHS ago when we were still occasionally dipping into the 30's at night. Now suddenly, we are pushing 90 during the day…. Ugh, SoCal weather….

  20. I can’t seem to get mine to grow dug them up and they look dried out. I tried the tray method to get them to sprout….I was afraid to water them as I heard they don’t need water until they start spouting leaves…. The purple eyes came up but then died

  21. I've usually grown my dahlias in the ground, but have experimented in large pots. I will try to put the shorter varieties in pots and leave the big ones for in ground. (The large ones in pots needed too much water and tipped over regularly!)

  22. I have A bag of them in the garage I should get them ready to plant but it’s far from 60 degree soil here in PNW. Thanks again for the tips 😊

  23. First time growing Dahlias. I have 3 in the ground and am waiting on my two Cafe Au Lait's to sprout.

  24. Dahlia salad is a good way to get rid of tubers you don't like 😋

  25. Hi Brian
    Have a tuber my neighbor gave me pretty purple sunflower petals. Got a couple from discount store red n white. Have six seedlings I grew from seed. Have several Violas and petunias and snapdragons that are coming up.

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