Gardening Supplies

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#1 place to get Gold and Silver in 2023 –

My Patriot Supply Emergency freeze dried food and supplies –

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True Leaf Market Seeds, a GREAT heirloom seed company! –

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True Leaf Market Seeds, a GREAT heirloom seed company! –

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  1. Gidday from Oz guys 👊

    Hey mate do u have any suggestions for hardening or better protecting our property/gardens/animals etc??

    Stay safe brother 🤙

  2. Whoa !!! looks like vegans would vote these corrupt jerks since they would like that disappearance of meats & animal products like milk & eggs ; besides the lgbtq would vote them into office and the rich who don't care about the others' survival like when a Wal-Mart sella cheaper then local mom & pop stores & businesses to then these when gone spike up prices higher then the now gone mom & pop places.

    They'll vote biden or the like into office also criminals not yet caught thus not with a record yet who use criminals to do their dirty work will also vote these in.

    GOD put someone thru who he can restore

  3. I am not native but grew up in Seattle during the 70's as a child my stepbrothers and stepsister is tribe.
    I left Seattle area for northern Nevada,connecting with tribes here,go spend a week with what you carry.

  4. I've started gardening later in life and it ROYALLY kicks my butt during prep season. Once everything is transplanted and growing it gets trivially easy. It's just the dirt-work to prep the ground/beds to be ready for my transplants that beats the snot out of me and my bad back, bad knees and bad hips. MY POINT: if I can do it, most anyone else can do it. If you can only manage one row per day, then start early and do one row per day. Just do what you can with what you've got and build it up over time. It's worth the effort.
    They may be the most expensive veggies to ever cross your lips, but the capability could prove to be *priceless* if we have another govt induced "supply-chain oopsie" or similar man-caused global problem (like a completely avoidable world-war with Russia/China that politicians drag us into?).

  5. I thought this is why you’ve “come out of her my people” I would think out in the boonies there wouldn’t be any problem this is a total over kill scenario in my opinion

  6. I can hear crowds of schoolchildren screaming out my back door. The High School is a quarter mile away so it must be a ball game going on. Lots of folks are living it up till the last moment.

  7. Rucking…up hill…in fresh pollen…while communicating knowledge…you ARE embracing the suck! 👍🏻 🇺🇸

  8. Liberals STILL believe Biden is the best. Joe Biden and his administration have really messed up.

  9. I just put my first seed order in and I've been learning how to fish as my hunting spots are unavailable.

    Doing what I can to improve my skills brother

  10. Travis, you are so spot on. This chaos has been slowly getting worse. I have felt the black cloud moving closer. I don't think we can be prepared for everything. Just get as prepped as you can. Think of every scenio. EMP, have what you need to be ready for no electric. The craziness with food getting scarcer. People are gonna be nuts. Just be mentally ready for water comes. If you're not a Christian, you might rethink it. Just think outside the box and be ready for whatever comes. Don't freak out. Keep your head on straight.

  11. This is the second time I have tried to watch your video but the hiking noise in my earbuds is too much. I have to leave. Sorry, I'll try again some other time.

  12. I got an early start here in VA. Potatoes (2X70' rows) and onions went (2X70' rows). The garlic we planted last fall over-wintered just fine and are doing great! The garden used to be 60' X 100' and my goal is to make the 30' expansion fairly soon.

  13. You should never forget that at the core of this is the destruction of Western nations, cultures and peoples. This is a form of genocide. That's what it is. Hiding in the woods with beans and rice ain't gonna protect you from that. They will find you and root you out.

    And considering what the US "elites" have done to America and the West (it's not just bad here) I really don't know why you would fight China. I wish China luck. Americans are not capable of fighting their leaders– so we can only hope someone else will defeat them.

  14. To bigmamma818, I am in the same position. My husband doesn't think it is necessary. I keep prepping around him. If you want to discuss more details on how I do that, let me know.

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