Backyard Garden

Starting a Garden from Scratch Episode 1: Breaking Ground

Out with the old and in with the new. Kyle and his family start a new garden from scratch on a bare piece of land at their new house. In this episode you will learn about how he got into gardening and watch him break ground.


  1. I appreciated the tour and history of your earlier gardens and loved the video! I was just curious what zone you're in? I had to do the same thing with my backyard (there was nothing but weeds in our yard!) but ended up opting for a perennial garden since the growing season in zone 4/5 feels so short! I'd love to have more vegetables/grow more food. Any useful advice?

  2. Great job! 👍🏻 it’s Sad to tear down your old garden, But I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with your future garden 🪴 space!

  3. I love it your video about how to grow sunflowers Kyle🌻You have a new suscriber your Veggies garden is amazing😀😉

  4. I believe I got the idea to trellis my melons on the mammoth sunflowers from you. I tried last year but some pests got to my melons. So far so good this year! Would love to hear your thoughts on companion planting, I’m always weary of planting too close together.

  5. Awesome video, having lived near Kyle I’ve had the opportunity to taste several vegetables from his garden. Looking forward to seeing his new garden.

  6. The picture when you say in 2016 at 4 minutes and 14 seconds in was that taking up the Sebastopol Farmers market

  7. I've been subbed to John for years (even bought a juicer from him). My sister sent me to your channel, said you're from our home town. I was there visiting right after the fires.The woman who was in the storm drain was my friend's best friend. I'm going to sub and catch up with the rest of your videos. : )

  8. thank you for showing how you started. i always see these videos of people
    with sprawling gardens and i’m
    like well how did you get there? i started my container garden this year and it didn’t do so well but i’m not giving up!

  9. When he was taking down the old garden omg that was SOOOOOO satisfying to watch sped up!!!

  10. Hi. I moved into a house with some raised beds and some pretty great soil. But raised beds are falling apart and i want to redesign it. Ive been hilding navk because i do not want to waste the soul the previous neighbors developed (it looks very rich and definitely better than the local soil. Any recommendations? Should i dig up all the soil and put it in containers until i am ready to refill the new raised beds? I know its a dumb question, but i am a beginner.

  11. Hi, enjoyed your video. I have an established garden, perennials and vegetables, we are moving to a different state this year so I am worried about my garden. I don’t want to start again as I am in my 60’s but you have inspired me 👍
    Quick question: what do you typically eat in a day? I am trying to walk steadily towards a plant based diet.

  12. Exactly what we needed! We rented a house with a garden and we told the landlord that we wanted to learn how to take care of the garden. We dont know anything about gardening:) We start from scratch with you !

  13. subbed, I am looking to start some gardens in my backyard. I have horticulture background for containter gardening/greenhouse but I am not very handy with building and don't have many tools. I do have a tiller and plenty of land. Should I get my soil tested before breaking ground? I have a compost pile with good soil and lots of organic amendments for the soil. Should I add any amendments first or get a soil sample first??

  14. Sunglasses are weaponized, if ya didn't know, and promoting wearing a mask?!? No thank ya!

  15. Thinking about starting a garden but…Not gonna lie a lot of history. The whole chopping trees down and making a compose bed kinda scared me.

  16. I’m starting my garden, never done anything like this before, was wondering, once I til the section I’m working in, do I need to do anything with the grass and weeds before or after using the tiller

  17. Great video, sir! My backyard looks just like that and this video gives me an idea of the prep work involved.

  18. Hey thanks for this. The series is really helpful. I’m looking at doing something very similar. I was looking at pulling the grass up completely prior to rolling and adding compost as I was worried the grass or weeds would grow back. Did this happen to you or does tilling it thoroughly mitigate that.

  19. New subscriber. Your channel was the one one I found which starts from the beginning. If you know of others like this can you pl share? Have a couple of questions. I cleared 25 trees from my 1/2 acre fenced in backward for the purpose of gardening. I was going to leave the stumps in place because I don't intend to garden in every inch. Is that a good idea? Secondly, by felling trees I have natural wood limbs all over. Can I just scrape them to the sides and create a walkway and till the middle for raised beds? I have aged horse manure ready to amend the soil. Thank you

  20. With sky rocketing grocery prices, everyone should have/start their own garden (in ground and/or above ground)…… much healthier yields, and FRESH right out of the ground.

  21. Talk about major compaction!!! I would plant a cover crop to break up the soil. Using something like radishes

  22. Very inspiring videos. Thanks for sharing. I’m a beginner, and this may be a silly question, but will the grass and weeds spread to your garden? Or what do you to do to keep them off your garden?

  23. did you have trouble with grass coming up? everything i read says the grass needs to be killed or removed prior to tilling

  24. I absolutely love this video. What you’re doing is so beautiful for you and your family. Your kids are learning hands on one of the best skills there is to learn❤

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