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  1. It is right that you do not need a huge amount of land to do a lot! Well I would love to live find a huge farm with more room, I currently live in a residential neighborhood on a 7000 square foot lot. A ton of that is taken up by a swimming pool that we are currently trying to get rid of. However we are growing and off a lot of food in a fairly small area. We are growing everything from herbs to corn. Everywhere I find a square inch of dirt to plant something in something gets planted. If it doesn't have dirt it's in a pot. We're raising chickens and rabbits, thinking about getting quail and we have two small greenhouses we bought off of Amazon. It's not the prettiest but it is our little residential homestead and we're making it work. We can prepare wherever we are with whatever we have.

  2. Thanks for explaining ducks! My kids want them, and i just couldn't see a good purpose because i dont appreciate duck meat. But eggs and eating garden bugs is a great resource to me love your channel friend. Lets keep going strong. Also, i believe gardening and chickens are amazing therapy

  3. Travis, hello I have only been listening to your show for a short while. I was wondering if you had heard that ducks are high carriers for the bird aviary flu? Does that concern you?

  4. 250, million people live on the East Coast.
    I’ll take my chances with 50 million on the West Coast.

  5. I have a friend who is 93 and he has been telling me about the depression time. He says his family isn't listening to his stories. Rabbits are not kosher.

  6. Plant perennials. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and a dozen fruit trees. Raised bed for annual harvests…all on regular city backyard…waste not , want not🦬
    GOOD LUCK 2CNDN 🫐🍎🍓🍑🌶🥒🍒🍐🐇🦫🪶🦮🦝🦬🦬

  7. Painful to watch you break your back tilling that field, bro. Watch "Back to Eden." Save you hours of backbreaking work you're doing.

  8. I really appreciate it when farmers like you who have large properties to manage go above and beyond for production. I keep leaving comments for people like me in the city who can't grow half our food needs to produce more seed crop then we need, because that can be done on small property one bean plant one sunflower plant can potentially mean hundreds of plants from the seeds of just one plant. I'm sure as the government world order continues to organize scarcity on our behalf that people like you with lots of land might have a hard time finding enough seeds. I hope this can bring people back together. Lots of farmers past two years have already taken government money and just not planted, many are retiring this year a huge percentage of them! Retirement just means working less, because they probably have already been working less as they age anyways. At some point, I think this depression will look like something organized I don't know. I'm scared for my family who live in seperate cities can't handle money and live in seperate apartments with no yards they chose that.

  9. The rich.. Satanists are planning on total collapse from what is known with seed bank in solid rock in Norway with millions of seeds to periodic articles / videos of massive underground storage systems with continued daily food surprise for them to be doing this after all if you are the ones who planned and carrying out the depopulation agenda the you would prepare for after the collapse of the world system..mental illness is rampant.. .. solution..have the mind of JESUS CHRIST

  10. I am making a lettuce / Greens hydroponic grow tower this year for my back patio. So excited to do this! I will have my favorite greens and herbs right by the house now, instead of out in the big garden that I call my food jungle. Thrive on and grow your own food.

  11. It costs $40 for my family in a burger drive thru and that’s without buying drinks !

  12. Love seeing your ducks – so cute – agree 100% ducks over chickens, IMHO

  13. We are in such drought it is hard to plant too much. We could run out of water. I planted tomatoes from seed this year and they are doing good. Got 4 eggs today out of 5 hens

  14. He who tills his land will have plenty of bread,
    But he who pursues worthless things lacks sense. -Proverbs 12:11

  15. Even after 15 years doing this, it is so hard to convince people to adopt this lifestyle when there doesn't seem to be an imminent threat in their minds. It really just boils down to the work involved. You are right, the real end goal is for us all to become less dependent, because that would make a lot of things better in the world. But it all takes work, and that is the part that holds people back. But once you have done it for a few years, the benefits become so clear. Great video!

  16. I remember you mentioning the breed of the small sheep but I can't remember the breeds name! Can you share that again please? We have half an acre and I think we can have them. Thanks

  17. Travis just keep telling us what we need to Blessings to u your family ❤. Love your information. U keep and helpful to a lot of people. Nothing negative about growing a big garden even if things don’t happen I agree what you said donate it give it to people I look at it like we’re learning we did the best we could next year will be better. Getting our hands on our feet in the soil and working it is grounding. That’s what we need to get back to get back to the earth. That’s what we came from. I tried to take my shoes off and go barefoot when I do stuff outside. having a bad day, I’ll go out in the yard work in the garden my flowerbeds, pull weeds the minute I touch the dirt everything goes away so it’s therapy and it’s free and it’s what father gave us.

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