Backyard Garden

Landscape designing from scratch? It’s important to start with use, first, to come up with ideas 🪴

Landscape designing from scratch? It’s important to start with use, first. How you plan to use your landscape, or spend time in it, or your goals for the yard should be front of mind when starting a DIY landscaping renovation.

It’s all too common to fall into a default mode and plan landscapes based on what we are used to seeing in other landscapes… But if you’re going to the trouble of improving your landscape, why not creatively customize the space for your needs and interests?
This is an important mindset shift when starting a project, and I hope it helps you.
This new perspective can be especially helpful when designing a landscape from scratch. A “blank canvas” landscape can be overwhelming, but starting with what you plan to do in your outdoor living space (and working backwards from there) can help you plan out the elements you need. Then it’s just a matter of arranging those elements in the best possible way: no more overwhelm! Now you know where to start.

Here are some ways you can get involved and learn more:

🪴 FREE MINI COURSE: How to choose the perfect plant (and put it in the right place):

🪴 Design-Your-Own Landscape Layout ONLINE COURSE
…is now OPEN for enrollment!
For do-it-yourselfers who want to create their own landscape design, but just need a little extra guidance.I’ll walk you through the design process, step by step, so you can create a practical, hand-drawn “layout plan”(a landscape design plan that shows the layout of the finished design).
Learn more and sign up, here!

DIY Landscape Design Online Course: Design-Your-Own Landscape Layout

🪴 Follow my newsletter, here, for free gardening resources and updates on new courses:

If you’re new here, hello! 🌱 My name is Eve Hanlin, I’m a horticulturist and landscape designer from the Pacific Northwest corner of the USA. I’ve offered in-person landscape design services for years and now I am taking landscape design online by offering digital courses and resources for do-it-yourselfers. This is my new business: Garden Project Academy.

You can also follow me on social media:
Tag me in your projects @gardenprojectacademy. I would love to see what you’re working on!


  1. My brother & I used to spend a lot of time climbing the big poplar tree in our backyard when we were growing up. We also spent time at my grandpa's farm, finding "secret tunnels" between his lilac and carrigana bushes.

  2. My parents had two giant rocks in their backyard that were too big to haul away. As kids, we had fun trying to master climbing the smaller one and then the larger one. In my memory they are so big and lit is fun to visit as an adult and see that the big one is only five feet high!

  3. Wonderful information! It seems so straightforward and logical, but we tend to just do what everyone else does. Love this particularly because I am an amateur birder and this has given me inspiration to make my 3 acres more bird-watching friendly!

    Would love to know more about making my yard more bird friendly.

  4. Love the things you share! The only thing I’d add here is to be mindful of utilities and access to those utilities. But I’m betting that’s in your next section on the topic of design!

  5. I love the tip about learning what your yard needs/ has to offer in addition to deciding what you want from it. My yard has a beautiful display of wild purple violets and yellow dandelions in May that has become one of my favorite things.

  6. It is obvious you know your stuff and convey it beautifully! Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  7. What a great point you made to 1st ask ourselves what we would like to enjoy doing in the backyard & to think outside the box 🙂

  8. Eve, not sure if you have addressed this topic elsewhere yet but for new homeowners or do-it-yourself gardeners I believe one thing is key. That is how to track where sun and shade will fall throughout all four seasons. North/south orientation and the axis lines for sunner and winter sun impact is where I always start any design process.

  9. I just love your mindset, your approach (particularly your ecological approach) and how you articulate it. So refreshing! And so NOT the very frustrating "conventional" way that has become practice for decades. I am a small garden "refresher" or "installer" in Cape Town (I.e. I don't compete in the large landscaping realm :-)) and find your channel inspirational and informative. Thank you Eve!

  10. Love love love your videos keep up the good work and Thank you TC….
    We live in Beaver Oregon and wish you could come help us with our new property…. lol🤗🤗🤗

  11. Thank you SO MUCH for not adding music to your videos! So many YouTube videos are way over produced, with music overpowering the narration. They are really hard for me to hear. I prefer how you do it, it’s more like taking a class or having a conversation with a friend. Really appreciate it!

  12. I really appreciate, as a mom, that you gave the example of how to describe the function of your space. I went from, "area for the kids to play with shade, space to garden, space to sit outside when it's comfy" to "area for the pool to set up during the summer with shade, and a separate space for a semi- permanent gardening/potting area so I can stop using the kitchen table. Access to water for the plants and also the plants that need to be hardened off. I want a space for a hammock and also a porch swing. Shaded. A table to eat at outside during the times of the year when it's comfortable, with an impermeable cover. South facing in Oklahoma is hot." So YOU for the WIN. Thank you again!

  13. I want to enjoy my outdoor experience more. However the original landscape does not facilitate this. It overcrowded with trees and wild plants. It's also a temporary arrangement and there's not a lot of money to spend. I rehabilitated the front yard to an extent but again I have to employ restraint as the property is not mine. The front yard is now drawing a lot of interest and attention. Thanks for this video.

  14. My parents created outdoor play spaces for us. Dad built us a jungle gym, sandbox with a cover because of neighborhood cats, a school size swing set, all of which were hidden by a grape stack divider. He built a playhouse with electricity and a Dutch door. I remember jumping on the insulation for it, even though my dad said not to, and suffering with itchy skin afterwards. My sisters and I donned his old button-down shirts and learned how to properly paint and clean up the tools. My parents planted various fruit trees in the back portion of the yard. We made a clubhouse under the avocado, picked tangerines when we wanted a snack, and dug huge holes with seats for another club house. Dad built us incredible tents high enough for us to walk under using canvas drop clothes using the Albizia tree. We ran through the sprinklers in our underwear on a dichondra lawn. When we got older, they had a pool built for us so our friends could come over and swim.

    All of this was done beautifully because my parents loved gardening and my dad loved design. I learned how to care for the yard by actively participating in its maintenance. I'm old enough to have used a push mower. LOL I was shown how to use the Sunset Garden book and create hardscapes. I am an incredibly lucky woman to have had parents who loved gardens. Thank you so much for bringing these memories back to me. Now for a bit of a weep because I miss them.

  15. I had a huge apple tree I used to climb as a kid. I loved it up there. It was so peaceful and away of getting away from the chaos down below. I wish more people would stop hacking off lower limbs and grow trees kids can climb.

  16. Hi! I'm so excited to have found you! I have a property with a very large backyard that is a blank canvas and I am super excited to get planning for the spring!! (I breathe, sleep and dream gardening/landscape design, but there are so many resources out there, and (so far;)) I have no formal training, but I seem to have a good eye for garden design and a green thumb – I am in the northeast corner of Canada – excited to learn from you and others here!

  17. I never thought about why I love big bushy green plants like a jungle but when you mention growing up I used to always love the tall grasses out back because I'd pretend to be in a jungle and be on an adventure hahaha Now I know why as an adult I still love those!

  18. I have watched a few of your videos now, because I am designing a garden from scratch for a new build house. I have found your videos helpful and informative, but I think I see things better in 3d and love the software you use. I don’t suppose that is affordable for a amateur to use now and again? If you know of a software package Jo public can use that would be 👍 great

  19. Please slow down your speech as foreigners will never understand you and it would be a terrible shame as you are extremely knowledgeable.

  20. I don't know how I stumbled across this video,, but I am so happy I got here.
    I moved to an acre (4 years ago) that's situated right in the middle of BIG AG (ugh!!!). My whole goal was to try to make a "safe" area for birds in the midst of MILES of corn and soy. I have an extremely limited budget and so each year I'm only able just add just a few shrubs and trees (nesting and food sources) , but even in this short time frame, I've actually starting to notice an increase in the amount and variety of birds. This year, we even got a red-headed woodpecker!!!!!!!!!! Each new bird or butterfly encourages me even more. There are huge setbacks on occasion—it's hard to compete with 10,000 acres of poison spray, but I am determined to see this through. I figure I have 20 or so years left in life (unless the poison sprays get me!!), and by then, hopefully, birds travelling through the area will have a nice stopover.
    Love your channel–looking forward to seeing more.

    🪴Design-Your-Own Landscape Layout ONLINE COURSE 🪴is now OPEN for enrollment!
    For do-it-yourselfers who want to create their own landscape design, but just need a little extra guidance.

    I’ll walk you through the design process, step by step, so you can create a practical, hand-drawn "layout plan" (a landscape design plan that shows the layout of the finished design).

    Learn more and sign up, here!

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